
The Purest of Love


Donghae slowly made his way out of Mr. Devin’s office and I quickly stood up as he approached me, he embraced me warmly and I smiled sweetly and hugged him back tightly. “How was it?” I asked before I pecked his cute head. I rubbed his back gently in case he was scared.

          “It was alright” He answered simply, pulled away from our warm embrace and smiled adoringly. “To be honest, I feel a lot better than I did before.” He grinned and I felt so relived  that everything went well. I wanted to speak to Mr. Devin for a moment just to make sure, but I could tell Donghae was fine by the way he smiled at me. I nodded and pecked his sweet lips, “Are you gonna talk to him?”

          “Yea…will you wait for me?” I tried to look cute as I pouted and he smiled as our fingers entwined slowly. He nodded. He leaned up and pecked my lips before I walked into Mr. Devin’s office. I quickly sat down on the chair and stared at him, “He’s ok, right?”

            Mr. Devin smiled sweetly and nodded, “Donghae is more than ok; he’s remarkable. He really is inspiring… I truly admire him for being so kind, and innocent.” He was behind his desk as he spoke and he had such a wide, sweet smile that I couldn’t help but match his smile. I felt so happy that my baby wasn’t scarred after what that sick bastard did to him. “He talked a lot…about you.” He smiled and I looked up at him.

            “Me?” I smiled a bit, “What did he say?”

            He chuckled, “Confidentiality.” He said simply but then looked off to the side, “Besides his siblings, you’re the main reason Donghae was able to heal so well.” He continued and I could only smile while I thought about my baby, “Don’t be afraid of hurting him Hyukjae because as far as I’m concerned all you’ve ever done is helped Donghae.”

            My heart swelled up and I shook hands with Mr. Devin, thanked him a million times and walked out of the office with the biggest smile on my face. Donghae stood up, wrapped his arms around me, “So what did he say?” he smiled big and stared into my eyes with his beautiful lake like eyes. We headed towards my car.

          “He said many things of you…” I chuckled since I couldn’t contain my happiness. I opened the door for Donghae and he climbed into the passenger seat. I closed the door and walked to the driver’s seat.

          “Oh, come on tell me” Donghae pouted and I melted from how cute he was. I felt so lucky.

          I laughed, “He just said that you’re an amazing person and that he really admires you…” I smiled sweetly as I became lost in his eyes, “as do I.”

          His smile widened, “Thank you Hyukkie…”


          I parked the car into my driveway and exhaled deeply when my phone kept blowing up with messages from my Appa and Luna. “I have to go.” Donghae pouted and I pouted with him but leaned in and kissed his lips quickly. “I’ll see you soon though baby.” I whispered and caressed his cheek softly.

            Donghae grinned, nodded and pecked my lips cutely, “I’ll see you soon Hyukkie.” I pulled him into a tight embrace, stole a couple more kisses from his lips and we both smiled happily before he got out of my car and walked home. I exhaled a bit, and smiled to myself when I waited for Donghae to walk into his house.

            I started the car and drove off.


            “I’m sorry what?!” KyuHyun exclaimed. I had dragged them out of their houses and pulled them into a jewelry store without them having a clue as to what was going on in my head.

            “I’m asking him to marry me.” I repeated and grinned happily as their jaws lowered in shock, “I love him. I love him more than anything in this world, and I’ve never been surer of anything else before in my life.” I smiled at them and then glanced at the engagement rings. “Can I see that one?” I asked the jeweler and he smiled and handed it to me. I was in complete awe as it sparkled beautifully in my fingers.

            Heechul was frozen, but then he approached me, “Well…if you’re so sure then we’ll support you.” He smiled sweetly and I smiled at them happily. “But you’re really sure about this, right?”

            “Shouldn’t you wait?” Kyuhyun frowned and then glanced at Heechul.

            “I am waiting.” I said simply and pulled out my credit card, and handed it to the employer. “I just want Donghae to know that I’m committed one hundred percent to him, and that I’ll always love him no matter what.” I smiled at my friends and then grinned when everything was set. I placed the box into my pocket.

            “Well one thing’s for sure…Donghae is going to die of happiness when  you give him the ring. I’m sure he’s been fantasizing with marrying you since we were kids.” KyuHyun laughed and I smiled happily and we headed towards my car. They bombarded me with questions about Mr. Devin, and Donghae, and I answered as best as I could.

“Wow…Donghae really is special.” Heechul smiled sweetly and I grinned.

We talked for a but longer, but unfortunately I couldn’t stay as long as I wanted since my phone was still blowing up with Appa’s messages about getting home. He didn’t talk to me, but he wanted me to know that he was still in control, so when he said he wanted me home, I had to go home. 

            I dropped them off at Heechul’s and waved at them, “I’ll see you two soon.” I smiled sweetly and they waved back.



            Luna, who sat on the couch, jumped up to her feet and screamed, “You’re home!!!” She ran into my arms and I laughed and hugged her back tightly. She pulled away and smiled sweetly, “Appa!!!” She turned and stared at my parents who sat on the couch, “We have to go out to eat!!” She wailed and I only stared at my umma and appa while Sungmin made his way down the stairs.

            “For what?” Appa sounded annoyed.

            “WE NEED FAMILY TIME!” Luna yelled at him, but he didn’t react to her loud words.

            “Well the Choi family are having a small party tonight…we could always just go eat there.” Umma started and then she looked over at Luna, “Honey would you like that?” she smiled sweetly.

            Luna nodded, “Yes! Now let’s go,” She sounded so excited, “Hyukjae, can you take me on your motorcycle?” She smiled her famous cute smile that manipulated our parents to give her everything she wanted (actually she didn’t even need it, but she used it frequently).

            I smiled, “Sure. Let me go get dressed for the occasion.” I frowned and walked up the stairs, but stopped before Sungmin, “Hey, are you ok?” I smiled at him and he quickly smiled for me and nodded. “Come on.” I pulled him up the stairs and into our room. He sat on the bed while I rummaged through my closet, “So what’s on your mind, Min?” I took off my shirt and put on a nice buttoned up shirt.

            Min sighed, “Do you think Kai is ok?” he frowned, “I know that he’s an …but I don’t want anything bad to happen to him.” He looked up at me with sad eyes and I slowly approached him, and sat beside him.

            “I’m sure Kai is just fine, Min. Don’t worry about it.” I pecked his head, and smiled when he changed quickly, and walked out of the room because Luna kept calling for him. I pulled the box out of my pocket, opened it to admire the beautiful ring for a moment longer. “I love you Donghae.” I beamed and placed it on top of my drawer before I walked out of my room.


            We arrived in my Uncle’s house, and for as long as I could remember this family was known as the snobby rich family. To my dismay, we were known as the broken rich family since my parents were hardly around. I smiled at my family and we all sat around the table and ate quietly. I sat in between Luna and SungMin and the two of them sent each other subliminal messages through their eyes and I only frowned and glared at the two of them. My family swarmed around the house and  they all dressed so fancy, and talked with big words. My siblings and I rolled our eyes and looked down at our plates while we felt uncomfortable.

            Siwon, my cousin sat across from me and smiled politely, “I heard you will be attending the prestige Arts University this upcoming fall.” He stared at me and blinked a couple times. “I bet you’re nervous.” He commented with a sigh, followed by a shrug, “Maybe your acceptance is the reason Kai ran off. He hates being overshadowed by you.” He rolled his eyes, “Don’t know what his deal is when I over shadow the two of you.” He laughed shortly but then fixed his composure and smiled gently once again. 

            I stared at him for a moment, but then SungMin spoke up, “Siwon, don’t say that it isn’t Hyukjae’s fault Kai is missing-”

            “I’m not hungry.” I mumbled and pushed my plate forward. “I need air.” I commented, stood up and walked out of the huge house and into the backyard. I sat down by the roses, pulled out my phone and needed something to cheer me  up. I smiled when I knew hearing Donghae’s voice would do the trick. I dialed his number, pressed the phone to my ear and waited patiently.

“Hi hyukkie!” He sounded so happy that I instantly felt a bit better, but I needed to vent.

          “Baby, you won’t believe where I’m at” I said miserably.

           “Why do you sound so sad?”

          “I’m with my parents….Luna practically begged them so we could all come out to eat. It baby…I need you. I feel so out of place” I mumbled.

          He giggled. “Wait, so you’re at a fancy restaurant?” He sounded so cute when he was confused I just wanted to squish his cheeks!

          “Its some rich family party really…and we ate here.” I exhaled deeply and looked over to the side. Luna approached me and she mouthed ‘Appa is mad.’ “But anyway, I should go now.” I tried not to sound too miserable but all I wanted was to be with Donghae.

          Donghae paused for a moment, “I think someone is ding-dong-ditching at my house” He sounded a bit worried and I frowned for a moment. Ding dong ditching? It sounded too childish to be true.

          “DongHae…what’s wrong?” I stood up and clutched onto the phone. I tried to listen carefully to whatever was going on on the other line.

          “Hyukkie…” His voice quivered and I felt my heart beat begin to accelerate. I was beginning to panic. Donghae stayed frozen for a while, and I couldn’t handle the anxiety anymore, “Baby? What’s going on? Talk to me please.” Please tell me everything is ok. Luna frowned and tilted her head as she watched me with a worried expression.

          “Hyukkie…I think…” His voice was muffled by his fear and I began to pace around nervously as I waited patiently for him to say something. I tried to stay calm, but my heart told me that something was wrong.

          “Hyukkie! KAI JUST BROKE INTO MY HOUSE!”

I froze, my eyes widened immediately by the image. “Wha-What?!” What the hell is Kai doing?! My heart stopped, and I sprinted out of the backyard, “DongHae, baby are you ok?! I’m on my way, ok? I’LL BE THERE SOON!” I stuffed my phone into my pocket, climbed onto my motorcycle and drove off without bothering with my helmet. I needed to get to Donghae’s house as soon as possible.

            I drove at a dangerous speed, but I couldn’t think properly when I knew my baby needed me. I felt afraid, I knew Kai was reckless but I never imagined he would ever lay a finger on Donghae. My heart continued to pound rapidly, the adrenaline coursed through my veins and I forced my breathing to remain steady.

            I drove into Donghae’s front yard, and jumped off of my motorcycle. “STOP!!!” I heard Donghae scream from his room, and I ran towards his window and climbed up. I gripped onto the vines to keep myself from falling, and I pulled myself into Donghae’s room. My heart stopped when I saw Kai on top of Donghae, clearly trying to take advantage of him by the way he tore his clothes. I ran towards them, grabbed him by his shoulder and pulled him off of Donghae, “Stay away from him!” I yelled and tried to get Kai to calm down.

He was a complete mess. His eyes were bloodshot red, his pupils were dilated, his clothes were tattered and his hair was a complete mess. I gripped onto his wrists and tried to restrain him from attacking me anymore, but he continued to kick me, “I hate you.” He whispered repeatedly, “You’re going to regret this.” He threatened, and punched me across my cheek.

I didn’t want to hit him, but I was so pissed off at him for hurting Donghae that I ended up hitting him a couple times. “Kai, calm down.” I urged but he only hissed and sent a hard kick into my stomach; I flinched, and tried to ignore the pain.

          “Hyukkie! She needs a doctor!” Donghae cried out and I couldn’t look over. I knew Kai had hurt Abby, and I knew if I looked I would be even more pissed off at him. I wanted to help him more than I wanted to hurt him.

            Kai couldn’t even stand in one place, he stumbled off and then in one moment he pushed me down on the ground, wrapped his arms around my neck tightly, but I pushed him off of me, pinned his hands down and tried to get him to calm down.

            “Calm down.” I said softly, but he struggled against me, and glared at me.

           “I hate you” He snarled and tried to kick me, but he couldn’t reach me. He was completely gone, and I could tell he had taken something by the way his eyes looked.

          “Kai, we’ll get you some help, ok?” And maybe then you can stop hating me so much. “What did you take Kai? Was it something you’re not used to?” I don’t know why I had any hope the sweet talk would work when I knew he hated me no matter how I talked to him.

          He whispered, “I’ll kill you before anything.” He threatened and glared into my eyes. As much as I tried to deny it, I knew he wasn’t kidding. He wanted me dead, and I had no idea why.

          “If that’ll make you happy” my tone didn’t change. He seemed to have calmed down for a moment, he shivered a bit. Donghae wept heavily while he sat on his bed and hugged himself. I wanted to hold him, but I didn’t want to cause Kai anymore pain. As a way to help him, I decided to close the window so he wouldn’t be cold; I stood up and approached the window. I was about to close it but I froze when I heard Kai’s movements.

 “HYUKKIE LOOK OUT!” Donghae cried out, and I immediately moved to the side, but Kai lost his balance and fell out of the window. I reacted quickly, grabbed his hand, gripped onto it and felt his weight pulling me down, “Give me your other hand Kai.” I held out my other hand for him, but he didn’t react.

            Donghae approached the window, and stared down at Kai. Kai stared at him with solemn eyes.

             “Kai, your hand!” I panicked when I felt his hand slipping from my hold. I tried to reach out for his other hand, but he didn’t react.

          “Kai…please…don’t do this” Donghae pleaded in a small whisper. “If you stop now…I could possibly forgive you.”

          Tears rolled down Kai’s eyes as he stared into Donghae’s eyes. “I will never forgive you.” he whispered sadly then managed to yank his hand away from my hold, and Donghae and I froze as he fell down to the ground. I felt relieved when he stood up and ran to his motorcycle.

“I have to go to him…” I ran out of Donghae’s room, and Hae followed and grabbed my hand before I could get on my motorcycle. “Be careful Hyukkie” he whispered softly.

          I smiled a bit and pecked his lips sweetly, “Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon, promise” I climbed on top of my motorcycle and drove off. I looked around frantically, in search for my cousin, and when I finally found him I felt my heart close to give out on me by how fast he drove. My heart palpitated inside my chest, and I speeded up to catch up to him, “KAI!” I called out for him. I tried to be as careful as possible with all of the cars around, but I needed to get to him; I felt afraid that something would happen.

            Kai drove like a maniac as he drove past every car, he swerved around them and laughed loudly. I tried to keep up, but I trailed behind him. “KAI SLOW DOWN!” I cried out in fear when I saw a huge semi truck approaching.. “KAI!!!” I screamed in horror when the semi truck drove in front of him, and it made him lose control of the motorcycle. Kai flew out of the motorcycle and became crushed in between the semi truck and another small car.

            I stopped, and ran over to him as fast as I could. I cried out, cupped my mouth with my palms when I saw him lying on his stomach, whimpering in pain before he slowly turned to the side. I cried harder when I saw his face was burned from the impact of his fall, he bled on his face, arms and legs, and the bone on his leg stuck out. It took him a moment for the pain to settle in and he began  to scream in pain, but he didn’t move anymore.

        I felt completely sick to my stomach from how afraid I was for what will happen next. I knelt down beside him and whispered, “Kai…? I’m sorry…So very sorry” Tears escaped from my eyes and I began to cry heavily for my broken cousin, “I’m sorry I was never the cousin you wanted…I’m sorry if I ever intimidated you, but please know that I never hated you and I never will” I whispered. I trembled from the sadness I felt, I never wanted this to happen to him no matter how much he hated my guts.

        He stared at me; only one of his eyes were visible since the other was hardly visible from the burns, “I- I…f-found…the ring….in” he took a deep, shallow breath, “your room” he whispered softly.

        “Ring?” My eyes widened and it slowly sunk in that he must have seen  the ring I bought for Donghae. I felt even more guilty  than before, but before I could even apologize Kai spoke up.

        “M-Mine…” he whispered.

        “Shh…don’t strain yourself Kai. Try to relax, please.” I pleaded through my tears.

        Kai slowly slipped into unconsciousness, so he tilted his head to the side and closed his eyes.

        The ambulance showed up and takes Kai into a stretcher. I could only watch as they drove off with him. I cried softly, hugged myself and considered getting rid of the ring to cause less pain on Kai. I sniffled lightly, and squeezed my eyes shut before I walked towards my motorcycle. I should have gone to see him immediately, but I needed to see Donghae. I climbed on the motorcycle and drove off towards his house.


3 more chapters left ;_; 

Anxiety is going to kill me *inhale, exhale* 

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Oh my
This perspective is so good
Thank you so much
Chapter 24: Wow. I really liked Hyukkie's pov. Going to read the sequel now.
Baegoppahansam #3
Chapter 24: Hyukjae's pov is very helpful because some of my questions were answered. Thank you so much!! ∩__∩
Chapter 24: It's lovely to know hyuk's POV too ^^ thanks for sharing authornim!
krystal0154401 #5
Chapter 24: This is sweet... I love the sequel and I'm ready to read the next one. What happened to Kai?! It's depressing!
AmyPark101 #6
Chapter 24: Hiii!! Im hereee!!! Finally we meet again hihi ^^..Well, i like both pov, sometimes i feel that hyuk pov better but sometimes i feel that hae pov are better. NO! Its okay really afterall i like both pov cause i know what they think that time. ANYWAY!! Good job!!!!! And gonna off to Forever Yours!!! Meet you there ^0^!
Chapter 24: How sweet ^^
Thank for writing Hyukjae POV
ecargebeohp_10 #8
Chapter 19: Kai is insane.. He might be a schizoprenic.. He's scary!
Aquariuspeg #9
Chapter 24: I really enjoy reading Hyukkie's POV.
This helped me better understand his movements and decision. Thank you Author-sii for this, I can say to you that I like this POV more than Hae's, but only a little bit. But the most I love both POV as one~ as one it is complete.
Kai's POV... oh god, he is really sick, he is SO mental, so scary.. Now I can say he is completely freak~ Poor Hyukkie and Hae, first uncle, now Kai...
I'm waiting for the next updates "Forever Yours" ^^

(Sorry for my bad English ;))