Myungsoo x Suzy [farabigail]

» One Shot Collection (◕‿◕✿) «
*Go promote on High Society they said - it would be fun they said.* Myungsoo groaned in his head after honestly answering a stupid question and regretting it. That question being - "Which female actress do you want to work with?"
"Really? Myungsoo-ah, really?" Dongwoo snickered.
"Yes," Myungsoo groaned covering his face with his hands.
"Aww," Woohyun cooed sarcastically beside the younger male, ruffling his hair, "How cute."
"Stop!" Myungsoo whined.
"I agree...I've never pictured Myungsoo-ah to go with the crowd. She's like everyone's bias." Sunggyu laughed.
"I'm sorry, ok? I wanna work with her!"
"Suzy! Suzy! Come quick!" Jia called, causing the maknae to come sprinting out of her room, waving a fly swatter around.
"What is it? Is it another bug?" she yelled, looking around the room.
"No," Jia smiled, pointing to the computer, where she was streaming High Society, "Guess who just said he wanted to work with you?"
"I don't know..." Suzy mumbled, sitting beside Jia infront of the computer. Jia brought the video back to where she was talking about.
"Myungsoo-sshi, you've recently made your debut into acting through multiple dramas. Which actress have you really wanted to work with, that you haven't had a chance to work with yet?" SooGeun asked.
"I...wanna work with...missA's Suzy," he mumbled blushing a bit. Before burying his face in his hands because of Infinite's teasing.
Jia paused the video again and spun to face a beet-red Suzy, "Did you hear that? Infinite's Kim Myungsoo - your bias - wants to work with you!" She nodded happily, pushing away from the computer and jumping up and down around the room, squealing.
"What's all the noise?" Min asking, walking into the room.
"Myungsoo-oppa wants to work with me!" Suzy squealed, still jumping around, "He said so on High Society!"
It's been weeks since Myungsoo admitted to wanting to work with Suzy, and things seemed to go back to normal, though Suzy couldn't seem to get it out of her mind.
She was back at the filming for her drama, but she wasn't needed on set yet, so she was just wandering around backstage. But what she didn't realize was that Myungsoo was still filming his drama - on the same set.
She was walking around absent mindedly, looking her and there, when she bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry," she apologized quickly, bowing multiple times.
"I-It's fine," a familiar voice studdered infront of her. She quickly looked up, only to come face to face with the one person she couldn't get off her mind - Kim. Myung. Soo.
The two stood awkwardly infront of one another before Myungsoo spoke up, "Hey, I'm, uh, sorry if what I said on High Society has, you know, affected you...You know...bad media or rumors or whatever..."
"Don't worry about it," she smiled slightly, "The only teasing I got was from my Unnies in missA."
Myungsoo chuckled lightly, "Yeah. The rest of Infinite teased me a lot too. So did the hosts."
"Oh," she frowned a bit, "You got teased...Because of me?"
"N-No!" he said hurridly, feeling bad that he hurt her feelings, "It's not that! It's just that they don't expect me to go after such a popular, funny, sweet, pretty, talented. Gosh, I'm rambling. Sorry."
"No, it's fine," Suzy smiled sweetly, "You're too sweet. I...I actually really wanted to work with you too. You're an amazing actor and singer. And really good looking and atheletic and..."
"Shh," he cut her off with that always amazing smile of his.
Suzy opened to say something, when one of the PDs walked past and called, "Suzy-sshi, you're needed on set."
"Okay!" she called over her shoulder as the PD left, leaving the duo alone again.
"So...what are we going about us?" Myungsoo asked.
Suzy pretended to think for a second while tapping her chin, before quickly walking up to Myungsoo, standing on her tip-toes and kissing his cheek.
A faint blush tinted his cheeks as his fingers lightly touched where she just kissed him. "S-So," he blushed, "D-Do you...I mean...Will you..." He blew out a puff of air in frustration before looking at Suzy straight in the eyes, "Can I walk you to set?"
Suzy nodded hesitantly, as the duo began walking towards set. As they walked beside each other, their arms ever-so-slightly brushed against one another and Myungsoo's fingers sneaked down and sneakily interlaced them with Suzy's. And together they walked hand in hand to Suzy's set.
I honestly never heard of this shipping before. I have no clue how big a fan base Myungzy had...I HAD TO DO RESEARCH TO WRITE THIS. I've read so many posts on why people started shipping Myungsoo and Suzy, and I've got to say IT IS THE CUTEST THING EVER. Although I changed the confession of Suzy being his ideal type to him wanting to work with her, I hopey ou still like it..
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Thx for this
Thx for this
kyuwookislove #5
Chapter 28: Thank u so much for the great fic!!!
AFF Username: LoveDaisy_09

Character Name: Park Sungchan

1st/2nd/3rd Person: 1st Person (I said)

Pairing: V (Taehyung) of BTS

Type of story (happy/angst/etc): Fluff and angst

Short Plot/Summary: When Sungchan was kicked out of her house because her family doesn't want her and V, her boyfriend, saw her crying on the street and immediately removed his jacket and hugged her and asks 'what's wrong?'. V brought Sungchan to his house and comforts her there. When Sungchan said it's a burden for her to stay there, V disagrees and made Sungchan live with him then they cuddle.


/No /PWP: No

Random Info: Sungchan was a mistake to her parents. Sungchan is a lonely girl while V is a happy guy.
Chapter 27: /cries/
It made me cry.
It doesn't matter if it took you many, many months
just to finish this request.
I understand that you have a life outside AFF.
All of us does /nods/

It's okay and very fine with me.
Chapter 25: This is just- that is just sweet!
I feel like asking a sequel, but I'm not sure if I can. Thank you for the one shot :D