Not Afraid of Death

After Dark

"My, my... if I didn't know any better, I'd straight out call you a heartless jerk."

Jae turned towards the voice and caught a glimpse of white chiffon fabric before a face dropped suddenly to replace it. The girl. Hanging upside down. Her dark hair swung back and forth like a dead animal. The thin silky material clung to her petite frame like static.

"Are you attempting suicide? If so, next time, don't tie yourself to something when you jump." Jae's eyes trailed up the length of her body to the long fabric that was suspending her in mid air by her ankle.

"Where are your eyes wandering to? Look me in the face when you're talking, fool."

Jae lowered his gaze and was surprised to find himself making eye contact with the strange girl. He felt angry.

The girl continued, "Really? Suicide? Are you stupid? Why would I bother with something so trifling as-"

"Then what are you doing up here?"

She grinned. "What I do best, of course. Conquering my fears... one at a time."

Snow continued to fall.

The nearby gargoyles caged in ice looked more alive than the man frozen on the balcony. The upside down girl seemed to be preoccupied meditating on his eyes. Though fleeting, the slight change in his expression could not escape her notice. What she saw pleased her.

Jae took a small step back. Why did he feel such waves of anger crashing over him? The sound of his beating heart deafening his ears. And at that moment, falling snow turned to rain. It came down upon them in heavy sheets, plastering their hair and clothes to their skin. Jae’s long wet bangs covered his eyes and he was thankful for it.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I unintentionally hit a nerve?” her voice uncanningly clear through the pounding rain. As if... she stood right beside him. With arms outstretched, the drenched girl in white hung like a fallen angel.

“Mmm... it feels so good getting caught in the rain... especially one like this.” She closed her eyes, enjoying the cold liquid daggers pierce her thin body.

Jae parted his lips but he held his tongue. He didn’t want anything to do with her. He didn’t want any trouble which she seemed to be full of. It was best to leave the girl alone with her little games. Jae turned his back triggering a ring of laughter. His sorry attempt to flee had amused her.

“No doubt about it. I can tell, all your life, you’ve been turning your back and running away. Your cowardice sickens me. The mere stench of it leaves a bad aftertaste.”

Jae felt as if he’d been stabbed in the chest. It was becoming increasingly hard to breath. She waited patiently for the words to sink in before continuing.

“Just like that girl. No fight. No courage. Afraid of hold on to the ones they love. No... you’re not a heartless jerk. You’re just a frightened child.”

It only took a minute for this no name girl. She had completely torn down the ice walls he had so carefully constructed over the years.

“Hmm... I wonder... if I loosen this knot... what would happen? Perhaps... do you think... will I fall?"

The girl pointed her toe and unwound the fabric around her ankle. Never had she backed down from a challenge. She was determined to find out the answer to her question.

Against his better judgement, Jae twisted around just in time to catch her before she fell to her death.

“Are you out of your mind? Who the do you think you are?” Jae started breathing again.

Instead of answer his question, the girl pressed one hand firmly against his heaving chest. “Do you feel that?” She didn’t seem to mind the piece of hair in her eye but he did. With his free hand, Jae brushed aside the hair obscuring her face. He needed to see those eyes again... hoping to see what else they saw in him.

Her lips moved.

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