
Love Again...??? (YunJae)
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I blinked couple of times to clear the teary eyes. But it didn’t help to stop flooding my mind with Junsu’s memories. I loved him soo much, how am I supposed to move on when my heart still longs for the same person?

Sighing, I closed the book and looked outta the window again. Watching the happy faces of people, I let my eyes wander around the place, searching for the bench I sat before. I saw someone was sitting there. A skinny figure. For a moment my heart skipped a beat. He reminds me of Junsu. I didn’t know why but I stared at the boy for a long time. You could say I was attracted to the sight in front of me.

The latter was rather feminine, with doe eyes. He had an opened book on his lap and was slightly swaying his legs as he read the book. He would smile for a moment, then pout and sometimes puffed out his cheeks. He seems soo absorbed into the book. It was just like Junsu. Junsu would do the same when he read.

But he’s soo different. He’s different from Junsu. My Su had a short hair but this boy’s hair was kinda long,  straightened and I saw few highlighted bangs. And he was taller than Junsu too. I sighed.

I suddenly felt an urge to know what he was reading but instead I took out a little note book and start writing.


Junsu ah,

                The prince moved into another country. He wanted to keep the promise he made to his princess and he was determine about it.        

                 The place was new and the prince knew it will take some time for him to get used to it. But the prince is soo lonely. He missed his princess a lot today. He found a book his princess loved and he read it. He read it and it hurt him more to know that his princess is no longer there to listen to him reading.

                Suie, they said the main characters of the book lived happily ever after, but this prince knows that life doesn’t always give you a happy ending.

How can this prince move on when he can’t even go on a minute without thinking of his princess??



I shoved back the note book to the back pack as I heard the bell. It was nearly the time for my class, looking out from the window for a one last time; I looked at the bench again.

He wasn’t there. Maybe he moved to another place already.






I walked into the class with a nervous heart. I could feel all the students eyes were on me.  This is one thing I hate about moving into a new school. I hate when people look at me like I just stepped out from an alien ship.

Passing some forms to the teacher (she was a cute person, with a soft voice), I gave her a little bow, before introducing myself.

“Annyonghaseyo, I’m Juns Yunho”

“Tell us about you Yunho” the teacher asked, okay now I don’t find her cute anymore.  Geez do I really have to go through this?

“Urr… I’m Yunho but you can call me Yun if you want. I love playing the guitar and dancing. I compose songs, I’m not that good in it but I’m trying my best. I hope we all will be good friends. Please take care of me.” I bowed again to the class.

“Okay Yunho ah, you can sit next to Kim Jaejoong” she said and turned towards the blackboard.

Now who the hell is Kim Jaejoong? I ran my eyes through the class hoping that this Kim Jaejoong person will give me a sign or something. But I got nothing so I just stand there next to the teacher’s desk, dumbfounded.

I cleared my throat to get the teacher’s attention.


“Who is Kim Jaejoong?” I asked matter of factly.

“that guy over there” she pointed at a boy and I turned my head to look at the said person.

It was him.

It was the person with highlighted bangs and doe eyes.

For no reason a warm smile crept up to my face. I mouthed “Hi” to him as I sat next to him.

And he just gave me a cold stare. He didn’t even bother to greet me or pass me a simple greeting.

Who is this ice princess..???





Rest of the day went fairly well,Jaejoong didn’t talk with me even if I’m all willing to make the conversation. I made friends with Changmin, a tall handsome guy, and his best friend Yoochan. They showed me around the school, told me about the students and the teachers. It was really fun. But they were hesitant to answer when I ask them about Jaejoong. I dunno why but I felt like other students are avoiding him.



Back in the dorm. 


I spend the rest of the evening on my homework, it wasn’t that hard but it felt lonely to do it alone. Junsu and I used to do homework together, and with all distractions like kisses and teasing it took us years to complete it.  I smiled remembering how he used to doodle random things on my book, and sometimes he would rub his bare feet with mine under the table.

I took out my mobile and run through my contacts list. My heart start acting up a little when I saw Junsu’s number there. I had no courage to delete it. and I don’t think I ever will. Though I know no one will answer the mobile I dialed Suie’s number.



*Ring ring ring*

“Yunho ahhh” I smiled to myself hearing Su’s excited voice. I just finished taking a shower after the basket ball prac

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Shubha #1
Chapter 10: Wooow, can you continue pls
Chapter 10: thnk god,u hv updated finally!!
Chapter 10: Oh another winner I like this story!
Chapter 10: you'll update soon right? i have faith in you and i know you'll update
does yuchunnie like jj? OK I REALLY LIKE YOUR STORY NICE JOB
Chapter 10: i hope you see this along with your other stories through, i love this one so much, the fact they both lost a Junsu is like a sign from God, fate is bringing them together to give them a happy ending just like the fairy tales they love.
Chapter 10: Thats n amazing storyyyy congrats :-)
happydays4ever #7
Chapter 10: omg are you back??!! :D
Chapter 10: omg.. dont mess with yoochun or else....
Jt2828 #9
Chapter 10: Love the story ... please continue.. i'm so curious to know what haplens next. Love the chapter 10. Yoochan's POV..
Chapter 10: I'm a new reader and I would like to know if you are going to update this fic . I did liked a lot up to now and it would be a pity to give up.
Please, update soon.