Zhang Yixing

Protect You (HIATUS)

Chapter 2          

There was darkness everywhere. I feel cold. I’m floating? What’s going on? I want to open my eyes, but I can’t. I feel my body shaking. I want to move. I’m stuck. Oh no! It’s happened again! I feel a tear slide down my cheeks. A warm hand gently brushed it away.
“I know you can hear me, Suho. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Trust me.” A soothing voice penetrated in to my mind. Then I feel back into unconsciousness.


My eyes snapped open to a washed white ceiling. My head is throbbing like I’ve been hit with a cricket bat and I don’t know where I am.
“You’ve passed out.” I sat up but my brain hurts too much, so I lay back down again with a hand helping me on my shoulder. “You need to be careful!” I finally see who it was and it was that new kid, what’s his name again? Yixing, wasn’t it?
“What happened?” I asked, my voice was hoarse. He gave me a drink of water, I feel much better.
“You’ve passed out after we shook hands. My mum had to go somewhere, so I had to carry you to the infirmary. You’re quite heavy you know that” he said rolling his shoulders,
“Well, thank you for bring me here Yixing. And thanks for the compliment!” I said sarcastically.
“Your welcome!” He smiled, showing a cute dimple on his cheeks. I grabbed the pillow from under my head and threw it at him, hitting him in the face.
“What was that for?!” he shouted, catching the pillow.
“Shhh! You’re too loud!” I shushed him. I looked outside the window and realised it was already dark. It was summer and the sun doesn’t go down till about eight. “It’s night time already? How long was I out for?”
“A very long time.” Yixing replied. He walked over to me and fluffed the pillow to place it behind my head again.
“That’s a very detailed answer.” I told him. “Where’s my dad? He’s very over protective; I’m surprised he’s not here yet.”
“Uncle Ryeowook had an emergency meeting on his new book in England. He said he’ll be back around next week.” Oh yeah, I forgot that the head teacher and my dad are friends. Whenever he has to go overseas, I stay with Auntie BoA in her house on the school grounds. I tried convincing him to let me stay in the house on my own but he won’t have it because he takes Sungmin with him, so he can’t protect me. 
“Do you want to go to your room?” Yixing asked me. I nodded. Suddenly, his hands were on me and he picked me up bridal style.
“Whoa! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” I was caught off guard by his actions.
“Your body is too weak to move right now. So, I am being a gentleman and helping you by carrying your weight for you!” he walked out of the infirmary and down the hall. “Now, can you help me out a bit by putting your hands around my neck?” I did as he asked.
“I thought you said I was too heavy for you?” I looked up at him. I can feel his biceps against me; he’s surprisingly muscled for a teenage boy.
He looked at me with his violet eyes, “For you, I’ll do anything.”
“Dude, that kinda cheesy” I looked away, gently smacking his shoulder. He said nothing, just held me closer.


We finally stop in front of two big red doors with golden swirls around it. Yixing moved to the handle which had a little circle on it. He moved his eyes to the circle and it scanned his eyes. The doors opened.
The inside was like any normal house. It had a fire place, a massive kitchen and four bedrooms.
“Your room?” Yixing asked me. I nodded. He carried me to my room and stopped in front of the door. “Am I allowed in?”
“Of course you are, why would you ask that?” I was confused by his nature,
“Well, if your dad ask what a boy was doing in your room, I can say that you gave me permission. What would a parent think when they know that their daughter is alone, in a house with an obviously handsome boy like me?” he flicked his hair to the side, hitting me in the face.
“Ow!” I rubbed over my left eye.
“Oh! I’m so sorry! Are you ok? Here, let me see.” He sat me down on an arm chair that was next to my door. He crotched down and put his hands to my face and examined my eyes. My grey eyes met with his violet ones. Gosh, he is so close; I can feel his breath against my own pink lips.
“Close your eyes.” He whispered.
“What?” I asked, I can hardly see. I can only feel his warm body heat.
“Close them.” I did as I was told and closed my eyes. Everything went silence. The only thing I could hear was Yixing’s breathing. Then, I felt soft lips brushing gently across my eyelids. I pulled back a little and opened my eyes. I can see just fine. 
 “What did you just do?”
“I healed them for you.”
“How and why?”
“So you can admire my handsome face of course~” he shot me an eye smile and that dimple appeared again.
“Ayye~ you narcissist” I pushed him away from me. He picked me back up and I opened the door to let him carry me in.  
My room is painted pearl blue and most of the furniture was black, white or wood. The carpet was white and there was a round black rug in the middle of the room.
Yixing took me over to my four posted bed and laid me down on the black satin sheets. He pulled the covers off and settles me into the bed and tucked me in. Then he walked over to my bed side table and took out my medicine box. I look at him, my eyes asking if he knew. He seems to have understood me and nodded.
"Don't worry love; your secret is safe with me. Here." He passed me my pills and got a bottle of water from the mini fridge and handed it to me. I thanked him and swallowed my medicine.
“So, this fainting thing, does it happen often?” he sat down on my bed next to me. I nodded. I don’t really like talking about it, but I have this brain tumour that won’t go away. I’ve had about six operations now and it still grows back. The tumour doesn’t really affect my everyday life that much. I just faint a few times a day and get really be headaches and that’s it. The doctors say that it’s not going to stop. They don’t know how long I’ll live.
“Do you want to talk about it?” I shook my head. “That’s fine. Are you hungry? I can cook you some food if you like.” Food? I forgot all about that.
“Yes please.”
“What do you want?” He stood up and pulled put a notepad and pen, standing next to me like a waiter.
“Can you make me some seaweed soup please?”
“Yes madam, I shall tell the chef your request. Anything else?”
“Who’s the chef?”
“Me of course! Not only I am handsome, I can cook too. Who else is here? It’s only us in the house,” He moved closer so he was above me, “Alone~” He moved right to my face and breathed against my lips. He was about to lean in closer but thankfully, my phone rang. He quickly pulled back. “I-I-I’ll go make your food now.” He dashed off to the kitchen.      

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doing the next chapter now ~


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boa? eh
exo_sulay #3
Chapter 11: Who is that man??
Lay, save Suho quickly...
update soon ^^
Chapter 10: haishh. WWHHHHYYYYYYYYY.. kay wtver. if she hurt suho than yixing can heel rightt? updaatee soon!!