
The Purest of Love


CH 22 of Until You're Mine





I was feeling a bit nervous for tonight, my stomach was turning and I couldn’t seem to find the right clothes to wear. Why am I so nervous? I mean, it was only Donghae…. I frown while making my way out of the shower and towards my closet. I stared at my clothes for a good two minutes before I finally decided on something. Once I was presentably dressed, I combed my hair and made my way downstairs, “MIN!!! LET’S GO!!!!” I called out in an excited tone. I smile when he makes his way down the stairs with a sweet smile.

          Knowing that he no longer hated Donghae, and now somewhat liked him, made my heat swell up in joy. I have always wanted them to get along and now that it finally came true it was a really nice feeling. “Ready?” I smile brightly at him and he nods with a grin.

                “Ready!” he jumps up in excitement then grabs my arm and drags me out of the house. He seemed so excited and that just made me even more excited as well.

                I get to see Donghae soon; of course that makes me happy.

                I drive off towards the fair and as soon as we arrived I handed SungMin money, “Go buy all the tickets.”

                He stares at the money and smiles, “OK I’ll be back!” he says eagerly then skips off towards the ticket booth. Since we were early there were hardly any people in line. SungMin was quick to ask for the six tickets.

                I stood by the entrance and scanned around the parking lot wondering when Donghae would be here. Hmm is it weird that I really miss him? I only saw him the other day… Sungmin snaps me out of my thoughts when he walks over to me and hands me all the tickets except his, “Are you thinking about Donghae?” he asks and it sounded like he was teasing.

                “Maybe…” I mumble while staring at the parking lot.

                “I cant wait until he shows up! I think Donghae and I will become great friends!!” he giggles and jumps up and down excitedly.

                I stare at him and smile, “I really hope you do…” I’m sure they will especially since they have more in common than they both realize. They were both undeniably cute, and they both meant so much to me. It was a bit odd how highly I thought of Donghae and how much he meant to me. Was this normal?

                Donghae, Amber, SoHee and Henry came into view and I quickly stood up and smiled to myself when I noticed how adorable Donghae looked; he was smiling like a little child. Has he always been so cute? It was cute how he was holding Henry and SoHee’s hands…aw… “Uh...g-go tell them we bought their tickets.” I nudge SungMin and he only smiles and runs off giggling.

                I smile when I see Henry and SungMin hugging each other as a greeting. They approached me and I tried my best to stay calm; my heart beat was racing for some reason unknown. Not sure what really happened, but they ended up leaving Donghae and I all alone. He smiles sweetly at me and I smile back as we slowly make our way inside the entrance. “Sungmin seemed to really want you to come.” I half smile at my words since it wasn’t only Sungmin that really wanted Donghae around. “I think he really likes you…he doesn’t shut up about you.” I chuckle and Donghae stares at me with a huge smile.

          “REALLY?!” He started jumping up and down from how happy that made him. “That’s so great to hear” He giggles and we continued to walk forward, we walked really close to each other. I wonder if he noticed. He clears his throat and stares at his feet while we walked. “S-So, w-where do you wanna go first?” He smiles at me once we were in the middle of the park, surrounded by all the rides. I had no idea where we should go first, I was thinking we could just walk around and talk but then I noticed our siblings waiting happily in a line.

          I half smile and shrug, “How about we follow the hyper ones?” I chuckle and point to the side.

          Donghae follows my finger and smiles when he sees our siblings together.

          He shrugs, we walk towards them and we stood behind them. I was so busy lost in my thoughts of what to say that I slowly noted the cold shoulders we received from our siblings. I felt really ignored. I wonder if Donghae felt the same. I lean in closer to his ear and whisper, “Is it just me, or are they ignoring us?” He was frozen for a while but then he manages a small nod while I just stare at him. I wasn’t sure why but my eyes kept scanning him  up and down-it was a bit awkward since…well I’m not gay! I just couldn’t help but look at him from head to toe; he really looked cute in his tight black jeans and his black, tight v-neck shirt really complimented him well.

          I was lost in my thoughts when I heard Donghae say, “Henry are you sitting with me….or…?” I see Donghae pout when SungMin shakes his head quickly; for some reason I cracked a smile. Min wraps his arm around Henry and giggles, “He’s sitting with me, Hae, you can sit with Hyukjae.” They giggle and head inside; they get inside their seats, SoHee and Amber sit next to each other and Donghae and I sit next to one another at the very end of the rollercoaster.

          We put on the protector and I hear him exhale; he stares at me and I could see the hint of nerves behind his eyes. “I-I suggest you shield your ears.” He says nervously, and that just made me laugh. I thought it was cute that he screamed during rides, but then again what is something that he does  that I don’t find cute?

          “Aw, are you a screamer?” I tease and he pouts while gripping on the hand bars.

          The ride starts off slow but then it speeds up and before I knew it we were going really fast; it was a rush of excitement but then I hear Donghae screaming every time the ride would jerk to the side. I felt a bit bad, and as a way to make him feel better I press my hand on top of his and he seemed to calm down. He stares at me and grins sweetly. My heart felt weird. I couldn’t help but smile back at him.

            The ride was over soon, and I took my hand off of his before we stepped out and made our way down from the roller coaster. We ended up walking alone since the kids ran off. Were they purposely trying to leave us alone?

          After getting on multiple rides, I noticed how off Donghae seemed. I frown and wondered if he was sick but then I realized we hadn’t eaten at all. I say in a sweet voice, “Want to eat?” I smile and he suddenly grins and nods excitedly.

          “Food sounds so good right now!” he giggles while we walk towards the concession stands. Donghae orders his food-I was actually wondering if I should pay for his order, but he pays quickly before I could intervene. I frown. Oh well…I order my food and once we get our food, we sit near a table and eat quietly.

          “Wonder where the kids are.” Hae sounded nervous as he scans around.

          “And you said I was paranoid.” I chuckle and he only glares at me cutely. I smirk, “Admit it, you’re just as paranoid as me, if not worse…” I stick my tongue out at him and he only puffs his cheeks and shakes his head. It was fun teasing him.

          “I am not paranoid!” he declares and I only laugh and mutter a ‘sure’ to keep him happy. “Hyukjae, why are they ignoring us? Am I not fun?” He pouts sadly and I found it difficult to not just hug him…and squeeze his cute cheeks.

          I shrug, “Don’t worry…apparently I’m not fun either,” I pout and he only giggles. “We can be boring together.” I grin and he smiles sweetly at me.

          He laughs, “Well at least I’m not alone.” I say and I stare off to the side. I saw a cotton candy stand and I slowly smile to myself trying to picture Donghae stuffing his face with the fluffy sweet candy.

          “Want cotton candy?” I ask and he smiles and nods.

          We throw away our empty foam plates and I walks to a stand and buy the bag of cotton candy. I drag Donghae away before he could even think about buying another bag since the one I bought was for him. “This is for you.” I chuckle once I see how sad he seemed-did he really think I wouldn’t get him any? I hand him the bag and he stares at me with a small smile, “You bought this…for me?” I nod. He giggles and hugs me tightly while whispering a thank you. I smile at the pleasant warmth and hug him back gently.

          We run off and just walk around the fair grounds and then after many hours of walking, talking and playing games we find our runaway siblings. They run up to us and Henry says excitedly, “FERRIS WHEEL!!!” He jumps up and down, he grabs Donghae while SungMin grabs me and they drag us to the line for the ferris wheel.

          Donghae stared at the Ferris wheel and looked like he was about to pass out, “I-I c-cant”

          I frown and stand beside him, “Why not?” he seemed really scared for some reason.

          Hae chews on his lower lip and looks at me “I-I’m scared o-of heights…” He says softly and I only smile.

          “But I’ll be there, so you have nothing to be scared of.” I would never let you fall, or get hurt.

          He stares at me and frowns, “But…what if the seat tips over?”

          I crack a smile and shake my head, “I’ll hold onto you, ok? So relax” I pinch his cheek lightly, take his hand and pulls him towards our seat. He sat really close to me and wraps his arms around me; he leans his head on my shoulder. I really didn’t mind, but I didn’t like how scared he seemed.

          “Calm down, DongHae.” I laugh and wrap my arms around him protectively. “There, don’t worry, ok? You wont fall, promise.” I say sincerely.

          He exhales deeply and nods, “I-I believe you…” the Ferris wheel slowly starts moving and Donghae seemed nervous while he rested his head on my shoulder. Were his eyes closed? I tried to peek over but I couldn’t see his eyes.

          I held onto him tightly, trying to calm him down and it seemed to work since he stares at me. I smile sweetly at him and he smiles back. He has such a sweet face…his eyes were nearly glowing in the moonlight. Everything about him was starting to affect me. I was lost in my thoughts-that were describing his beauty- that I nearly froze when I felt Donghae peck my shoulder. Did he just…. I stiffen a bit and Donghae seemed to notice. He leans up and pecks my cheek gently, he whispers, “Thank you, Hyukkie.”

          He pulls away and seemed much calmer and happier.

          I stared at him, but didn’t know what to say. What’s going on with me…? Why do I keep thinking about him in ways that I shouldn’t. I suddenly felt scared by the way my heart raced. Having him near me was enough to make me happy.

          Hae chews on his lower lip and sits up properly. “You ok?” He sounded really worried about me.

          I didn’t know what to say. Why does Donghae continue to mess with my feelings? For so long I was so sure that I could never ever see him in the way he sees me…I still find it hard to believe he actually loves me. “Donghae…you really like me, huh?” I asked in a low whisper.

          “Like you?” He frowns. “No, I love you, pabo. Twelve years have passed, of course it’s no longer a simply like.” He half smiles.

          You sound so sure…why do I continue to doubt you. I stared in front of me with no expression. I felt so confused. My feelings were all screwed up.

          “S-Sorry…I know it bothers you, so I wont bring it up…or kiss your cheek anymore, promise.” He nods and smiles sweetly at me, but I didn’t know what to say to that. I didn’t want Donghae to stop loving me, and I hated myself for that. I was so selfish.

          “You love me…” I managed to crack a smile. “We never talked, DongHae…so I don’t see how you fell for me…when we only had one real encounter.” Wasn’t I drowning when we first met? How did he fall in love with that?

          He puffs his cheeks and shakes his head, “We’ve talked a couple times, remember when we were in French class and you were tired from music class, so you asked me for help?” He smiles big, “I really liked that day…you looked really handsome in your dark dress shirt and blue tie.” He giggles and I just stare at him. I felt guilty for not remembering that day…I must have been really tired.

          “I-I don’t remember…” I frown, “I’m sorry…I only remember you saving me from drowning…and that’s it.”

          He smiles and shrugs, “It’s ok…you had no reason to notice me anyway”

          I roll my eyes, “Don’t say that, DongHae.” I should have noticed you a long time ago, but I was too intimidated to talk to the boy that saved my life.

         “Say what?” He frowns. “And wait a minute! You said you didn’t remember the day I saved you from drowning.”

          “I lied.” I say simply. “I didn’t want to remember…it was a bad day for me, ok?” I look at him. It was a terrible day for me, but I was beginning to realize that something good really did come out from Kai hating me. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry that I never thanked you and I’m sorry for not befriending you sooner.” I bow my head, “For how long do you think you’ll love me?” I look up and stare into his eyes. The question felt heavy, I was afraid of his answer. What if he will try to move on? Did I want that?

He frowns and shakes his head, “Don’t even think that I’ll get over you so easily, Lee Hyukjae, I will love you until I breathe my last breath.”

          His words made me really happy, I smile sadly because I was highly disappointed with myself. Maybe I should just leave him alone. I’m so selfish, Donghae, how could you ever fall for someone like me? The ride stops and the conductor opens our door and we walk off. I trailed behind Donghae and he smiles sweetly, “So now what?”

          SungMin and Henry run up to us, “We should go again!” They beam happily and Donghae and I only exchange glances.

          “We should go now…” I mutter, “It’s getting late.”

          Sungmin frowns, “AISH I don’t want to leave yet! Cant we stay a bit longer?”

          I stare at Dongahe and we only shrug in response.

          “Thanks HYUNG!” Henry beams and they run off towards a ride.

          Donghae stares at his shoes, he seemed lost in his thoughts, and a small pout forms on his lips. I approach him, stand really close to him and list his chin with my first two fingers. He stares into my eyes and a light pink shade spreads on his cheeks.

          I smile, “So how about we draw tonight?” I suggest in a sweet manner. He smiles and nods. “Wanna go now?” I ask while gently grabbing his wrists and enjoying the closeness. This was definitely not normal, but at the moment I really didn’t care.

          “B-But the kids.” Hae pouts.

          “Amber can take Sungmin home, right?”

          He smiles big and nods. We walk off to find Amber and once we tell her, we leave and I drive us to his house.

          Once we were inside his house, we go inside his art studio. My eyes were glued at the unfinished painting of two fish. “Wow that looks so cool.”

         Donghae blushes and rushes over to cover the unfinished painting, “DON’T LOOK!” He was blushing deeply and I really didn’t understand why. Unless….unless the painting had something to with me. The thought made me smile.

          I frown, “Why?” I stare at him, “Does one represent me?” I tease but he quickly shakes his head. His expression wasn’t convincing. “Liar.” I laugh. "I bet I'm the red one, huh?" I chuckle and he pouts. Aigo, he’s too much sometimes.

          He moves  the unfinished painting to the side and puts up two canvases for the two of us.   

He hands me a thin brush after taking out all of his brushes. “There’s different brush sizes” He points to them; they were aligned between the paints and I only smile and nod.

I frown, “Arent you gonna teach me?” I dip the brush into a paint can.

He laughs and walks behind me, “It’s easy hyuk jae,” He presses his hand on my own; his touch made me feel even more confused than before. I smile to myself. “Just tell me what you want to draw.” He says in a low voice, his chin was resting on my shoulder. Normally I would feel extremely uncomfortable by this but I was oddly enjoying this. "I'll guide you." He whispers in my ear and I end up smiling like an idiot.

          “S-Something colorful.” I manage to say. He nods and our hands slowly begin to move in unison, we were creating shapes and blending the colors perfectly. He continued to help me and I couldn’t help but stare at his hand on my own. I smile to myself. Donghae walks over to his canvas and begins to paint his own picture. We would glance at each other and smile to ourselves

          “Does this look ok?” I ask.

          He smiles and nods, “Wow…for a first time, that’s amazing.” He giggles and I smile proudly at myself.

          I concentrate on my work, I wont lie that I was trying to impress him. I hope he likes this once I was done.

          He stands back proudly, “There! How does it look?” he smiles.


          “Perfect.” I grin. “Am I the tiger?” I chuckle and he only smiles and shrugs. “Aish, help me finish this, it’s starting to look like crap.” I whine and Donghae only giggles and walks over to me. His presses his hand on mine and I grin when the pleasant feeling came back. I couldn’t help but glance at him while we finished the painting.

          I had only really worked on the bottom half so he helped greatly on the upper half of the canvas. The colors looked amazing and once we were done, Donghae hugs me from behind and I smile proudly. “Good job Hyuk jae!” He giggles and I smile, turn and hug him back tightly.

          He looks at me and smiles “Did you have anything in mind while painting that?”

          I slightly chuckle and shrug, “Maybe.” Well I was thinking about making you proud….if that counts…

          He pouts, “Well you were right…you are the tiger…” Ha! I knew it!

          “And you’re the fish.” I laugh and he only blushes and nods. “You’re so cute DongHae.” I pinch his nose and laugh while he grins brightly at me.

          “Can we paint some more?” I ask sweetly and he nods.

          “Sure Hyukjae.” He says softly. We moved our finished work to the side and he walks off to grab clean canvases for us.

                That night I dreamed about Donghae. I wouldn’t have cared if it wasn’t for what happened in  the dream. I saw him there, sitting near me with a sweet smile carved on his face; his angelic aura surrounded him and I was becoming more and more drawn to him. I couldn’t help myself but lean closer to him, but he stands and shook his head.

                I was disappointed. I knew what I wanted but I would never admit it to myself.

                Hae smiles sweetly, and sits on my lips; his fingers brushed against my jaw line and he inches closer. My heart beat was racing and I felt myself inching closer to his lips.

                His soft, thin lips pressed against my own and I nearly melted at how wonderful it felt to kiss him. The kiss didn’t last because I ended up waking up, and once I was up…I was completely shocked with myself.

                I shook my head while I stared at my wall.

                I have to get away from Donghae. I need to get away from Donghae. I exhale deeply and run off to take a shower. I really needed to relax myself.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Thanks for reading :)♥




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Oh my
This perspective is so good
Thank you so much
Chapter 24: Wow. I really liked Hyukkie's pov. Going to read the sequel now.
Baegoppahansam #3
Chapter 24: Hyukjae's pov is very helpful because some of my questions were answered. Thank you so much!! ∩__∩
Chapter 24: It's lovely to know hyuk's POV too ^^ thanks for sharing authornim!
krystal0154401 #5
Chapter 24: This is sweet... I love the sequel and I'm ready to read the next one. What happened to Kai?! It's depressing!
AmyPark101 #6
Chapter 24: Hiii!! Im hereee!!! Finally we meet again hihi ^^..Well, i like both pov, sometimes i feel that hyuk pov better but sometimes i feel that hae pov are better. NO! Its okay really afterall i like both pov cause i know what they think that time. ANYWAY!! Good job!!!!! And gonna off to Forever Yours!!! Meet you there ^0^!
Chapter 24: How sweet ^^
Thank for writing Hyukjae POV
ecargebeohp_10 #8
Chapter 19: Kai is insane.. He might be a schizoprenic.. He's scary!
Aquariuspeg #9
Chapter 24: I really enjoy reading Hyukkie's POV.
This helped me better understand his movements and decision. Thank you Author-sii for this, I can say to you that I like this POV more than Hae's, but only a little bit. But the most I love both POV as one~ as one it is complete.
Kai's POV... oh god, he is really sick, he is SO mental, so scary.. Now I can say he is completely freak~ Poor Hyukkie and Hae, first uncle, now Kai...
I'm waiting for the next updates "Forever Yours" ^^

(Sorry for my bad English ;))