DongHae's Pout

The Purest of Love


Contains Ch 3-5 from Until Y ou're Mine. 

Eating Disorder and Audtion



I spent all day stuck in my room trying to finish composing songs, organizing the dates for auditions and trying so hard not to feel guilty about Donghae, I tried to push him out of my mind as best as I could.

            He’s fine, I kept telling myself through the hours.

            “HYUKJAE, SOOYOUNG IS HERE!!!” SungMin yells from downstairs and I yell something back about letting her in. I exhale deeply and sit on my bed, trying to relax a bit from having no rest for so many hours.

            “Hey!” She grins and walks into my room, “Woah, you look like mess…have you eaten?” she frowns and stares at me then slowly sits on my bed.

            I just exhale deeply and shake my head, “No, haven’t had time” I mutter and felt too tired to get up and make myself something. “Have you eaten?”

            “Uh…" She shrugged, " kinda…” she half smiles and looks at me, “How about we order you something?”

            I sit up and notice a purple mark on her arm just below her short sleeve, “What is that?” I point at it and frown a bit, “Is that a bruise?”

            She turns her head and quickly pulls down her sleeve, “Wh-What…uh its n-nothing, must have gotten it from cheer.” She nods and looks around nervously then runs her fingers through her hair.

            I smile a bit, “You work so hard, huh…maybe you should take it easy. I don’t want you to get sick” I say gently and rub her back a bit then peck her cheek, “Sooyoung…are you ok?” I frown when she didn’t look at me, she kept staring off to the side.

            “Yea, I’m great!” She grins at me but something felt really wrong. “So about feeding you…” she stands and walks towards the door, “I’ll just go and order something” she smiles and walks out of my room.

            Once the food arrived, SungMin and I ate while Sooyoung just sat and stared off to the side.

            “You sure you don’t want any?” I frown.

            “Not hungry” she says softly.

            “Hyukjae, I called Hongki and he said he would love to do the musical” SungMin grins with his mouth full and I just laugh at him slightly and hand him a glass of juice.

            “Can I stay over tonight?” Sooyoung asks once I was done eating.

            I smile at her, “Sure…”I take her hand and we walk up to my room, while SungMin washes his dish muttering to himself how he won’t be able to sleep tonight. “Did you end up going to Jessica’s party?”

            “No…I had to work tonight…” she mutters and stares off to the side, “then when I got home I just showered and decided to come see you” she smiles at me brightly and I smile back.

            “Come on” she laughs when I pull her onto the bed.



            The morning was a complete blur, I didn’t see Donghae today and at first I thought he was mad at me, but he quickly left my mind when Heechul brought up something.

            “You mean you haven’t noticed?”

            “Uh…no” I frown and walk out to my motorcycle, “SooYoung…has been eating…she ate..." I thought about it for a moment, "I’m sure she ate before she went to see me.”

            Heechul stares at me and tilts his head a bit, “Are you sure? She has been getting skinnier…and I don’t think it’s because of cheer”

            I didn’t know what happened exactly, one minute I was there then I drove off quickly to the school.

            SooYoung was with her cheerleaders, no surprise really except I couldn’t understand why they were practing today in the morning. Something about a new dance move? I wasn’t sure nor did I really care I just really wanted to see her.

            I walked to the field and near the stands. I just kept staring at her while she was dancing with her cheerleader strutting around in her shorts and small t-shirt. I wasn’t sure what it was about our relationship, but it never actually felt right…I love Sooyoung, I really do, but it has always been more of a friend kind of love. I knew she felt the exact same way as well.

            She stops dancing and walks up to me, “Hey," she smiled, "what are you," she must have noticed something was wrong by my expression, "whats wrong?” I kept staring at her up and down, noticing how skinny she has gotten. Why haven’t I noticed before? Well, this was really the first time in a while that  she has worn really tight clothes.

            “Have you eaten…?” I stared at her, nearly glaring at her dark eyes and she seemed a bit taken back by the way I looked at her.

            “No” she says simply.

            “Why…” I was so close to choking her by the way she glared at me.

            “Wasn’t hungry” she half shrugs like it was no big deal.

            “You seem a little pale…are you sick?”

            “Wh-What?! No!” she seemed offended. “Are you insulting me right now?!”

            “No, Sooyoung…its just that you look so skinny…and- I don’t want you to get sick, ok? You should eat…” I try to calm myself and talk to her a bit more gently, but I knew she was still pissed off.

            The skinny part seemed to really tick her off. “I said I’m fine!” she yelled.

            “SooYoung you haven’t been eating well these last couple of days so you mustn’t strain youself so much in practice” I tried to reason with her as best as I could. I tried to take hold her hands but she just pulls away from me nearly groaning in frustrating. I noticed she looked so pale.

            It hurt me t o see her this way.

            “Stop parenting me if I say I can practice I CAN PRACTICE!!!” she slightly pushes me back and storms off towards her cheer squad. I didn’t want to see them practice but I did, they start dancing again; moving their hips from side to side so roughly that I knew SooYoung would end up hurting herself. They made a circle and lifted SooYoung up, she spreads her arms apart making a ‘Y’ but I could tell she was barely holding herself up; her fatigue was evident as her pale forehead glistened with her sweat. She lets out a small breath, eyes roll to the side as she loses her balance and ends up falling. I quickly run to help her, make sure she was ok but she just sits up and pushes me back while she runs to the girl’s locker room.

            “We-We should continue practice…” Taeyeon says and they begin from the beginning.

            I notice DongHae make his way into the girl’s locker room and I really had no idea what to think about that. What the heck is he doing…?!


            During lunch Sooyoung makes her way towards me and sits beside me on the table. “Sorry…about earlier…” she whispers and half smiles at me.

            I stare at her, “its fine…are you feeling better?”

            She nods and smiles at me, “Yea…I ate as well…DongHae packed some really good foods for me…” she grins and I just stare at her in confusion.

            “he…what?” I frown.

            “I guess he heard about my problems somehow and packed me something…I guess its supposed to make me want food again..and it worked! I’m actually feeling hungry” she says happily. “I’m gonna go get lunch, I’ll be back” I smile at her as she walks off, I really didn’t know what to say. I was pretty much shocked. Donghae, really did that? I couldn’t help but wonder why…why would he help Sooyoung if she’s always been mean to him?


            After school, I make my way towards the bus area since I knew DongHae takes the bus to go to work. I smile when I see him and I slowly approach him, he stops in front of the bus and slightly turns and smiles a bit, “Hi…”

            I smile sweetly at him, “Thank you” it was a mere whisper, but I knew he heard it well.

            “You’re…welcome” he was smiling a bit but sounded slightly out of it for some reason. I didn’t think much of it. Maybe he had a bad day.

            “And uhm…sorry about missing your game, but heard you kicked ” I slightly chuckle.

            He smiles big, “It’s ok, I’m sure you had better things to do”

            I shake my head, “Not really…”

            “You getting in?!?!” the bus driver calls out, obviously speaking to DongHae.

            I noticed that he slightly pouts. Aw that was oddly adorable. “I would take you to work but I have to stay today…sorry” I half shrug and stare at him apologetically.

            He nods, “I understand…I’ll see you soon, k?” he smiles big and I nod.

            We wave at each other and he gets into the bus. I frown and walk back to the drama room smiling to myself. Donghae was so sweet.


            “Ready for auditions?!” SungMin calls out as I entered the drama room,

“Yea, let me just go to the back” I tell him and step inside a room.



            I slowly made my way towards the stage slightly hiding behind the curtains when I heard the door open. I just thought it was one of the judges so I didn’t think much of it, I stayed behind  the curtains trying to organize the stacks of paper I would need when I ranked the performers.

            I hear footsteps going up the stage then I turn and see someone looking around holding onto his violin case for dear life. I walk  up to him “You here for auditions?” he jumps and turns to stare at me.

            I smile a bit, he seemed really nervous, “Sorry…did I scare you?”

            He smiles nervously and stares at the ground, “A bit…”

            “Oh, well sorry but you have to wait in the back then…they will be starting shortly.” I looked him up and down and noticed how small he looked, “By the looks of you….you look like the middle school kid.” I smile a bit. “You were the only young one that signed up…so therefore you are going last. Hope that’s ok…”

            He only nods.

            “Ok…I’ll lead you to the back.” I walk in front of him and lead him to the back room where everyone was currently practicing their performance. I leave him quickly because I had to go start.


Hyukjae’s pov


            The auditions were really amazing, I felt so excited while I scribbled down their points into my notebook.

            “I really liked the girl in the pink tutu” SungMin whispers with a sly smile.

            “No” I mutter and glare at him playfully.

            He laughs.

            The seven judges, SungMin and I discussed about each one and while we were talking someone slowly makes his way out to the stage. I stare at the paper and realize we still have one more to go “Lee Henry!” I call out and smile brightly at him when I realize he was the middle school kid; he had a violin in hand. He looked oddly familiar as he looked around nervously, something about his face reminded me of someone else…but I couldn’t quite point it out.

            “Whenever you’re ready” I lean my chin on my palms and smile at him, waiting patiently for him to be ready.

            He chews on his lower lip and holds his violin in his arms, “I…I changed my mind” he says in a soft voice, turns and was ready to leave until I got up from my chair and made my way up the steps and to the stage. He turns and looks at me when I was near him, I was completely confused.

            “Wait…don’t go…” I hold onto his shoulders gently and turn him so he could face me. “I understand if you’re nervous” I smile at him. “I mean I get nervous all the time, but don’t be, ok? You made it this far, now all you need is to perform.” I could hear the students that already performed snickering behind me, they were sitting on the red seats. “Just ignore the.” I turn his head a bit so he wouldn’t see them. “Just pretend you’re playing for someone important.” I smiled encouragingly.

            He thought for a bit then nods and hands me a CD, “Play this” he tells me and I just took it but was confused. Was he gonna dance or play the violin? I walk back to my seat and put in the CD in the boom box. I wait for him to tell me to press play while smiling at him so he’d calm down.

            It seemed to work.

            “I will perform Storm by Antonio Vivaldi” he announces and we all perked up instantly. I knew that piece wasn’t easy so I was really interested to see how he would do. He plugs his violin into an amp on the side and exhales slowly. He nods at me and smiles; I smile back and press play.


            When he was done he was smiling so big, breathing heavily by his outstanding performance. We were all standing and clapping for him, cheering for him because he truly did deserve it. He was amazing.

            “You made it” I slightly laugh happily, still clapping for him. Even Sungmin looked really excited, he was smiling big.

            Henry smiles big and bows, “THANK YOU!” he sounded so happy. I knew he was proud of himself.

            They were all dismissed and headed to the back and once everyone started leaving I noticed Henry sitting on the edge of  the stage while kicking his feet around.

            “Are you waiting for someone?” I sit beside him.

            He nods, “My brother” he smiles at me.

            “Oh” I smile. “So when did you learn to play the violin?”

            “Well when I was four, my brother was 9 and he always said that I was talented” he laughs a bit “And well he saved up his allowance and bought me my violin…then my parents paid for my lessons and that’s basically how it all started. Because of him” he smiles big.

            I was beginning to feel a bit jealous, I wish I had an older brother…” Sounds like  you have an amazing brother” I grin.

            “I do…I am truly blessed with the best family.” He turns and stare at the piano. “Can you play?” he smiles at me.

            I nod, “Of course I can play!” I slightly laugh just remembering for how long I’ve been playing, I stand and help him up. We walk over to the piano and I sit down and look at him, “Any requests?”

            “Uhm…” he looks around and nods, “Can you play moonlight sonata?” I lean on the piano and position my fingers on the keys and like switch they quickly began to move fluidly around, pressing onto the keys lightly and allowing the song to sound as eerie as ever. Henry just stared at me with big eyes and I couldn’t help but smile to myself. Once I was done he smiles big at me and I smile back, happy that he liked my playing.

            “You ok?” I frown a bit. “You look a little…out of it” I smile.

            He nods and was about to respond when he sees someone walking into the theatre.

            “MOCHI!!!!” he exclaims happily and spreads his arms invitingly and Henry laugh and runs up to him, hugging him tightly. No wonder he looked so familiar…he must be related to Donghae…

            “How did your audition go?” they face eachother and Henry starts jumping u p and down from happiness.

            “I GOT THE PART!!!” he grins, still jumping.  

            “I'm so proud of you!” Donghae says happily and hugs him closely, “We should celebrate! Hmm, want me to make you something?” he suggest with a sweet smile.

            “No silly its already late!” Henry giggles, “We should go now…the woods get scary in  the dark”

            Donghae nods then stares at me, Henry smiles at me.

            “You have a really talented brother, Donghae” I smile and approach them.

            “Thank you” He responds softly with his arm around is brother.

            “Since its late out, how about I just walk you two home?” I smiled at them remembering that SungMin was probably gone by now. He probably went home with one of his friends.

            “what about your motorcycle?” Donghae asks.

            I just shake my head, “Not important, now come on” I slightly push them towards the door and we walk out. DongHae walks in the middle while I was lost in my thoughts.

            Will I see SooYoung tonight? Was she eating?

            Is she taking care of herself?

            Maybe I should call her as soon as I get home…

            “So what did you play?” Hae asks Henry with a smile.

            “Storm” he announces proudly.

            “Really?” DongHae brightens up for some reason. I wonder for how long Henry’s been playing that song.

            “Yea, I was gonna play your favorite…you know thw phantom of the opera pieces but then they seemed to easy.” He frowns. I perked up and stared to the side. Donghae liked musicals?...normally everyone I meet hates them, despises them even so  this definitely interested me.

            “you like ‘The Phantome of  the Opera’?” I asked Donghae.

            “yea. I really like musicals” he smiles sweetly at me.

            “Really? Not many people do…” I frown a bit but felt happy to have gotten closer to DongHae. Why did I push him away before?!

            “I know its sad right? But I guess if everyone loved them then it wouldn’t be special” we stop in front of his house and Henry clears his throat.

            “Well I’ll go inside now..” he suddenly hugs me and I was shocked at first but then I hug him back. “Goodnight!” he waves and heads inside the house.

            “So you were the judge?” Donghae asks in disbelief. Was he really that shocked?

            “Yea…I knew Henry looked familiar” I slightly chuckle. “You two…look a lot alike now that I saw you together.” I smile a bit.

            “Thanks?” he smiles big. “So you’re in charge of the musical…is  that nerve wrecking?” he seemed worried for some reason.

            “Kinda” I half shrug. “In  the end it will pay off, I’m sure…especially with the cast.” Well with one musical…I still have to work on the kids one. Aish, just thinking about it made me nervous.

            “I’m so glad Henry got the part!” he smiles big. “He seriously plays Violet every night.”

            “Violet?” I slightly laugh. “He names his violin? Aw, that’s cute” I chuckled and began to wonder how this family became so cute! First, Donghae’s pout now Henry naming his violin.

            “Yea.” He shrugs but smiles, “He thought it was catchy when he was four” he slightly laughs as well.

            I really didn’t want to go but I felt like I should…I didn’t want to keep DongHae out all night “Well I should go now..”

            He frowns a bit, “C-Can I have a goodnight hug?” he smiles sweetly.

            Goodnight hug? I didn’t think much of it really, Donghae was really sweet of course he wanted a hug. And I had no reason to oppose.

            “Yea.” I respond in a small voice.

            He stares into my eyes and his arms wrap around me, I hug him back gently while was holding kind of tight, but I didn’t mind…it was a nice, warm hug. He rests his head on my shoulder and I smile and we slowly pull away. I smile sweetly at him and whisper, “Goodnight.” I take a step back and wave.

            “Night” he whispers under his breath and waves back at me.

            I head to my house, walk past the living room and past SungMin’s room “Night Bunny!” I yell once I was in my room.

            “NIGHT!!!” He yells happily.

            I walk across my room to grab my clothes and notice Donghae from my window, he waves and grins “Goodnight Hyukjae!”

            I smile and wave back, “Night Donghae” then I walk to my bed to quickly change into my pajamas. I couldn’t help but continue to think about his pout though…it really was  the cutest thing ever and before I knew it I was smiling to myself.



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Oh my
This perspective is so good
Thank you so much
Chapter 24: Wow. I really liked Hyukkie's pov. Going to read the sequel now.
Baegoppahansam #3
Chapter 24: Hyukjae's pov is very helpful because some of my questions were answered. Thank you so much!! ∩__∩
Chapter 24: It's lovely to know hyuk's POV too ^^ thanks for sharing authornim!
krystal0154401 #5
Chapter 24: This is sweet... I love the sequel and I'm ready to read the next one. What happened to Kai?! It's depressing!
AmyPark101 #6
Chapter 24: Hiii!! Im hereee!!! Finally we meet again hihi ^^..Well, i like both pov, sometimes i feel that hyuk pov better but sometimes i feel that hae pov are better. NO! Its okay really afterall i like both pov cause i know what they think that time. ANYWAY!! Good job!!!!! And gonna off to Forever Yours!!! Meet you there ^0^!
Chapter 24: How sweet ^^
Thank for writing Hyukjae POV
ecargebeohp_10 #8
Chapter 19: Kai is insane.. He might be a schizoprenic.. He's scary!
Aquariuspeg #9
Chapter 24: I really enjoy reading Hyukkie's POV.
This helped me better understand his movements and decision. Thank you Author-sii for this, I can say to you that I like this POV more than Hae's, but only a little bit. But the most I love both POV as one~ as one it is complete.
Kai's POV... oh god, he is really sick, he is SO mental, so scary.. Now I can say he is completely freak~ Poor Hyukkie and Hae, first uncle, now Kai...
I'm waiting for the next updates "Forever Yours" ^^

(Sorry for my bad English ;))