Safety Measures

Mr. Over-Competitive or Mr. Mushroom Head?

[Eunsung POV]

"...I don't..." I said quietly as if I was talking to myself. But I knew better. I closed my eyes and breathed slowly.

Be honest Eunsung. You have to be honest. 

From the other side of the phone, Minho was silent. My words seemed to linger in the air longer than I expected, at that moment. The silence seemed to stretch forever as i was beginning to doubt whether Minho was still there.

"...Uh...yeah." Minho's voice sounded rough and unexpectedly wavering. Wait. Does HE have any feelings for me?

Have courage Eunsung, a voice said deep inside me.

I took a deep breathe. "I-i don't..." i repeated. "I don't hate you." Minho remained silent, thoughtful, while i explained myself. "I don't HATE you, like you said. But I don't really like you at the same time..."

"Okay..." he said slowly, proccessing my words.

"Umm...I don't know what happened back there with that k-kiss but... for some reason I didn't mind it ...and i don't think you minded either. I don't have any feelings for you right now but-..." I didn't know what to say. I'm confused too. " I'm sorry. I know I'm confusing you but...can we stay friends for now, atleast. You know, let us get to know each other first. I mean, the only thing I know from you right at this moment is that you're incredibly tall, you have a freakishly deep voice and that you're a ert."

I know you all may think I'm idiot right now for rejecting Minho...but i'm sorry. This is my first time. I've devoted all my heart to Donghae oppa all these years and I never expected this! This is just like those cliché romantic stories where you can't love your one true love but silently you're best friend starts loving you without you knowing until it's too late and you have to choose one of them in the end...Okay...I read too many romance novels. I'm sorry!

AIsh! A girl's heart is so complicated!

"Really?" I could imagine smile forming on his face at this moment. I heard him laugh at how complicated this situation is. Hey! Love is complicated! It takes time. Like learning how to ride a bike or learning how to shoot a basketball in the net from the other side of the court. You need to  persevere till you achieve it and sometimes it just has to hurt to realise how precious it really is.

"Fine." said Minho. "It's agreed. We're now officially, friends! I bet you can't wait to boast this to all your friends tomorrow at school!" teased Minho. I smiled. Yes. Over-confident, cocky Minho is back.

"Whatever!" I laughed,glad that we croke the wall between us.

"But that doesn't mean i won't go easy on you at the Sport Tournament, just because you're a friend who also happens to be a girl!" 

What Sport's tournament?

"What are you talking about?"

Just then I saw Eunhyuk coming out from the shop carrying a heavy white plastic bag and saw him making his way towards me. I started panicking. What would he think if he saw me talking to Minho at who-knows-what-time it is in the middle of the night, especially after what he we did earlier on.

"Minho! Oppa's coming back! I'msorryigottagonow! SeeyoutomorrowagainI'mreallyreallysorry!" I said really quickly, estimating the time it would take till he gets back.

"What? Wait! Don't you want to know about the Tournament?"

I deliberated for a millisecond. "Tell me really quickly!" i shouted.

"Okay. It's about...."Silence.



"Yah!? Hello???!!!"

"Yeah?" he said coolly.

"What about it!" Eunhyuk was practically 5 steps away and here Minho was, wasting my time!

"Oh! Find out about that yourself." he answered simply.

"HUH?" i screamed, annoyed.




"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I screamed trying to relieve my anger and annoyance! I can't believe i almost fell inlove with that guy!

"Wha- wha-what's wrong!!???" shouted Oppa,looking concern, as soon as he heard my screams. Oops. I forgot about him. I can't tell him about Minho...

I bit my lower lip while i tried to think of an excuse. "umm...spider..(?)"

Oppa laughed at me suddenly. "Is that it? I thought someone was going to kill you for a moment." Oh no. I am the one who wanted to kill a specific "someone" right now!

Then i laid eyes on the heavy white plastic bag oppa was trying to hide behind him. Obviously, I grew curious.

"What's in that bag oppa?" i asked sweetly, batting my eyelashes at the same time.

He hesitated for a moment then sighed and took out the plastic bag revealing its contents. I stared at them, shocked.

"T-this is for you. I guess it's time..." he sighed, shoving a small box and tin can in my hands quickly as if it pained him to make skin contact with them. My eyes widened at the sight of them. "Just for safety measures." He then made a poor failed effort of smiling.

I blinked a few times, expecting that this is all just my imaginations playing with me and when i open my eyes, they would all disappear. But they didn't. In my hands were unmistakably a can of pepper mint spray and...a box of c-c-condoms...


"O-o-oppa..." I immediately threw them back to Oppa. "Euww!!! I don't want it!!!" I screamed.

I must have sounded like a child right now but i didn't care anymore. He looked at me and sighed again. He looked tired and very old right now. He seemed to be carrying a heavy burden on him. And I'm just making it worse.

"You have to." He placed the box and can back in my hands again. "I can't protect you that much anymore and i don't want you to get hurt." He stared directly into my eyes and we both remained silent for a few moments. I could see how much he really cared for me and how much he wanted to protect me. He really did love me.

But I'm not going to do IT with anybody until i'm married!!"I whined...

 I sighed. "I'll take them oppa since you wasted your money into buying them anyways. But let me tell you, this is going to be useless since I'm not using them!"

He pursed his lips like a child but didn't complain."Atleast use the pepper spray." This i could definately use. I then remembered that there were other items that he bought in the shop and i peered inside the bag only to find two tin cans.

 images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQEne_-OzqEVL4EhQRQPbg  images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQEne_-OzqEVL4EhQRQPbg

"Coffee?" That's weird... I thought I'm not allowed to drink coffee anymore because last time I drank coffee the night before my exams, I didn't get a wink of sleep that night and I became super hyper and moody the next day. I didn't remember what exactly happened because I think I collapsed due to lack of sleep but I'm pretty sure I made a paper plane...or swan with my exam paper...then stuffed it in my mouth and spat it in front of the teachers face before collapsing on the floor...Oh! and i broke my desk, my classmate's front tooth and my crush's pencil! Talk about disaster!

Oppa rubbed the back of his head. "Drastic times calls for drastic measures?" he smiled.He was trying to cheer me up. I laughed at him before opening my can of coffee. Here we go baby!

"Cheers!" we both said before taking a long gulp of the delicious coffee my tongue has been itching for ever since I've been banned. I felt the warm liquid travel down my throat and warm my whole body. Before long I managed to finish the whole can long before Eunhyuk could finish his.

I felt as if the world was spinning around me and i could almost imagine small Tweety Birds circling above my head. I felt completely and utterly happy and warm. I closed my eyes, allowing all my muscles to relax...

Is this what being drunk feels like?...

"Eunsung!" a voice said. Oppa? "Yah! Are you alright?" he asked. His voice sounds very distant right now. I saw his hand waving up and down in front of me in slow motions, the colours all blending with each other. colourful...

I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier by the second and i felt my head slowly tilting heavily to one side. I fought hard to keep my eyes open but I eventually surrendered in the end.

"Aish! Pabo!" I heard oppa mutter to himself...or did I just imagine that he said that... I didn't really care anymore. I felt so tired. I felt him my hair slowly which made me feel all the more sleepier and happier.

Slowly I drifted off to dreamland with one thought in mind.

 ..."i won't go easy on you at the Sport Tournament, just because you're a friend who also happens to be a girl!"  

Just you wait Minho...I'll not underestimate this friend who also happens to be a girl...



Sorry for not updating in a while guys but here you go! Hope you like it!

Thank you guys for commenting and who was smart enough to know Eunsung's true feelings!! Well done!! ^_^

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humaira31 #1
update soon!!!!
update soon~~~! <3
SignedAnon #3
epic chapter, just sayin' ^^ <br />
ps. hunger games = one of THE BEST series out there (plus they're making a movie ^^)
SignedAnon #4
lol minho in a maid outfit!
SignedAnon #5
lol, landrover :D update soon!!!