Chapter 8

I Never Meant To Hurt You...

It was your last three days at the hospital. You had been there for about two weeks but it wasn't too bad. Everyone (in Big Bang) came to visit you every other day; Jiyong came everyday. You enjoyed his visits. He would always bring you flowers and a card. If he can when you were sleeping, he would leave the present on the table and fall asleep in the chair beside you. You always loved the flowers and messages he left, but waking up and seeing a sleeping Jiyong beside you was much better.

"Hey. What are you doing?" Youngbae asked snapping you out of your day dream.

"Ah anyeong Youngbae."

"Nothing's come back yet right?"


"About Jiyong or anything."

"Ahh. No....I still don't know what your talking about."

".......Ok. Here." Youngbae tossed something onto your bed. "Found this in your car when I picked it up the other day. Might wanna have a look at it. It might bring something back. Oh and Jiyong said he couldn't come today for some reason. Asked me to bring you this though."
Youngbae handed you a bouquet of flowers.

"Thanks Youngbae." You smile at him.

"Take care." And he left.

You reach down and try to pick up what he left. You aren't fully healed yet so it's still kind of hard to move around but you manage to grab it. It looks like a book of some sort. It was in really bad shape though. As you flip through the book you see a whole bunch of scribbles and hand written words. Then you stop realize. You know these words! They're from some of your favorite songs...

One song stops you though. It's filled with more scribbles than words. At the top of the page it said,


Your eyes widen and there's a sudden pain in your head. You scream and drop the book, clutching your hair like a crazy person. You stare at the book in your lap, still open to the page. Looking at it with wide open eyes, dozens of memories start pounding in your head. You see image after image, memory after memory. All consisting around one thing. Jiyong.

A nurse comes running into your room. "Are you alright?" She asks. "I heard you scream."

"Jiyong.....where.....where is he?"
"The gentleman that visit everyday? I don't know miss....he hasn't come today. He's usually here by now...."

Tears start flowing down your cheeks before you even know why. You reach over to the table beside you and pick up the flowers. A blue handwritten card falls out. It only has one word on it.


G-goodbye? What did that mean?

Then you remember something Jiyong said.

"I-I just think-. Well actually. I'm moving. The other members don't know, but I'm going to move out of Korea. I can't stay as a famous singer. There's just too many ways people could find out..."

Moving? No, he wasn't serious when he said that. He couldn't have been. How could he just leave without telling anyone? Then bigger questions flowed into your head. How badly had you scarred Jiyong when you rejected him? How much pain was he going through alone right now? He needed someone, but no one was there with him.

Tearing off all the cords connecting your body to the hospital, you leap out of the bed and just start running.

"Wait! Miss! You aren't in any condition to leave the hospital! You still aren't well yet!"

But you just keep running. No matter how much your body suffers from the pain of the car accident, it will be miniscule compared to the life long scars you will have if you don't find Jiyong.

The first place that comes to your mind is the dorms. It's mid day so the members would probably be at the recording studio, but you just have this feeling. By the time you even get out of the hospital doors, after running down the hallways and stairs, you're practically out of breath. But you don't stop.

"Jiyong!" You yell as you collapse onto the floor of the dorms.

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Seriously I like it. You made it short yet full of explanations and very interesting. Just the way I like. You have a quite amazing imagination you know!
oh btw I'd like to invite you all to read my first fanfic. Sorry if it isn't interesting enough though! :)
brittany_love #2
Ahhhh~! Thank you all very much!! ILY all <3 xD
Err... yes you're probably right...there are probably tons and tons of errors in the story >_> my English could be better ><
I'll focus more on proof reading rather than uploading quickly ^^
Thank you all for your feedback and support <3
This made me Happy :) Great job!
Calidafly #4
Loved it. Looking forward to your next piece!
Awww, this is really cute and interesting. ^^ Maybe you would like to proofread your work (there are many mistakes), but it has a cute storyline. :)
lovis89 #6
she lost her memory? oh god... i guess she's really desperate to find jiyong in her mind
lovis89 #7
omg accidents????
brittany_love #8
Thanks for your comments guys~! I'm trying to update as much as possible ^^
So pleased that people like it :)
lovis89 #9
she's scared.but jiyong is more scared than her