Kyungsoo (D.O) x Junshin [JunShin]

» One Shot Collection (◕‿◕✿) «

    "Umma!" HyukJin whined, tugging on the bottom of my apron, "Baegopa(I`m hungry)"

"Mianhae Jinnie," I cooed, picking him up, "Appa still isn't home yet..."
"But I'm sleepy, Umma~" he whined, acting like the two year old kid that he was.
I sighed and set out a small plate of rice and bulgogi for him. He began to eat happily and I sat down beside him.
"Umma," he asked, "Aren't you going to eat? Aren't you hungry?"
"Ani," I smiled sadly, "I'm going to wait for Appa."
"Araso," he smiled brightly as he continued eating. Just before he finished, he turned to me and said with a very serious face, "Umma, sangchu!"
"No," I laughed pointing to the lettuce on his plate, "HyukJin, sangchu is that. I think you mean 'saeng il chuk ha hae'."
"Eeung," he yawned, "Saeng il chuk ha hae, Umma."
I picked HyukJin up and brought him to his room and tucked him in, "Jaljayo HyukJin(Good night)." He was fast asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
I sighed and went to clean up the table as I waited for my husband of two years. After taking my time doing the few dishes there were, I checked the clock and sighed. 11:30 p.m.. I decided to sit down and relax on the couch and watch TV while waiting.
At some point, I must've fallen asleep, because when I woke up, there was a blanket covering me and the TV was turned off. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, scanning the room for a clock. Instead, my eyes fell upon a sticky note posted on the television. Sighing, I reached over, plucked it off and read it.
I had to leave to work early again this morning.
I glared at the note and went to wake HyunJin up. "Jinnie, c'mon, wake up. We're going to go on a little trip."
After hastily scribbling down a note on a sticky, I grabbed HyukJin, a couple bags and left the apartment.
KyungSoo arrived home on time, opened the door, and sang, "Junnie-ah! Jinnie-ah! I'm hooooome~!" When no one answered, he dropped his jacket on a chair and started walking through the house calling, "JunShin? HyukJin? Is anyone home?"
He finally came across the sticky that I left and quickly read it.
I'm tired of waiting up for you. You don't even call when you're going to be late. It's like you're not a part of this family. I've taken HyukJin and the two of us are going to go stay in a hotel. Goodbye.
The letter dropped from KyungSoo's hand and fell to the floor. "W-Wae...?"
Unable to think properly, he didn't realize his phone had been ringing for the past couple minutes. He fumbled with the accept button, "Yoboseyo?"
"You idoit! What the hell did you do?" the voice on the line yelled.
"JunShin?" he asked hopefully.
"Wrong, you idoit. It's JunMin. Babo."
"A-ah. Sister-in-law," he studdered.
"What did you do? Why is JunShin so upset?" 
"I don't know! I just came home and JunShin and HyukJin were gone!"
"You must have messed up pretty bad. JunShin's pretty tolerant, and she's really angry."
Kyungsoo just sighed and dragged his hands through his hair.
"Did you get her a good present yesterday at least? 'Cause if not, that might explain why..."
"Present? What was yesterday?" he asked, innocently.
"Omo. Did you not remember? Babo!"
"What was yesterday?!"
"KyungSoo! It was her birthday!"
"Ah crap," he swore, "Thanks JunMin."
"Wait, what?"
KyungSoo hung up the phone and began preparing for his plan.
My cell phone was ringing non-stop for the past half hour. I looked at my screen. KyungSoo Calling...the ringing stopped. 23rd missed call that night. The phone started ringing again. I cursed and picked up the call.
"What do you want?" I hissed.
"JunShin-ah, oh finally."
"What do you want, KyungSoo?" I asked again.
"Listen, JunShin. Mianhaeyo. I'm an idoit. Please, please let me make it up to you."
"Please. JunShin. You left without giving me the chance to explain. Come back home. Please," I could hear the pain in his voice.
I was about to tell him off, until HyukJin tugged on the bottom of my shirt. 
"Umma," he sniffed, he had his father's big brown eyes, and they were filled with tears, "A-Appa bogoshipeo."
I sighed and patted his head, "Fine KyungSoo. I'll come."
"J-j-jomal?" he studdered, "A-are you coming home now?"
"Yeh," I sighed, hanging up the phone.
I collected our things and picked up HyukJin and started the long drive back to our house. 
An hour and a half later, HyukJin was asleep as I pulled into the driveway. I carefully took him out of his carseat and brought him inside. I opened the front door and there was KyungSoo, waiting for us to arrive. I walked right past him into KyungSoo's room and tucked HyukJin in. When I walked back out, KyungSoo was standing there with his stupid, adorable puppy look.
He lead me down into the kitchen, where a full spagetti dinner was set on the table. I smiled to myself, he remembered that spagetti was my favorite. I quickly hid my smile as he turned around to face me.
"JunShin-ah," he smiled, "Remember the first time we had home-made spagetti together?"
I shook my head 'no'.
"I do," he smiled softly, "You were sitting down and we only had one plate." I nodded, not knowing where he was going with this. "It was the day I proposed. You said yes. was the happiest I've ever felt before HyukJin was born." I gasped and covered my mouth, touched that he remembered. 
"JunShin-ah, yeobo. Saranghae," he said, grabbing my hands, "I've always loved you. I'm really, really sorry. Do you think you'll ever be able to forgive me?" He was looking up at me with those big, innocent, doe eyes.
"Of course," I smiled and kissed him, "Yeobo, saranghae."
He smiled brightly and kissed me. We were about to kiss again, but a little voice from upstairs started crying, "Umma!"
"Duty calls," KyungSoo smiled and I smiled back and gave him another quick kiss before I went to fulfil my motherly duties.


Hi ^^ I really really hope you liked your one-shot.. I'm so sorry it took so long.. DX gahh..Kyungsoo is too pretty adorableeee <3

TADAH here is your oneshot... even though i think its a bit belated hehe D: ohmygosh that 1st gif is jus magnificent why is he so cute omg ; A; 


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Thx for this
Thx for this
kyuwookislove #5
Chapter 28: Thank u so much for the great fic!!!
AFF Username: LoveDaisy_09

Character Name: Park Sungchan

1st/2nd/3rd Person: 1st Person (I said)

Pairing: V (Taehyung) of BTS

Type of story (happy/angst/etc): Fluff and angst

Short Plot/Summary: When Sungchan was kicked out of her house because her family doesn't want her and V, her boyfriend, saw her crying on the street and immediately removed his jacket and hugged her and asks 'what's wrong?'. V brought Sungchan to his house and comforts her there. When Sungchan said it's a burden for her to stay there, V disagrees and made Sungchan live with him then they cuddle.


/No /PWP: No

Random Info: Sungchan was a mistake to her parents. Sungchan is a lonely girl while V is a happy guy.
Chapter 27: /cries/
It made me cry.
It doesn't matter if it took you many, many months
just to finish this request.
I understand that you have a life outside AFF.
All of us does /nods/

It's okay and very fine with me.
Chapter 25: This is just- that is just sweet!
I feel like asking a sequel, but I'm not sure if I can. Thank you for the one shot :D