Chapter 6? 7? I dunno...

Exo Lost In Europe

“Look, maybe the others are headed to Portugal too? Maybe we’re just on a different train?” Tao added trying to calm a hyperventilating Baekhyun.

“We stop in Toulouse, they could be there though” Chanyeol said biting his lip

“Look chances are they’re going to be in Portugal compared to Toulouse otherwise we would have gotten on a direct to Toulouse, dammit! If only I could remember what happened yesterday!” Kris rubbed his temples trying to get his memory back.

“Baekkie! I need to go to the toilet! I’m covered in your goobers!” Chanyeol tugged his Hyung to go with him

“Okay, we’ll be back soon okay?”

“Hurry up, and don’t get lost, if we get to Toulouse stay on the ing train okay?”

“Yes duizhang”

Thus Baekhyun and Chanyeol went on their expedition to the bathroom, the two stepped into the bathrooms hesitantly there were all these European guys everywhere all buff and manly, Chanyeol felt like a stick insect. He turned the tap on and splashed water on his face in attempt to get the dried sticky chocolate drink off his face. Baekhyun just stood next to him applying his eyeliner ignoring the weird looks people were giving him.

“You do realise people are judging you right Baek?” Chanyeol whispered

“Judge all they like, the fans still love me”

“You have no fans here”

“Shut up!”


“Excuse me, passengers we have arrived in Toulouse if you are continuing to Porto please stay seated otherwise please exit the train”

“What do we do?”

“I dunno! What did Kris tell us to do if we got to Toulouse?”

“Stay on, wait no! Get off! Wait! I don’t know!”

“I think he said to get off?”

“Okay let’s get off then”

The two boys ran to get their bags from the carriage which was empty

“Kris and Tao must have already gotten off then! Hurry! We don’t want to go to Portugal and lose Kris!”

They ran out of the train and onto the platform breathing a deep sigh of relief until he heard slamming on the window behind them.

It was Kris and Tao, they were still in the dining area, they were still on the train, but the best part was the train was leaving.

“Oh ”

Kris just sighed as he watched the two boys run after the train before sitting back and closing his eyes, those idiots were annoying anyway, it’s not my fault, I told them NOT to get off and what do they do they get off, ing idiots.

“Suho will kill us…” Tao squeaked

“Suho’s kids are a pain in the ; I take no responsibility for them whatsoever, plus Suho’s also a pain in the ”

“I hope EXO are actually in Portugal or we are screwed”

“Nah I bet they will be, ha wouldn’t it be funny if we all got lost in different places”


“You and your superstitions!”

“You have jinxed us Wu Yi Fan, and you haven’t even finished your breakfast!”

“Oh shut up, I’ll eat it… Later”








“Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap oh my god sweet Jesus what do we do!” Baekhyun went into a frenzy hitting Chanyeol every chance he got



“Look that train over there is going in the same direction! Let’s get on that and meet Kris at the train station!”

“I have no other plan, so you better hope that train is headed to Portugal”

“Yeah… me too”


Chen awoke first moving his head slowly from side to side as he took in his surroundings, he was quite calm actually, that is until the memories started flooding back and the headache starting kicking in.

“Ah ! My head! Oh my god! OW!”

All of Chen’s yelling woke Minseok up who had fallen asleep looking out the window

“Chen, what is it?” He asked rubbing his eyes and looking at a very nervous Chen

“Minseok! Oh my gosh! Where are we? My head hurts! I’m HUNGRY!”

“Okay, okay! Calm down okay! We’re going to Milan well actually Greece via Milan… And we’ll just go get some food for you now okay?”

“You don’t happen to have any panadol?”






“Pain killers?”

“Um… No? Wait… Yeah no”

“Ugh my head is going to die”

“C’mon let’s go get us some water”

“And pancakes?”

“Umm… We’ll see…”

The pair walked into the dining cart and the smell of brewing coffee was enough to draw Minseok out of his morning drowsiness


“You’re such a pabo”

“You love me really Hyung”

“Whatever makes you happy Chen Ah”

“When I eat all of the food in the room I will”

The two lined up in the queue to get food, Chen helped himself to the chocolate croissants, strawberries and a banana smoothie, while Xiumin grabbed a cinnamon scone and a latte.

The sat down in the furthest booth down watching the sunrise, they woke up at around six in the morning so the sun was still coming out, Xiumin picked at his scone as he watched the sky morph from pink orange colour to a bright blue, he turned towards Chen only to see he was gone, already lined up for seconds, how that boy didn’t get fat? Xiumin had no idea.

“Oh my god the French are amazing pastry chefs honestly” Chen exclaimed through his food giving Xiumin a wonderful view of the chewed up food in his dongsaeng’s mouth.

“Stop thinking about the food, and let’s think about this seriously, we’ve been separated from the rest of the group”


“You pabo! We are alone and probably have no way of contacting anyone!”

“Well I guess we can kiss our idol dreams goodbye then!”

“Jongdae! That’s so pessimistic”

“It’s called being realistic honey”

“Well… I’ll send an email to Suho through an internet café… if we find one”

“So anyway are we getting off in Milan or Greece? Cause personally I vote for Greece”

“I dunno we have to ask Luhan and Sehun”

“Passengers, we have now arrived in Milan, please if this is your stop, exit the train immediately”

“Well, I’m guessing their still asleep so let’s just stay here”


Luhan stirred at the sound of the overhead sound he groaned and gently shook Sehun

“Sehun we’re here, come on hurry up”

“Kay Hyung, wait up”

The two dragged themselves off the train, they had no idea where they were.

“Wait… Didn’t we come with Jongdae and Minseok?” Sehun asked looking back at the train

“Oh… Yeah… They’re still on the train… WAIT STILL ON THE TRAIN!”  

“Oh my god…” Sehun face palmed as Luhan made a run for the train but it slammed shut before Luhan had even got five metres of the platform Luhan ran back worried.


“Well we could say they lost us?”

“True… By the way! I am NEVER letting you buy me a drink EVER again! My head is ing pounding what the hell did you give to me last night anyway!”

Sehun gave a sheepish smile as he ran a hand through his hair “That doesn’t matter right now Hyung… Let’s go find a hotel arraso?”

“This conversation is not over, but I’m tired, I’m hangover and I’m jet lagged”

“Hey! Me too! Anyway let’s get a taxi… Man I really should have brought an Italian phrase book with me”

“Sehunnie you didn’t even know we’d be going to France yet alone Italy”

“Wait, we’re in Italy?”

“Yeah? That train lady said this was Milan…”

“Oh! Okay! Taxi here we come!”

Sehun linked arms with Luhan and dragged his tired Hyung towards a taxi, Sehun sure had a lot of energy for a hung over person.


Xiumin and Chen decided it’d be best if they went and checked on their band mates, it had been a few hours since they had last saw him.

Only when they got there Luhan and Sehun weren’t there.

“Can they get anymore stupid?” Chen facepalmed

“Oh my god we lost them!”

“Hey technically they lost us”


“Hey don’t worry Hyung you’ve got me!”

“Yeah… I’ve got you…”

“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean!”


EXAMS ARE OVEEEERRRRRRRR!!!! YUSSSS!!!!!!!!! STRESSS OVER!!! AND NO HOMEWORK!!!!! AISH I still feel really stressed though… Hmmmm

Anyway! Enjoy!!!!!! ^^

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Kokuran-Sora2759 #1
Awesome Story! Please update soon! I love the crack-i-ness and of this story.

кσкυяαи ѕσяα
Chapter 17: hahaa LOL XiuChen.. :) soooo lovely.. :3
update soon, author-nim :) i like this chappy :D
Chapter 17: It was funny. xd
The Netherlands go the Netherlands! ^_^ :D
(I was the one that told the other author about going to the Netherlands because I live there. So yeah. xd)
Chapter 7: “Judge all they like, the fans still love me” <- OF COURSE WE DO, BAEK! >w<

“You have no fans here”
“Shut up!”
^Lolol, sad reality...Orz
Chapter 17: Kyeopta!! Love Xiuchen!!! Update more please!!! :3
Chapter 17: Oh my goodness... I can't even. A coffee deprived Kyungsoo... I don't ever want to see that side of him. And everyone ships Xiuchen. Even Poseidon *wise guy face*
Chapter 16: AGH UPDATE!
Chapter 15: read all 15 chaps! AWESOME! Hope you update soon! THANK YOU!
Chapter 15: Oh my, Hunhan. ^^
And Kris is - never thought I'd say this - cute? xD
Chapter 15: awww the beautiful SuLay and funny Taoris. hahaha.. Kris you're so LOL.. :D well, update soon, author-nim :D