Seungri's Ways I: Confuse Her

SkyPanda Love Oneshot Collection


Yesseu! You read it right! It's Seungri Ways I! It means that there will be a II, III, IV and so on! ^_^

CL and Seungri would be the real CL and Seungri here, as in YG's CL and Seungri. I remembered some of you guys wanted some stories like these where they are who they really are. So I wish you guys like this first part. Please do comment, I am begging you. Hahahaha! XD




"Uwaaah~!!! Chaerin-aaaah~!!! You're heeeere~!!!"


I stopped walking when I heard that awfully familiar voice calling my name. No. It's just my imagination. I continued walking to the counter in YG's cafeteria wherein the nice aunties serve us some mouth-watering food. I heard my tummy grumble. And unfortunately I heard that voice again.


"Chaerin-aaaah~!!! You hooo~!!!"


I turned my head around ever so slowly. And then I spotted him. I squinted at him as he waved at me with that goofy smile of his.


He surely doesn't have any embarrassment in his body. Aigoo.


I turned around again when the auntie greeted me and gave me a bowl of soup.


"Chaerin-ah, he's bugging you again, isn't he?" she asked. I gave her a faint smile and a nod. I started scooping some rice and vegetables for my bibimbap.


"Chaerin-aaaah~!!! Eat with me~!!!"


Ugh. Chaerin, calm down. Just think that he's not here.


The auntie chuckled as she mixes the tteokbeokki in front of me and it made my mouth water.


"Auntie, can I have--"




"--one serving of--"








"What?!" I snapped as I look back at him with my icy cold dagger-like glare but that goofball just smiled at me like how a goofball would smile.


"Eat with meeee~ I'm lonelyyyy~"


"I prefer eating alone so you can stop calling me now, for crying out loud, it's irritating!"


"Here's your tteokbeokki," I heard the auntie said and I watch her put the bowl down on my tray. I my lips as I stare at my bibimbap and tteokbeokki meal. Mmm. It looks delicious!!!


"Eat well, Chaerin-ah."


"Yes, thank you so much, auntie!"


I made my way to the table and sat, my back facing the goofball named Seungri.


I started digging in and I almost rolled my eyes in pleasure. The taste of the bibimbap in my mouth is so good. I ate a piece of tteokbeokki and mmm~ it's like heaven!


This is the result of not eating breakfast and skipping lunch as well.


I reached for my pocket to fish out my handkerchief and I sighed as I didn’t feel it.  I forgot it again. Hul. Why do I always forget to bring my handkerchief with me?


My mouth was stuffed as I am talking to myself in my mind when I saw a tray being placed down in front of me. I stopped chewing and slowly looked up to see who--damn it, it's him.


"Hi! Mind if I join you, Chaerin-ah?"


I continued chewing and drank some water as well for me to swallow my food faster. After swallowing them all, I picked a tteokbeokki with my chopsticks and pointed it at him.


"What do you want from me, Seungri-yah?" I asked then ate the tteokbeokki. OMG. It really tastes divine.


"I just want to eat with you today. I told you, I'm lonely." he said with a pout and sat in front of me.


Seungri and his aegyo. *cringe* This full-grown man is using his aegyo. On me. Gahd. Help.


"Thank God I am eating right now and I don't really care what you want to do with your life. Just sit there, eat and be quiet."


He sat down and started eating quietly. Good.


I started eating again. Mmm! I wonder if I can have a second round. But Ssabu-nim will kill me if I gain another pound. Eeeish~ I wanna eat more. Maybe I can--




"I told you, shut the--orgsh~"


Before I could even finish my sentence, he stuffed some kimbap in my mouth. I can't do anything but chew on it. He smiled at me.


"It tastes good, doesn't it?"


I nodded. It really tasted good. Tsk. I should've ordered some kimbap as well.


"You have something on your lips." He pointed something on my face and I was about to wipe it with my thumb when he suddenly became hysterical.


"Wait! No!"




Then his face suddenly became serious.


"You don't have your handkerchief with you. Let me take it off for you."


He stood up and lifted my chin. But before he can do anything that'll cause him his pain, I pushed his face away when I noticed him getting nearer.


"Aw! Hey, what was that for?!"


I snorted at him.


"Don't take me as a fool, Seungri-yah. Secret Garden is one of my favorite drama so I know what's on your mind. You won't be able to k--"


I caught my breath when I felt something soft on my lips. Then I realized it was his handkerchief. He was wiping the food off my lips.


And I thought it was a really sweet gesture... It actually made my heart flutter.


"There we go."


I looked down and bowed my head when he stared at me and smiled at me. "Thank you."


"Let's finish eating, shall we?"


I just nodded and continued eating. The air around us became awkward, at least for me.


What the hell is this panda doing to me? Is he teasing me? He always annoy the hell out of me then suddenly he became... like this?


Like what exactly?




Sweet? Nah. I bet he's sweet to every girl he meets.




But this is the first time he did this to me. Ugh. It's probably because I am a girl. I am programmed to feel and think things like this.






He stood up again and wiped my lips with his handkerchief again.


"You eat like a kid," he chuckled. "I'll be going first. Jiyong hyung is looking for me. Thanks for eating lunch with me. Oh, and here," he grabbed my wrist and put his handkerchief on my hand, "you can have my handkerchief so you can wipe your lips with it. I noticed you forgot to bring yours. Bye!"


I blinked a few times when he walked away.


Wait... How does he know that I forgot to bring my handkerchief with me?


My eyes went to the auntie who served my food earlier. She was smiling at me with a knowing smile. She nodded at me and looked at the direction where Seungri walked then back at me again.






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SeungriHasMyHeart #1
Chapter 17: You made me love ririn! ^^ pls continue this fic. You're a very good writer. Will be looking forward to your fics. ^^
Xuan0913 #2
Chapter 18: I love the video!! ;)
Chapter 18: Omg the video was so cute ^-^
Thanks for making it <3 :)
Chapter 18: Omo omo I love your story so much, kekeke
I'm always smiling when I read your story, I'll be patient waiting for your next update, authornim ^_^ fighting
dreamslink88 #5
Chapter 16: Seungri you little brat XD Update soon pleaseee :D
dreamslink88 #6
Chapter 13: Good job Chaerin for kicking his balls
dreamslink88 #7
Chapter 12: THIS ONE IS CUTE LIKE REALLY CUTE OMG THE FEELS but please can you do a sequel for this one? ;)
Chapter 16: warghhh seungri what are u planning? XD
dan1234 #9
Chapter 15: so much good stories !!!!~~~<3
Chapter 14: haha ok I will XD