Chapter 1

My Lay Prince




Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.


              School had ended two days ago. Most teenagers at the age of seventeen will either choose to travel or bum at home during the summer. Well, it's not the case for Liu Anyi. Every summer starting from freshmen year in high school, Anyi has to apply for jobs so she can save up her next two semesters' tuition. On the second day of the break she walked into a cafe twenty minutes from her house for an interview. 


"Good morning sir, I am here for an interview." Anyi closed the door behind her and walked behind the counter for a private interview. 

"Hello young lady. You must be Liu Anyi! We will get through some basic questions and I will consider if you qualify for the job."  The cafe owner quickly run over the procedure. Things were going well and Anyi thought she nailed it. 

"I would like to ask you a question Ms. Liu. Among all the young applicants, what makes you special?" The owner dropped the last question and Anyi's brain blanked out for  good five seconds.

"I have no specialty but I am a hard-working person and my happy personality can brighten the workers and customers in this very cafe." Anyi answered.


The owner remained silent for a minute. When Anyi thought she bombed the interview, the owner congradualted her for nailing the job and told her to start tomorrow. She smiled brightly at the owner and shook his hands. When she walked past the front door, she ran back to her house. She was in so much joy that she can't wait to tell her parents about it. 


The next morning when she went to work, an employee lead her into the locker to change into her uniforms. She was amazed how detailed this cafe this. Everyone had their uniforms perfectly ironed and washed. Everything is neat and clean. She was more than happy to work. 


"Hello." A voice pulled Anyi away from her thought bubble. She turned to see a petite girl standing by the door. 

"Hello." Anyi greeted. " Can I help you?" She asked. 


The girl introduced herself as Yoona. She was assigned to give Anyi a tour of the cafe and assign her job at the bar. 

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. " Yoona smiled and left the bar.


First day working was difficult for Anyi. She has to remember the recipes for all the drinks and she has to wash all the equipments before she leave the shift, which can be a pain in the . The next day, she asked the owner to switch her assignment. She used all her strength to convince the owner, but at the same time, not to make her seem useless at making simple drinks and cleaning. 


"I heard your little speech. It was quite interesting." Yoona smiled. Anyi put her hands behind the head and scratched it. She was embarrased by the fact her co-worker heard it. 

"It's okay, we all have been there. It's a survival skill you'll need in the future." Yoona said. She doesn't seem to condemn Anyi's way of achieving things. 


Her first customer was three handsome young mem sitting at table two. She had checked them out before approching her customers. There are two blondes and one brunette. The taller blond has very sharp features and a cold aura. The shorter blond has much softer features and his eyes are glistening as if he has stars in them. The brunette also has soft features, but the frown on his face made him seem distant. 


"Hi, may I take your order?" Anyi put on her beautiful smile, trying to awe her customers. 


The tall blondie named all the drinks one by one ,and Anyi quickly scribbled on her note pad. 


"Anything else?" Anyi asked.          

"Nope." The man replied. 


When Anyi hand her note pad over to Yoona at the bar, she laughed. She grinned ear to ear like a baby.

"What is so funny that made you laugh like a five year old?" Yoona asked. 

"Nothing. I just really enjoy my job." Anyi replied. 

"Such bull." Yoona rolled her eyes and took over Anyi's note pad. 


When the drinks are ready, Anyi placed them on a tray and carried it to table two. She walked a few steps and placed the tray on the table. She carefully place the glasses and mugs in front of each and one of the men. When she was about to leave, the shorter blond stopped her. 


"Hey miss, when is your shift ending?" He asked. 


Anyi's brain just ran at the speed of 100 miles per hour. What was that? She thought to herself.

Will he ask me out? 


"I don't feel comfortable telling you that." She said and walked away. 


When Anyi left, the taller blond took a sip of his coffee and said, "she's a tough cookie. Girls barely reject Lu's invitation, and she just did." 


"I can still find out what time she leave and I am not asking her out on my own will. I am doing this for him." Luhan retorted. 


Liu Anyi. The name ring in the brunette's head. This is going to be interesting, he thought to himself. 









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Chapter 12: she said yes!!!
Chapter 12: arrrrrlkfj!!! yes!!! haha
k_nana #3
Chapter 11: Poor yunyi, playful yixing~
Chapter 11: OMG! Just say yes!!! Haha I love this playful Yixing
Chapter 11: Just say yes! ^^
Chapter 11: i'll trade places with her. lol
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update. I love Lay
Chapter 9: new reader~

i can't say anything~ hihi
pls update soon~
Chapter 8: I can't wait to see what happens.
qoditha #10
update soon :D