YoungNi's Audition

✰BeauStar's Member✰ (Apply Closed)


Young Ni POV


I have a rival that always compete with me when it comes to 'talent'. She said that if I join the audition, Byeong Mun High School(My school) image wil be ruin! Well, my ambition is to be a singer. I never join singing competition before because if I get number 4-10 , all of my friends will laugh at me and said I ruin my class or Byeong Mun High School image. I just a random girl in school, I told my best friend that I wanna be a singer, but they said IMPOSSIBLE..since I live far away from Seoul. I almost gave up on my dream but when I saw the signboard of SM's saying that they are searching for a singer that have a real talent and natural beauty looks,I went all along from my house to Seoul just to join the audition.


End Of Young Ni POV 




It was the first day of Audition. Super Junior's Eunhyuk and Donghae , SNSD's Hyoyeon and Jessica was the judges. Young Ni wore like this.




She was really nervous because it was her first time singing to many people. She was so quiet when she was in the contestant room with other contestant. She also met a girl also around her age. The girl was also quiet. In the room, there's only Young Ni and the girl were not wearing a make up. Young Ni felt so shy since her rival was there auditioning too.."Number #5503" Young Ni who was so nervous went inside the auditioning room. "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Lee Young Ni , 19 years old. I will sing a song by Sistar Hyorin I choose to love you." Jessica who is feeling so sleepy widened her eyes. She really impress with Young Ni's voice. Eunhyuk clapped his hands. After Young Ni finished her audition, she was going to wait for the judges result wether she has to went inside the "STAR" room or straight away goes home. She was told to goes outside, she thought she was not accepted so she went back to the contestant room and saw her rival was laughing at her. She went back to her house and have a rest.




This is just the beginning where some of the members of BeauStar thought they didn't get picked and straight away going home. ^0^

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nunmuri08 #1
Chapter 20: ahahahaha minhee got tricked early.... nice update..
Chapter 20: LOLOL Poor Minhee!

She got tricked!

Awww~ Youngni cried when she found out!

wxfflemeup #3
Chapter 20: That was so cute!! Poor Minhee. she got a hidden camera.
Chapter 20: LOL the girls are so funny and adorable :DD
Chapter 20: omg lolz poor Minhee got a hidden camara
GenieForeverSoNe #6
Woahhhhhh!! I'm so happy to readdd all of your comments!! Youngni-ah!! Clever you can find them!! xDDDD
Chapter 19: yayyy i'm glad we bot got through our audition!!! :DD
woooow the certificate is so coool and thank you to our sunbae-nims!!!!
nunmuri08 #8
Chapter 19: Aigo!!!! Its finally starting... Thanks for the update, im really anxious about the next update ^^