Chapter 7

Rin Silverhands


I smirked to myself, we had a good team. Baekho was experienced and had technique and a whole lot of strength, people wouldn’t expect him to be quick but he averaged at technique. Aron was middling in speed and strength but was crafty and planned well. Minhyun was fast, scarily so but lacked in strength and often acted too impulsively. Ren was swift and clever but lacked strength. Then there was me, a bit of a miracle to the team, if I do say so myself. I was lethally fast, nicely strong and thought on my feet. And last, but nowhere near least, was Rin. The hidden ace. We had no idea how good she really was but I know she downplayed it.

We went to change, before helping each other with the protective gear. We walked back into the hall to see the other group waiting. I saw the order and they’d planned well to what they could see. A short and obviously fast person was facing Baekho. A medium-seeming guy would face Minhyun, a guy that was a well-muscled and buff would face Ren.  I got a guy that resembled a gorilla; I assumed he was fast and strong but a total idiot. Then there was Rin’s opponent, tall, muscled and fast. He overwhelmed her in size but that would be what they’d planned: defeat the little girl with the buff strong one. Boy, were they in for a surprise.

Rin gave us advice on covering their weaknesses and sat down. Baekho was first, he lost kind of painfully. The short guy was scarily fast, a rival to me but he seemed nice and shook Baekho’s hand graciously, saying that if Baekho had prepared for his speed then it would be an extremely close fight.

Minhyun lost and Aron won his. My fight was over embarrassingly quickly, the gorilla didn’t know what had hit him. Then Rin was up. I hugged her and wished her luck as she walked up to the stage. She stretched and let the cracks of her bones shock the other team. This battle was half-mental. Her opponent was smirking at her, thinking he had Rin figured out. She waved cheerily and he frowned. I think she annoyed him.

“Are all girls here as weak looking as you?” He asked.

She smirked. “Nah, I just like to let my appearance fool people. They say I’ve got a grip like iron.” She flashed her hands at him and he paled.

The fight started and she danced around him. And I mean literally danced. I figured she was trying to annoy him and it was working, the pirouette she did really stung him and he growled as he swung at her wildly. She smirked and ducked, something flashed and her sword was at his throat.

Her opponent turned red with rage but dropped his sword and admitted defeat. We applauded and cheered for her and she bowed to us and offered her had to her opponent but he just gave her an ugly glare and walked off.

We were given a half-hour break to relax in and get ready for the art challenge. Yay, Ren’s challenge. He was an amazing artist, the rest of us weren’t terrible but, under Ren’s direction, we would do a lot better.

Rin’s POV

I was proud for winning my fencing match! And proud of the guys for their effort. The next challenge was the art challenge; Ren would be perfectly at home in this being the quiet little artist. When it started Ren grinned. Of course he would have an idea planned out already. He made us wait while he sketched roughly on a piece of paper. He then cut it into three pieces and handed each to a pair of us. I realized it was a sketch of us all together on the couch.

Aron and Minhyun had their bits and were told to use water colour pencils for their part. Baekho and Ren had their bit and Ren was slightly secretive over what they did. Then there was JR and me on the back of the couch. And Ren just happened to sketch us holding hands. I was going to kill him later.

But for now I got paint with JR and decided who would paint what and what colours we’d use.

“I’m going to kill Ren later. After we win the tournament.” JR muttered.

I laughed quietly. “You’ll have to beat Quicksilver-Rin then.”

“Can I be her partner in crime? I’ve always wanted to play with handcuffs and duct tape.” He admitted, grinning.

“Oh please, we don’t even need to leave the house to play with those.” I winked at him and to my amusement he blushed bright red. God I loved teasing him so.

“D-do you own a pair?” He stuttered.

I smirked, knowing what I’d say next. “Yeah, I keep it for the special problems.” It was cruel but just oh so amusing.

“That was below the belt.” He pouted.

“And the problem was easily above the belt.” I snickered.

I started painting the background behind him in the picture while he tried to form words. He sighed and started to work on the background on the picture too. Slowly but surely the picture started to come to life under our careful painting.

We finished and I looked at the whole thing, it looked professional. We turned to Aron and Minhyun who were just finishing. They had done a good job of them on the couch below us. We all then went to Ren and Baekho and gasped. They had done theirs on black paper. Baekho had used a white-ink print for the larger bits while Ren had taken care of the details in white pen.

Ren snatched all three pieces and stuck them on a larger bit of paper. It looked quite cool with the different materials we’d used. I caught a glance of the other team’s work. It was better, easily so, but only one person was doing it and that was the short guy that had beaten Baekho earlier.

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Chapter 1: This is really good! Can't believe you have so little subscribers!
Can't wait to read the rest when I get back from school!
Like the story. Update ASAP ^.^