Unconsciously Loving You (Part 2)

SkyPanda Love Oneshot Collection

“Dara-unnie!  Minji-yah!”  Chaerin called out as soon as she stepped out of Seungri’s car.


“Unnie!  Oh my gahd, you’re back!  You’re finally back!”  Minji hugged her tight.


“CL-roo!  My CL-roo!” Dara hugged them both while squealing.


“How are you, guys?  I missed you so much!  How’s the flower shop?”


Chaerin owns a flower shop.  It is a partnership between her and her cousin, Dara.  But since she went to Japan to study, the shop was managed by Dara.  They hired Minji as their assistant.


“Oh, business is doing great, unnie!  Last month, we actually had a contract with Seungri-oppa’s company!” Minji reported.  “They are ordering a lot of flowers every two weeks because they need to change their flower centerpieces, etcetera.  Isn’t it awesome?!”


“Wow!  It is awesome!  Good job, unnie!” she gave her cousin a thumbs up.


“Well, I kinda know why hyung started to order from your shop.  He said he wanted a shop that does a good job in flower arrangements, too.  Knowing yours and Dara-noona’s expertise in that field, I recommended your shop.  I accompanied him here and boom.  I never saw my boss’s eyes like that.  I think he likes noona.”


“Aing, Seungri-yah!  Don’t you dare make some issues about me and Jiyong!”


“I ain’t making issues, noona.  I’m telling facts.”


“Whatever, Seungri.  Chaerin, you must be tired.  You should go and take some rest, okay?  And Seungri, thanks for fetching Chaerin at the airport.”


“As long as it’s Chaerin, it’s no biggie.  I should go home now, too.  I have a story to write.”


“I bet oppa is inspired now~” Minji said, grinning and wiggling her finger.


“How did you know?” Seungri asked while smiling.


“Come on.  Do we really need to answer that, Seungri-yah?” Dara asked.


He shrugged his shoulders.  “Well, I need to go.  Annyeong, noona, Minji.  Chae, annyeong.  I’ll make sure I’ll dream of you tonight, baby.”


“Whatever, Panda.  Annyeong! And don’t call me baby!”






The day after Chaerin’s arrival, Seungri woke up quite early and started typing his story.  He must admit, seeing Chaerin made him inspired to write.  He was now twenty-five percent finished with his story.  He typed non-stop until one o’clock in the morning.


Just then, he heard his doorbell rang.  He opened the door and saw his Sean-hyung, his neighbor.  And he was not alone.


“Seungri.  Can you do me a favor?”


“Don’t worry, hyung.  I’ll take care of Ha Rang.” Seungri squatted in front of the young boy.  “Annyeong, Ha Rang-ah!”


The boy waved at him. “Annyeong, Seungri-hyung!”


“Yaah.  You’re becoming bigger now!  You’ll stay with hyung until your appa comes home later, ok?”




“Thank you, Seungri.  I owe you.”


“It’s nothing, hyung.”


“Well, I’ll be going now.  Ha Rang-ah, be good to your Seungri-hyung.”




And so Seungri started working again with Ha Rang watching some cartoons on TV.  He can hear the boy’s laughter and he smiled.  Just then, he remembered that someone loves kids.


“Ha Rang-ah, do you want to go out?”


“Where are we going, hyung?”


“To some place beautiful.”




“Kyaaaaah!  He’s such a cutie pie!  Annyeong, cutie pie!  I’m Minji!  What’s your name?”


“Annyeong, noona!  I am Ro Ha Rang!”


“Gaaaaaaaaah!  You’re so cute!”  Minji pinched the boy’s chubby cheeks.


“Hello, Ha Rang!  Do you still remember me?”




“Why are you guys here?”  Chaerin asked Seungri.


“Well, Sean-hyung asked me to take care of him.  But then I ran out of inspiration that’s why we went here.  Chaerin-ah~ give me inspiration~ I need you~”


“Stop that drama, Seungri.  Really, you’re starting to give me the creeps.”


“Am I really creeping you out or… you’re giddy with what I say?”


“Don’t you go writer-mode on with me.  Ha Rang-ah, want to come inside and water some plants?”


“Neh!” Chaerin held Ha Rang’s small hand.


“Yah! Unfair!  You held Ha Rang’s hand!  What about mine?” Seungri pouted like a kid.


“I told you stop that.”




After two hours of playing, Ha Rang took a nap at Chaerin’s house.  Seungri continued to write his story.  Good thing he carried his laptop and flashdrive with him.




Seungri was typing seriously in his laptop on a small table beside where Ha Rang is sleeping.


Chaerin peeked in the room where Seungri and Ha Rang are and she entered without making any noise.  She was holding a tray with two glasses of orange juice for Seungri and her.  She also brought some paper and a marker.


“Psst,” Seungri looked behind him and saw Chaerin.  He ushered her to come and that Ha Rang is sound asleep.


She then served the juice to Seungri. After that Chaerin started to write on the paper.


Let’s just talk like this so we can’t wake the boy up.


“We can just whisper.” He suggested.


“Sshhh.” And Chaerin pointed the paper.


Seungri chuckled.  He started to write on the paper, too.


Sorry~ Thanks for the juice. ^^


It’s nothing.  :D How’s your story?


Doing great.  Thanks to you. :3


Chaerin punched him lightly on the arm as he snickered.


I’m serious, Seungri.  Don’t play with me.


I am serious!!! TT TT don’t you believe me?  You’re the reason why I have many beautiful stories!


That earned Seungri a smack in the head.  Chaerin widen her eyes at him.


That hurts!  You don’t care for me anymore… TT TT I’m sad huhuhu


Chaerin can’t help but giggle at their childish acts.  Seungri was again mesmerized by Chaerin’s smile that he can’t help but smile, too.


But they didn’t know, some people were looking at them secretly.


“Kyaaah Mingkki!  Look at them!  They’re so cu~ute!  They really look good together!” Dara whispered giddily.


“I know, unnie!  But why aren’t they taking it to the next level yet?  They like each other, right?”


Dara sighed when she heard Minji’s question.  “That’s the problem, Mingkki.  Chaerin said she just see Seungri as a friend.  Nothing more, nothing less.”


“What?  But Chaerin unnie’s smile is very different.  And her eyes glow whenever Seungri oppa is here.  I noticed that yesterday when they came here.”


Minji had been thinking about Seungri and Chaerin even after he left with Ha Rang.


“Minji, is something bothering you?”  Chaerin asked her probably when she noticed her staring at nothing.


“Nothing unnie, I was just thinking of something.  I’m fine.” She smiled at her unnie.


“Oh, okay then.  If you have a problem, you can just approach me, neh?”




When Minji went home, her mother gave her a leaflet about some fireworks display three days from now near the Han River and asked her if she wanted to come.


Minji smiled while looking at the leaflet.







Sorry if it's a bit boooring~ I was just building up the story.  The next chapter will be more exciting. Hehe!



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SeungriHasMyHeart #1
Chapter 17: You made me love ririn! ^^ pls continue this fic. You're a very good writer. Will be looking forward to your fics. ^^
Xuan0913 #2
Chapter 18: I love the video!! ;)
Chapter 18: Omg the video was so cute ^-^
Thanks for making it <3 :)
Chapter 18: Omo omo I love your story so much, kekeke
I'm always smiling when I read your story, I'll be patient waiting for your next update, authornim ^_^ fighting
dreamslink88 #5
Chapter 16: Seungri you little brat XD Update soon pleaseee :D
dreamslink88 #6
Chapter 13: Good job Chaerin for kicking his balls
dreamslink88 #7
Chapter 12: THIS ONE IS CUTE LIKE REALLY CUTE OMG THE FEELS but please can you do a sequel for this one? ;)
Chapter 16: warghhh seungri what are u planning? XD
dan1234 #9
Chapter 15: so much good stories !!!!~~~<3
Chapter 14: haha ok I will XD