Mysterious person

What is this?? Love??!!?

The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" I screamed. But Dara got there first.

She opened the door. "Oppa! Its so nice to see you!"

He cleared his throat, "Hey. Is _____ready?"

Dara blocked his enterance, "She might be"

"C'mon Dara, just lemme in." He said, I slowly crept across the room.

"Dara unnie please let him in, "I said innocently.

"_______?" Seunghyun said hopefully from behind the door.

Dara laughed, "Fine, I'll be in the kitchen...but if you leave just holler."

After she left, i leaned on the door, "Who is it?" 

"Your husband-now open up!!" he growled.


"Fine, its Seunghyun."

"Okay!" I swung the door open and stared.

He wore a simple elegant black suit with a white dress shirt ed at the top. 

His dazzling brown eyes caught mine as he said, "You let me in but not your husband?" Then he looked at me.

"Wow!" he blurted, "You look gorgous!"

I blushed.

"Just one thing." He leaned in really close.

My breath caught. I stared into his beautiful eyes, my gaze searching.

His hand went to my hair and he elegantly pulled it out of the bun in one flick.

I closed my eyes as he shook my hair free, its softness surrounding me.

"There," he whispered as I opened my eyes, "You look even more beautiful with your hair down."

I blushed, and he caressed my cheek. 

I instinctively leaned into him, my body responding faster than my mind.

He kissed my cheeck and smiled.

"Come on, I have someone for you to meet."

I nodded, "Bye Dara, Im leaving!"

After she gave me her consent, we left.

For a while we drove in silence.

"Who am I going to meet?" I asked. 

He grinned mischivously, "You'll see."

I rolled my eyes, "Alright hot stuff, keep it a surprise."

He grinned, pleased with himself.

"Hey is it okay if I ask you something?" Seunghyun said suddenly.

"Of course, what is it?" 

He gripped the stearing wheel tightly, "What's your side of the story?"

Of couse I knew what he was talking about...but Im not sure I want to tell him just yet...

"Its a long you know...I'll tell you after I meet this mysterious person."

"Okay." he said reluctently. He pulled inyo the driveway of an enormous house.

He quickly got out of the car and opened my door.

"Thank you." I said.

He winked as he led me to the front door and walked in.  

"I'll be right back." he promised.

The house was beautiful and elegant. There was dark wood and light walls, it contrasted gracefully.

Seunghyun came back with an older woman. 

Our eyes met and tears formed, I felt like I was reliving life.

We embraced and I saw tears in her eyes too. 

"Seunghyun," she said, "Go get something for us while we chat."

Seunghyun stared as he watched us walk into the living room, his mouth open ready to do introductions. But I know who she is. And she knows me.

"_____,darling, how are you?" his mother asked polietly, my hands in hers.

"I'm doing fine. Im so happy, and its all because of you." I said smiling.

"Don't say that child. I've never seen my little boy so happy.Not since you left years ago."

I sighed."I havent told him."

"You'll have to, " she told me gently. 

I nodded. " I love you very much, you know that, ajumma?"

She winked, " I think its  eomonim now."

I blushed and Seunghyun came out carrying cookies at that exact moment. 

"What are you doing? Go show her your room or something!" She shooed us out smiling with her kind eyes.

Seunghyun laughed as he grabbed my hand and ran into his room.

He suddenly pulled me into his arms.

I snuggled against his chest, inhaling his scent.

We stood there for a little bit, seeking each others comfort.

"Thank you," he said into my hair, his voice slightly muffled. 

"For what?" i asked pulling back.

"For making my mother love you."

"No. Im the one you loves her. I owe her soo much. She was the who helped me come all the way over her - " I bit my lip, realizing I said too much.

"What?What did you say?" He cupped my face, making me look into his eyes. 

I bit my lip again, shaking my head.

"C'mon baby, I promise I wont say anything bad Jagiya." He murmured 

He picked me up my the waist and set me on his bed. I was stunned for a moment.

"Well?" he prompted. His arms rested on either sides of my thighs.

I fiddled with his shirt and took a deep breath.

"A couple years ago, I met your mother here in Seoul when I came for vacation. She recognized me right away and told me you never stopped searching for me.

For whatever reason, she wasnt surprised that I remembered everything about you. The way you talked, how you laughed, the way you walked, everything. She soon figured out I loved you as much as you loved me. She devised a plan that would reunite us...So she had me move back here and become a trainee at YG. I owe everything to her. Everything." I swallowed hard and blinked tears out of my eyes and finally looked at him.

His eyes were open and honest. And filled with one thing. Love.

He pulled me into a hug.

"You're not mad at me?" I asked confused. 

He laughed, "Silly Jagiya, why would I be mad? "

I smiled relieved. Then I saw something. "Aw is that us? Its so cute!!"

It was a picture of when we were little. Arm in arm, happy as could be.

I slowly looked af the rest of his room. It was neat an organized. Everything seemed so in place.

"So you have two rooms??" I asked leaning against his bed.

Seunghyun nodded, "Usually I come home but if I dont, I crash in the room you saw last night." he checked his watch, "I think we should head out to our date now."

I nodded, "Okay."

We walked out hand in hand.



A/N: Hey so a shoutout to my first 10 subzies for this story - Love ya!!: 












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Chapter 7: So cute! I hope there is more soon. :3
Loving_my_kpop #2
Chapter 6: This is so good!! More please!
TABIlove #3
Chapter 5: Really love it!!!! So cuteeee!!:)
Chapter 3: This story is cute so far. I like it, looking forward to more updates. :D
Not too bad right guise?? Am needing feedback!!!