My heaven

My Beautiful Obsession


I'm attracted to her.

Overly attached as some may say.


She's beautiful, breathtaking, unique.

I'm in love with a person, who is not mine.


She has another. Someone else is holding her in his arms.

Not me.


I need her-she is my obsession.


 I remember the first time I saw her, it was like yesterday.


I saw her on the street in her town. My van was broken and my manager told me that it would take some time. He told me to stay close.

I'm in a foreign country where no one knows me.

What could happen?


The town was small, there weren't many people around.

I was walking along the alleyway. When I turned the corner, somebody bumped in me. Hard.

It was a girl.


Her things scattered on the ground, but I caught her before she followed them.

I looked at her face, she was beautiful.

Her gaze, I will never forget it-


It was a mix of surprise and fear.

I caught myself addicted to it.


After a moment, she blinked and smiled.

"I'm sorry."

She whispered. Her voice.

It was... so angelic.

I helped her regain balance.


"Cansahamnida, Kwon-ssi."

She knew who I was.


 I stood still, not looking away from her.

She kneeled on the ground to gather her things.

I did the same.

The fallen things on the ground were sketches. They were beautiful.

I smiled lightly and looked towards her.


"These are very good." I said in a low voice.

Where was it, when I most needed it?

Luckily, she heard me.

"Thank you." She smiled.


I handed her the sketches and helped her stand up.

She was so small in my arms. It was like she was made for my embrace.


I was hypnotized by her scent, her aura, her everything.


She finally broke out of my embrace and bowed, smiling.

"Thank you for helping me,"

Her smile became smaller.

"And I'm sorry for bumping into you."

She chuckled softly.

Music to my ears.


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I changed the title, I'm sorry, but there are just to many stories with the previous title.


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freakandheart #1
Chapter 13: simple and sweet and i think i love it *wink2
Chapter 13: i love it!
Chapter 13: Oh god if it was any longer.
honey, this story is beautiful tho <3
OMG! after reading the description~ I got so hooked! Starting to read it now.
SJCDG205 #5
Chapter 13: Yay! Thanks :) definitely do a sequel!!!! Awesome story
Addicz #6
Taeyang never win
KimMichax123 #7
Chapter 13: YES!!! Please do a sequel of taeyang pleaseee!!! hahahha
I so like it author-nim!!
AHHHHHH~ Are you kidding me? TOP as the main character?? God! I can't wait to check that out!! ohohoh!!
I love you author-nim! Fighting!!!!!!!
SJCDG205 #8
Chapter 12: Great story! Quick suggestion though, the font is awesome, but the color makes it really hard to read, think maybe you could put it in black? Thank you! Loved the ending, keep writing!!
Chapter 12: ~Wooh! This story is worth reading! I Love it author-nim!! (^o^)/