
✰BeauStar's Member✰ (Apply Closed)


 Variety Show

Proudly to announce that SM has chosen 9 of 10000 to be a part of SM's Family!

 by GenieForeverSoNe - 50 mins ago                          7000,984,354 Views | 6058,443,244 Comments


All leader of SM's artist hold a press conference about their new family which is BeauStar. "We proudly announce that we have chosen the nine lucky and talented contestant." Leeteuk of Super Junior said. "Audition for three days was not wasted. Beside talented, All of them were all cute and have a natural look.." Onew of SHINee said. "We will start our variety show sooner and I hope there will be a lot of people going to audition for MCUBE 'Kisses' too since the group will be Beaustar partner." Victoria of F(X) said. Who can it be? Who is the nine lucky and talented girl?




JihyeKang said:
I can't wait to see the new Sm's family!


ShawolSoneElf said:
OMG! I wonder who will it be?? SM really can make me feel so CURIOUS!! Oh I'm curious yeah!


Iamjustme said:
My friend join it! I wonder if she have been chosen?? Woahh!! SM!!


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nunmuri08 #1
Chapter 20: ahahahaha minhee got tricked early.... nice update..
Chapter 20: LOLOL Poor Minhee!

She got tricked!

Awww~ Youngni cried when she found out!

wxfflemeup #3
Chapter 20: That was so cute!! Poor Minhee. she got a hidden camera.
Chapter 20: LOL the girls are so funny and adorable :DD
Chapter 20: omg lolz poor Minhee got a hidden camara
GenieForeverSoNe #6
Woahhhhhh!! I'm so happy to readdd all of your comments!! Youngni-ah!! Clever you can find them!! xDDDD
Chapter 19: yayyy i'm glad we bot got through our audition!!! :DD
woooow the certificate is so coool and thank you to our sunbae-nims!!!!
nunmuri08 #8
Chapter 19: Aigo!!!! Its finally starting... Thanks for the update, im really anxious about the next update ^^