chapter 8

My Lay Prince

Surprised Me




It’s currently 4AM in the morning and I couldn’t go to sleep. Why? There’s a hippo next door who kept on banging the wall. If you smart enough, you’ll know what it means.


Yes, Luhan bought a girl home. I was tired from all the homework and exercises and I can’t go to sleep now thanks to that hippo and Luhan.

I’m in a grumpy mood right now. Since I can’t sleep in my room, I have to find a quiet room that I can sleep in.  All the rooms are occupied so I have two options.

 Option 1, sleep in Kris’s room.

Option 2, sleep in Yixing’s room.


The answer is quiet obvious. I knock on Kris’s door and he didn’t respond. I guess he’s heavy sleeper because I banged loud enough that the stop and I can hear Luhan groaning. Since he doesn’t open the door, I have to opened it myself. Even though I have been in his room numerous times, but his room just fascinates me. I took one of his extra blankets and slept on the couch.





“Wake up Ms.Yunyi. It’s time for school.” The maid said.

“Five more minutes please.” You said half awake. 


The maid looked at Kris and you helplessly so she exited the room. Five minutes later, the maid came back, try to wake you up. But the two of you just sleep like pigs and doesn’t move. The maid gave up and called for help. Luhan came into the room and put ice-cubes on both of your faces.


“What the !” Both of you jumped. Luhan is laughing on the floor and couldn’t stop.

“Luhan, don’t ever use this stupid trick again or I’ll slice you into pizzas.” Kris groaned.

You on the other hand just stare at them blankly with the “I’m so sleepy” face on.


“Why are you in my room this morning?” Kris asked while sitting down beside you. The day had pass by faster than you think. It’s already lunch.

“Because so stupid kid and his hippo wouldn’t shut up so I had to find a new place to sleep in or else I will not be able to wake up.” You said glaring at Luhan.

“I thought Kris already warned you about it.” Luhan shrugged and continue to eat his lunch.

Yixing just sat there quietly and watch you guys talk. Since the last argument you guys haven’t talk to each other since then.


When you guys got home, Luhan went to hang out with his friends and so does Kris. You and Yixing are left in the mansion. When you walk into the garden, you saw Yixing sitting under a table and read. The maid past by, you took the tray and said,

“It’s for Yixing right?”  The maid nodded her head.

“I’ll do it. You can leave now.” The maid nod again and left.

You walk to Yixing and place the tray on the table. He didn’t look up and continue reading.


“What are you reading that you’re so concentrated?”  You asked.

“It’s …..It’s something you have never read.” Yixing mumbled.


*Yixing seems strange today. Why did he mumbled and stammered?* You thought to yourself.

You stayed silent for a moment and distribute the foods to Yixing.


“Here’s your tea and pound cake.” I said, pushing the dishes towards him. He nodded his head and continued reading the book.


“Em….about last time when we argued, I want to apologize. I guess I’m too emotional that day.” I tried hard not to mumble nor stammering. Even though I don’t like apologizing but I felt guilty since I’m one who’s dumb and doesn’t listen in class.


“It’s alright. I’ll be careful of what I’m saying from now on.” He casually drank his tea and looked up to me.


“Okay… I guess everything is alright now. I..em…I’ll leave now.” I awkwardly scratch my neck and return to my room.





When it is dinner time, Luhan and Kris had returned. Since I apologized to Yixing, I don’t have to switch seat with Kris anymore. I pulled the chair out and Kris looked at me confusingly. I gave him a smile signaling everything is fine. He nodded his head and sat next to Luhan.


“Okay kids, one of my friend’s granddaughter is getting married next Monday. We’re invited to their wedding. You will not be attending school that day and we’ll leave at 4PM in the afternoon. Please do dress nicely and let’s eat dinner now.” Yeye said.


Before I go to bed that night, Yixing came to my room. He did something that surprises me. He hand me a box and said, “Open it.”


I opened it and it was a star necklace and the diamonds and twinkling when light reflects it.


“Thanks Yixing. It’s very pretty.” I smiled. He nodded and smiled which is rare to see.

When he left the room, I found an envelope underneath the paper stripes.



I’m sorry for being rude to you. I guess Grandpa Shangguan is right. I have to watch my tone and words while speaking. It’s not that I don’t like you just that you’re new to me. I felt slightly uncomfortable and your words make me have the desire to retort.

                                                                                                                               -Zhang Yixing 张艺兴



Surprised me…

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Chapter 12: she said yes!!!
Chapter 12: arrrrrlkfj!!! yes!!! haha
k_nana #3
Chapter 11: Poor yunyi, playful yixing~
Chapter 11: OMG! Just say yes!!! Haha I love this playful Yixing
Chapter 11: Just say yes! ^^
Chapter 11: i'll trade places with her. lol
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update. I love Lay
Chapter 9: new reader~

i can't say anything~ hihi
pls update soon~
Chapter 8: I can't wait to see what happens.
qoditha #10
update soon :D