
Love Again...??? (YunJae)
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In Yunho's POV


It was the very first day of my high school and being a transferred student I was supposed to go to the office and collect some papers I needed to fill and handover to the principal. When it’s all done I glanced at my wrist watch and found that I had about an hour to the next class. I fished out the back pack to find the ipod and plugged in the earphones.

I sat on a bench and let the music fill my ears; it was his voice, the song he sang for me.  Closing my eyes I let the music to drift me into the memories I shared with him.




“Yunho ah” I smiled as I hear him calling me. He was waiting outside of my bedroom, I pretended to sleep.

“Yunnie’ he whinnied.

“Yunho ah, can I come in.” I didn’t answer; I know he would come in anyway. Impish smile colored my face as I heard the door creaked open. Little after, he came and sat on the bed beside me. I felt the mattress sunk down to his weight.

“Yunho ahh” his soft fingers pushed back the bangs that cover my face. I nuzzled in to his hand.

“Yunho ah, I have to tell you something.” He said slowly, never leaving his hand from my face.

“aren’t you gonna get up.. mmm..” his fingers traced my face, touching my nose, my jaw and slightly my lips. It was really hard for me to contain myself from dragging him to me and kiss. I waited to his words.

“Yunnie.. ”  was I just imagine things or did I really feel his breath on my face. He was leaning towards me.

“You know I love you right..” of course I know that baby, and I love you too.  He kissed me softly on my lips. Nothing much, just a peck on my lips. I pouted, still closing my eyes.

“if you don’t stop pretending to sleep you won’t get more.” He pecked my lips again. and that was it, I pulled him to me, making him landed on top of me. Wrapping my hands around his waist, I pouted my lips to him. Kiss me now.

And he did. He kissed me, simply biting my lower lip, asking for permission to enter. I opened my mouth to welcome his warm wet tongue. How can he tastes this good. Our tongues danced rhythmically and I won, like always. He moaned to the defeat but I know he loves being dominated.



It was how our day begins. Every day he would come to my room and give me my morning kiss, ( we weren’t sharing the same room but he was in the room next to me.)

That was our usual routine. But now I have to wake up without him. Without his touch and without all those kisses. I miss him. I miss my Suie…





I sighed as his song end and changed into an upbeat one. I checked the time again, I still had a plenty of time before the class starts.

Not wanting to kill time like this I decided to wander around the school grounds. At least I should know my way around. This school was pretty big and spacious. I picked up the backpack and start walking. I couldn’t stop thinking of Junsu though.

I found my way to the library. This is a place Junsu loved the most, he loved being around books. I chuckled remembering how he used to nag me to read bed time stories to him. He would always find a kiddy book from library and ask me to read it to him. I walked around the book shelves finding the books I read for him. I found one; it was the same book I read to Junsu that day. I settled myself on a chair next to a window and start reading it.

 and every page of it brought back the memories.




“read this for me” Junsu passed me a book. We were on his bed, cuddling each other, sharing the warmth.

“aww Junsu, it’s pretty late why don’t you just sleep.”

“read it for me.. please Yunnie..” he pouted. And who am I to resist that cute pout. I picked up the book.

“I don’t get why you always read these kiddy stories Suie, it’s not like you are two year old”

“but I like them. They always have a happy ending and it makes me happy. Now read it Yunnie.” He placed his head on my chest and get all ready to listen to the story and I opened the book to read.


“And then they *yawn* lived happily ever after.” I closed the book with a happy heart only to find the sleeping Junsu. I kissed him on the forehead and dragged myself outta the bed. Before I walked away from his room I heard him say. “I love you Yunnie.”

I love you too Suie..

I still do.



Letting out a heavy sigh, I looked out from the window. It was a little windy, but it was good. I love this kind of weather. I saw students walk and some sat on the ground with opened books on their lap, some were lying down and some ware chasing after their friends, shouting as they do so. It was soo lively but I still couldn’t get used to this. It was too new to me, but I know I needed this, I needed this change.

I stare at the outside for a long time, my mind was having thousands and thousands thoughts of Junsu. It has being three years already; three years had gone without Junsu by my side. 

My phone buzzed. It was a call from my mom, I hit the answer button and brought it to my ears.

“Hey mom”

“Yunnie baby, how ya doing honey?”

“come on mom stop calling me baby..and honey”

“but Yunnie, you are the only kid I have, who else should I call baby?” I could imagine her pout after saying it.

“but you call dad ‘baby’ too” i smiled as I said.

“Yunnie…” she said in a tough voice. But I know she can’t get mad at me.

“I was kidding mom”

“I know baby” and this time I pouted hearing she say baby again.


“Yunnie, are you okay honey?”

“I miss him mom, I miss him too much that it hurts.” I felt the tears welling up in my eyes, blurring th

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Shubha #1
Chapter 10: Wooow, can you continue pls
Chapter 10: thnk god,u hv updated finally!!
Chapter 10: Oh another winner I like this story!
Chapter 10: you'll update soon right? i have faith in you and i know you'll update
does yuchunnie like jj? OK I REALLY LIKE YOUR STORY NICE JOB
Chapter 10: i hope you see this along with your other stories through, i love this one so much, the fact they both lost a Junsu is like a sign from God, fate is bringing them together to give them a happy ending just like the fairy tales they love.
Chapter 10: Thats n amazing storyyyy congrats :-)
happydays4ever #7
Chapter 10: omg are you back??!! :D
Chapter 10: omg.. dont mess with yoochun or else....
Jt2828 #9
Chapter 10: Love the story ... please continue.. i'm so curious to know what haplens next. Love the chapter 10. Yoochan's POV..
Chapter 10: I'm a new reader and I would like to know if you are going to update this fic . I did liked a lot up to now and it would be a pity to give up.
Please, update soon.