

I wrote this about a year ago on affxtion about my OTP Sulber but kinda ran out of ideas so I'll leave it unfinished but if anyone has any suggestions then I will update okay :3

Oh it's set just before the Pinnochio comeback times and theres a reference to KryBer watching skins in there. If you have any questions just ask :')


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Chapter 1: First chapter and im getting dem feels xD
Chapter 6: Its so hard to find anything Sulber
Thanks for writing this, and please update soon!
Chapter 6: Sulli and Amber they make a sweet couple in your story man.....i kinda like it :)

SO keep it coming
Chapter 6: Sulli and Amber they make a sweet couple in your story man.....i kinda like it :)

SO keep it coming
This is so cute ^^ I really hope you find a good ending for it. -cough- rated m chapter -cough- XD I know I'm terrible. But seriously I really liked reading this ^^