Chapter 10

Love Again...??? (YunJae)
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Chapter 10

In Yoochun POV


I made sure Jae was sleeping soundly in my arms.. I knew it was tiring for him to cry all night but I was helpless, I couldn’t help him stop crying… all I could do was to listen to him, but it only made it harder.. it made the old past resurfaced, hurting him again and again…

I pecked his forehead before getting up and tucked him back in the blanket. He muttered something incoherent in his sleep. I noticed him the blanket tightly, like he was afraid of letting it go..

Sitting beside the bed next to him I stared at his face.. that angelic face of him, the eyes were fluffy and his cheeks were still tainted with tears..  but he still looked beautiful. More beautiful than any girl I know.

Smiling, I ruffled his hair… he groaned to my touch but didn’t wake up..

It’s okay baby bro… I will find your happy ending for you…

I changed in to some comfy sweat pants and a t-shirt I found in Jae’s  wardrobe, I was hurt seeing how empty his wardrobe is, it wasn’t like this before… many things have changed… sighing, I went downstairs to find aunt.. I didn’t have to worry about going school or anything since was Sunday and I was more than happy to realize that I could spend some alone time with Jae.


“Morning omma..” I took the chair in the kitchen table. She stopped stirring whatever the dish she was making and turned to look at me. Passing me her sweetest smile..


That’s where Jae got his face..


“oh Yoochun ah…”



“what ya making”

She passed me a glass of water, which I accepted gladly.

“nothing much Yoochun… just a simple soup and some toasts… I can fry an egg if you want..”

“naw.. it’s ok… I’m not that hungry..” I answered. she was nervous, I saw her fingers shaking a little when she diced onions.

“want any help?” I offered. She gave me another smile before passing the knife to me, and she was silent. 

“mmm… anything you wanna ask me…” I asked ordinarily, knowing that she wants to talk to me.

“umm… Yoochun ah…”

“mmm..” I cut another onion to two and start dicing it.

“is he.. still……”

I know where she was getting at.

“give him some time omma… ”

“I’m afraid Yoochun ah… it’s been two years already… and Jae’s still the same… I miss my old boy… he used to be a diva but now..he’s … lifeless…” she leaned against the counter weakly.

“it was hard for him omma… he lost Junsu and we all know how miserable he was after that… don’t push him…”

“I’m worried… what if he never gets back to who he was… Jae wont talk with anyone Yoochun… anyone other than you and me…” she sighed a broken sigh.

Jae’s words from last night popped up into my mind just as she said that...


Words Joongie said through his sobs.


“Yunho is hurt too Yoochun…”

“I want to be strong this time… for him… for Yunho…”

“he’s just like me…”

“I want to give a try Yoochun…”

“I want to be strong… for his Junsu and mine…”


I don’t know anything about Yunho’s Junsu that Jaejoong talked about but I could guess that whatever he talked

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Shubha #1
Chapter 10: Wooow, can you continue pls
Chapter 10: thnk god,u hv updated finally!!
Chapter 10: Oh another winner I like this story!
Chapter 10: you'll update soon right? i have faith in you and i know you'll update
does yuchunnie like jj? OK I REALLY LIKE YOUR STORY NICE JOB
Chapter 10: i hope you see this along with your other stories through, i love this one so much, the fact they both lost a Junsu is like a sign from God, fate is bringing them together to give them a happy ending just like the fairy tales they love.
Chapter 10: Thats n amazing storyyyy congrats :-)
happydays4ever #7
Chapter 10: omg are you back??!! :D
Chapter 10: omg.. dont mess with yoochun or else....
Jt2828 #9
Chapter 10: Love the story ... please continue.. i'm so curious to know what haplens next. Love the chapter 10. Yoochan's POV..
Chapter 10: I'm a new reader and I would like to know if you are going to update this fic . I did liked a lot up to now and it would be a pity to give up.
Please, update soon.