Zelo x Haejung [ bambiz13 ]

» One Shot Collection (◕‿◕✿) «


"Aniyo!" HaeJung whined, "Cheesecake is better!"
"Ani! Brownies are better!" Zelo shot back.
"DaeHyun-oppa! Cheesecake is better, right?" she pouted.
"I'm not getting in the middle of this," DaeHyun mumbled, picking up his pace so that he wasn't walking beside the bickering children.
"Himchan-hyung! Brownies are better, right? Right?" Zelo smiled, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Not answering. Not answering. Not answering." He chanted, speeding up with DaeHyun.
"Cheesecake is better!"
"Brownies are better!"
"We're here!" YongGuk called over the arguing duo, dragging his hands through his hair and drawing their attention to the houses they were standing outside. 
"Finally." YoungJae sighed. HaeJung turned and saw her quaint little home and sighed.
"HaeJung-ah~" Zelo sang, "Wanna come over to my house with us? We're going to play Super Mario Bros~"
"Aniyo," she pouted, "I can't...I have chores that I've been putting off for weeks and like 4 days worth of homework."
"Procrastionator," JongUp laughed.
"Merong!" she said cutely stucking out her tounge and skipping off to her house, "Annyoung!".
"Annyoung!" the group of boys called, waving. As soon as HaeJung got into her house, the six of them walked three doors down and entered Zelo's house.
Before the door even shut, YongGuk asked, "So have you told her yet?"
"Hyung!" Zelo whined, "How can you be like this?"
"What? We're all thinking it..." Himchan mumbled.
"Guys, he clearly hasn't," YoungJae said, matter of factly.
"Zelo, you've liked this girl for what? 5 years now? When are you going to finally tell her how you feel?" JongUp asked.
"Guys!" Zelo whined, "You know why. We've been friends for 13 years and if I tell her and it ruins this... I...I don't know how I'll live."
"Such a drama queen," the five other boys chorused as Zelo pouted.
"Admit you like her," DaeHyun said.
"Aniyo," Zelo shook his head.
"Admit it."
"Hyungs," JongUp asked innocently, "Does that mean that Zelo doesn't like her?"
"Hmm, maybe," YoungJae smirked.
"Hyung," Zelo whined.
"Now that I think about it - she might actually be my type," Himchan thought aloud, "Maybe I should ask her out."
"Fine!" Zelo cried, "Fine! I like HaeJung! I really like her! Are you happy now?"
"Yes," YongGuk smiled, "Now let's do something about it."
Three days later, HaeJung walked out of class only to be surrounded by YongGuk, Himchan, DaeHyun, YoungJae and JongUp. 
"Ah, annyounghasaeyo sunbae-nims," she bowed slightly.
"You're always so formal with us at school," YongGuk laughed.
She laughed, "Yeah, yeah. I know. Where's Zelo?"
"Ah. He had a project to do after school," DaeHyun smiled.
"Wanna hang?" JongUp smiled.
"Sure," she smiled brightly.
"Let's go to a cafe!" YoungJae cheered.
After three hours and about 50 dollars worth of sweets later, the boys dropped off HaeJung at her house.
"Eeung~ Annyoung Oppas!" she smiled waving. 
HaeJung quickly walked up to her to door and was surpirzed to find it open. Thinking it was one of her parents, she walked in comfortably and looked around. Pretty much every light in the house was flipped on and there were little sticky notes scattered throughout the hallways.
*What the heck...?* she thought to herself has she followed the trail of arrow sticky notes to the bathroom. She smiled softly when she saw a little basket filled with three, ripe cherry tomatoes. Attached to the basket was a little note. *Dear Hae-tokki,*
*That's it?* she asked herself, flipping the sticky note over - looking for more of the message. She looked up and noticed another arrow and giggled softly to herself.
HaeJung slowly followed the arrows, quickly munching on the cherry tomatoes. The arrows lead her to the kitchen where she found another little basket and another note. *We've known each other for a really long time now.*
Another set of arrows led her to the closet where yet another basket of cherry tomatoes and another note. *We've been friends for a really long time too.*
The next set of arrows led to the dining room. *We've always had each other's backs.*
The next arrows led HaeJung to the stairs where another basket of tomatoes were waiting. *But I want you to know something.*
The next set of arrows led up the stairs and into her room. She quietly padded down the hallway and slowly twisted the door open.
There, laying on her bed, was Zelo, with an empty basket of cherry tomatoes and a sticky note stuck to his forehead. She leaned over him, only to find him snoring softly. She carefully peeled the sticky note off and read it. *Saranghaeyo Lee HaeJung.*
She covered to cover a gasp of surprize and Zelo sat up and yawned. "Hi," he mumbled.
"H-Hi," she managed to get out. 
"Mianhae," he yawned gesturing to the empty basket, "I got hungry while waiting."
"I have more," she smiled, curling up beside him and handing him the basket of tomatoes.
The two sat in silence for a couple minutes, contently munching on tomatoes before HaeJung spoke up.
"Z-Zelo. Nado saranghaeyo."
"Chincha?" Zelo gasped, smiling brightly.
"Eeung." she smiled, planting a soft, sweet kiss on his lips, "Chincha."
HI~! I'm so sorry it took so long! I really hope you enjoy the chapter! I actually had a lot of fun writing it~! I can't believe that he's only 15..AIGOO...he looks so much olderrrrrr... HOW COME THE GUYS IN MY SCHOOL DON'T LOOK LIKE HIM?? TT^TT
HEY STOP COMPLAINING AT LEAST YOU HAVE GUYS IN YOUR SCHOOL .___. neways i hope you enjoyed this oneshot and i hope you have a relaxing day :>
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Thx for this
Thx for this
kyuwookislove #5
Chapter 28: Thank u so much for the great fic!!!
AFF Username: LoveDaisy_09

Character Name: Park Sungchan

1st/2nd/3rd Person: 1st Person (I said)

Pairing: V (Taehyung) of BTS

Type of story (happy/angst/etc): Fluff and angst

Short Plot/Summary: When Sungchan was kicked out of her house because her family doesn't want her and V, her boyfriend, saw her crying on the street and immediately removed his jacket and hugged her and asks 'what's wrong?'. V brought Sungchan to his house and comforts her there. When Sungchan said it's a burden for her to stay there, V disagrees and made Sungchan live with him then they cuddle.

Picture: http://kpopselca.com/selca/10826_v-kiss-the-radio.jpg

/No /PWP: No

Random Info: Sungchan was a mistake to her parents. Sungchan is a lonely girl while V is a happy guy.
Chapter 27: /cries/
It made me cry.
It doesn't matter if it took you many, many months
just to finish this request.
I understand that you have a life outside AFF.
All of us does /nods/

It's okay and very fine with me.
Chapter 25: This is just- that is just sweet!
I feel like asking a sequel, but I'm not sure if I can. Thank you for the one shot :D