It all started with a promise


As kids, Top and Bom promised to meet each other after 10 years by their special tree. See what happens when they meet again(:


He waited by the tree encircling the trunk.

She might not come. But he couldn't afford to think like that.

An hour past.

He sighed and sat at the trunk of the tree and stared at the white rose he had bought for her. 

Park Bom.

The name always made him smile. He could just picture her smile, the way her hair felt through his fingers.

Something moved in the shadows. He stood up.


A girl stepped out of the shadows, "You're here."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

For that the girl had no answer.

He began to walk away, "Well. Are you coming?"

Silently, she followed him. Waiting for the adventure to begin.


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