Chanji's Audition

✰BeauStar's Member✰ (Apply Closed)


Coffee Cafe

"Kyaa!! Gyujin! Why did you entered my name? I don't want!" Chanji said to her friend. Her voice was like the whole world can hear it. "Yah..Shh..Put your volume down..You said you wanna be idol? And ESPECIALLY IN SM..Beside you even trained at YG before..You will do well" Gyujin said while taking a sip on her coffee. "But..I will have a stage fright if I'm not very use with the place! YG have GD..He is my best friend..That is why I've done well..But SM..They all....WAS LIKE A STRANGER! IT GONNA BE AWKWARD!" Chanji who was speaking like going to die. "Calm down..You will do well..I'm going to wait you outside when we were there.." Gyujin said that makes Chanji more and more shocked. "Wait..Are you saying YOU NOT AUDITIONING WITH ME??" Chanji stand up from her sit and Gyujin stand up too. Gyujin bowed to all the people in the coffee trying to apologize and she brought Chanji to the park. "Yah! So embarassing! All the people was looking at us as they were looking to a crazy people." Gyujin hit Chanji's arm softly. "Gyujin! You're not going to audition with me? Really?!" "Yeah..Because I saw you were like 'wow..SNSD so beautiful..Their voice powerful..If only I can be like them'..That is why I entered your name..Okay?? You gonna do well..We're going to the third day of audition which is next Wednesday" "But Gyujin.." Before Chanji can speak, Gyujin closed her ear and walking while singing to avoid Chanji from not auditioning.



Auditioning Day


Set: Chiffon Top + Camisole + Necklace

=Chanji wore like this and she tied her hair=

"Gyujin..I'm nervous..I can't dance.." Chanji became nervous as she see many contestant were waiting in the contestant room. She sat beside Gyujin waiting for her number to be called. "Number #1123 #1124  and #1125" Chanji widened her eyes which told her that next contestant was going to be her..10 minutes later, a girl went out from the audition room and 'weird' Chanji thought..She thought: 'why there's only two of them went inside'. 20 minutes later, another girl came out and scream "OMG!! I've Being accepted!!" Chanji's was like WOW-SO-LUCKY! "Number#1126" Chanji began more and more NERVOUS!! When she walk through the three girl, a girl told her "Hwaiting! Don't be nervous!" Chanji who is very nervous bowed to the girl and said thank you to her. "Hwaiting!" Gyjin gave Chanji a 'Hwaiting' sign with her hand. As she went inside, she saw Tiffany,Sunny,Key and Amber were going to judge her. "Begin please" Amber said. Chanji dance and sang a song. After finished, Tiff,Sunny,Key and Amber dicussing whether they have to accept her or not. Key stand up and said: "Please wait the result next week..'Good Job' " As Key said the 'Good Job' words, Tiffany , Sunny and Amber were like nodding each other. Chanji bowed and went outside. "How is it??" Gyujin asked. "Molla..I don't know whether I've being accept or not..They didn't told me the result." 


Do you like it Chanji?? XD
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nunmuri08 #1
Chapter 20: ahahahaha minhee got tricked early.... nice update..
Chapter 20: LOLOL Poor Minhee!

She got tricked!

Awww~ Youngni cried when she found out!

wxfflemeup #3
Chapter 20: That was so cute!! Poor Minhee. she got a hidden camera.
Chapter 20: LOL the girls are so funny and adorable :DD
Chapter 20: omg lolz poor Minhee got a hidden camara
GenieForeverSoNe #6
Woahhhhhh!! I'm so happy to readdd all of your comments!! Youngni-ah!! Clever you can find them!! xDDDD
Chapter 19: yayyy i'm glad we bot got through our audition!!! :DD
woooow the certificate is so coool and thank you to our sunbae-nims!!!!
nunmuri08 #8
Chapter 19: Aigo!!!! Its finally starting... Thanks for the update, im really anxious about the next update ^^