The Beach

The Purest of Love

32 The Beach    



            I wanted to hold him in my arms as long as possible, but after spending an hour on the ground with our arms wrapped around each other Donghae remembered his mourning friend. I kissed his head lightly and fought against my urge to keep my arms locked around him, “I really have to go Hyukkie.” He flashed his pout-I think he knew it was my weakness.

            “I know…” I kissed his head once more and trailed my kisses down to his nose. He giggled cutely and I smiled to myself, leaned down and pecked his lips softly, “Let’s  go before we forget.” I stood up, helped him and we walked off to my car. I opened the door for him and smiled widely when he seemed taken back.

            I drove us to Kibum’s house and parked in the driveway before I looked over at Donghae. He leaned in, pecked my lips too quickly for my liking, and made his way out of the car. “I shouldn’t be out too late.” He said while holding the door to close it. He smiled sweetly at me, and I smiled back.

             “Just call me if you need me, k?” I said, leaned in closer to give him one more kiss. The previous one was way too short, so when Donghae leaned in I made sure it lasted a bit longer. He grinned widely before saying a goodbye, he closed the door and walked off to the front door.

            I went back home, placed my phone on the counter and walked off to the couch because I was oddly exhausted. I rested on the couch and ended up going to sleep, but my nap was shortly interrupted by my best friends knocking on the front door. I groaned, forced myself to get up and walked over to them. I opened the door and stared at them with a small frown, “Yes?” I mumbled tiredly and wiped my eyes to wake myself up. I leaned against the door and stared at them.

            KyuHyun and Heechul exchanged awkward glances and then looked at me, “We were spying on you last night. We were going to give you a birthday surprise, but we ended up being pretty surprised when we found you and Donghae making out.” KyuHyun spoke first and I made my way out of my house, and closed the door behind me.

            “I was going to tell you eventually” I shrugged and smiled like an idiot while I thought about my baby. “It was definitely the best birthday I’ve had in the longest time.” I smiled widely while they exchanged glances.

            “I thought you didn’t want to be with him?” KyuHyun frowned, “but I mean, we’re happy for you. We were just really confused the whole night-” he paused, “So you’re really really together?”  

            I nodded with a huge smile that seemed to really shock them, “We’re together now,” I bit my lower lip and added, a bit more shyly, “I can’t even begin to explain how much he means to me. He’s my everything.” I smiled happily and waited for them to say something.

            “This is unbelievable,” KyuHyun’s eyes were wide, but he smiled happily, “We’re happy for you Hyukjae.”

            “Definitely.” Heechul added quickly, “But…have you thought about your dad? I mean, if he ever found out that you were gay, and dating the neighbor I honestly think he would lose it. He’s been much better lately, but I fear he’ll snap once again, Hyukjae, and I just you to be safe.”

            “And Donghae too.” KyuHyun nodded, “Your dad will probably blame him, and-” I shook my head and looked down at my feet, so he would stop talking. I froze for a bit, and closed my eyes while trying to imagine my father’s reaction when I introduced Donghae to him.

            “He would flip.” I mumble and looked up at them, “but I can’t push Donghae away now that we’re finally together. I won’t allow my father to get between us.” I smiled a bit. “Do you guys want to come in for something to drink?” I offered and smiled happily when they nodded enthusiastically. We walked into my house and I frowned when I see SungMin on my phone.

            “he isn’t here…he’s with KyuHyun and Heechul, but if you want I can call one of their phones since Hyukjae forgot his phone-” it took me a while to process who he could possibly be talking to, but then it hit me that MY BABY NEEDED ME!! Sungmin saw me, luckily.

            “NO WAIT! He just came in” I literally ran to the phone, and pressed it against my ear. I can’t believe I forgot that I had to pick him up.

 “Donghae? Sorry! I-” I tried to apologize to him but he cut me off.

            “No Its ok! I didn’t think I was going to take so long…so can you come get me now?” he sounded so adorable even through the phone that I rested my chin on my palms and began to day dream about his cute face. Heechul and KyuHyun came into my view and I remembered that I had to tell Donghae about my Appa.

            “Sure…I have to tell you something.” I began.

            “Is it bad?” he sounded worried.

            “It’ll tell you soon, k? I’ll be right over.” We hung up shortly and I turned and stared at my best friends, “We need to postpone.” I smiled cheekily while they glared at me, “My baby needs me.” I shrugged, “Its not my fault.” I mumbled and we walked out of my house.

            “The relationship barely began and you’re already ditching us for him.” Heechul pretended to be hurt but he smiled happily, “We’ll see you soon, lover boy.” He chuckled. KyuHyun laughed before we said our goodbyes and I got into my car. I drove off to Kibum’s house swiftly.

            When I arrived to Kibum’s house, Donghae sat on the porch patiently. He smiled happily as soon as he saw me pull into the driveway. He stood, and approached the car with the sweetest smile. Oh God, I’m falling way too hard way too fast. I smiled when he sat on the passenger seat and closed the door, “Hey.” That was all it took and I couldn’t take it anymore. He grinned, leaned in and kissed me softly; it was meant to be a short kiss, but before he could pull away I pressed my hand on his nape and held him close to me.

            I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his lips hungrily with a soft smile. He laughed while I pulled him closer to me, deepening the kiss. His lips were soft, sweet and I became intoxicated by them. ““Mmm Hyuk-mmmpphh”  I cut him off by kissing him eagerly. He smiled gently and wrapped his arms around me while I caressed his nape gently, squeezed his waist and kissed him softly.

            I smiled widely before pulling away from the kiss, I was breathless from my baby’s sweet lips. I pecked his forehead gently and smiled to myself when I noticed him breathing heavily; his lips were red. So tempting. I forced myself to not kiss him again or else I’d never let him go.

            He smiled big and we gazed into each other’s eyes before he whispers, “So…what were you gonna tell me?” he asked softly and I suddenly felt uneasy by the thought of my father.

            I smiled a bit knowing Donghae and I would find a way to get through this, “The guys found out about us…guess they were spying.” I shrugged, “But since they’ve been my friends for a long time…they know about my dad,”

            He stared at me, obviously not getting where I was going with this.

            “DongHae, if he finds out about us…” I began.

            He shook his head, “He doesn’t have to.”

            I stared at him while being completely confused. He didn’t deserve to be kept a secret. “But that’s not fair to you.”

            He smiled sweetly. “Really? It doesn’t matter Hyukkie,” he leaned in and pecked my nose softly. I smiled widely. How the hell did I get so lucky? “…as long as we’re together I’m fine with being your little secret” He smiled. He seemed completely sincere. “Well…a secret to your dad of course.”

            I pursed my lips for a bit and then exhaled deeply, “We’ll see what happens…whenever he comes back, but luckily he never stays for long.” I smiled big, pecked his lips because I couldn’t help the temptation. I started the car and drove off, but during the ride I noticed Donghae was really quiet. “How’s Kibum?” He asks while waiting at a red light.

            “Terrible…he cried himself to sleep.” He pouted. Aish, my heart just skipped a beat. “His mommy isn’t any better either…” he sounded so sad for his friend, and his mom. I wish I could find a way to console my baby.

            “He’s lucky to have you as a friend, Donghae” I said softly, reached out and held his hand gently. He smiled sweetly while thanking me. I parked the car into the garage and we got out of the car. We were walking out of the garage when SungMin pops out of no where and nearly gives my baby a heart attack! I held Donghae tightly while he calms his heart down.

            “SungMin!” He wailed and I held him tightly in my arms.

            “Sorry!” SungMin chuckled a bit, “But uhm just wanted to tell you that you got something in the mail Hyukjae.” He handed me a letter and I stared at it in silence. I felt my heart about to give out on me. This was it. If it rejected me then I had no where to go. 

            “You should open it Hyukkie.” Donghae tried to encourage me while I held him with one arm, but he pulled away. He approached SungMin, “You wanna open it alone?”

            I stared at the letter, unsure if I wanted to be alone, or if I needed Donghae here beside me. SungMin huffs in frustration. “Just open it!!! I’m sure you got in you’ve been playing piano since you were five now hurry up!!!!”

            Donghae shook his and shoved him into the house to give me some privacy. I exhaled deeply and ripped the letter open. I can do this. I can do this. I chewed on my lower lip while slowly unfolding the letter. My eyes scanned the first paragraph and I felt my heart stop; a small smile spread on my lips as I continued to read it.

            Donghae closed the front door and slowly approached me. I looked up and smiled widely, “I got accepted!!” Donghae smiled happily and ran into my arms. I squeezed him tightly and he laughed gently while we hugged each other tightly. I’ve been so happy in my life. I’m so glad I am able to share this moment with Donghae. My baby laughed lightly, pulled a bit from the hug just to lean in and capture my lips; I was a willing victim. I smiled happily as we kissed each other gently. My hands unconsciously rolled up and down his back, and I felt him shiver in our embrace. His hands held onto my shoulders while our kiss deepened. I smiled a bit, wrapped my hand on his nape and massaged him gently. Donghae smiled happily into our sweet, tender kiss.  

            “What the IS THIS?!?!” I knew that voice anywhere. It was Kai, my lovely cousin that hated my guts. Donghae and I pulled away from the kiss and looked over. It was definitely Kai, and he was clearly pissed as he glared at us. I was used to this, really. He stole my first girlfriend, and attempted to steal SooYoung as well.

            “Are you blind, Kai? Isn’t it obvious that Donghae and I are together?” I smirked, I felt so proud to be with Donghae, so I tightened my hold around him while I stared at him. There was something about the way he looked at us that made me feel really uneasy.

            He stared at Donghae with a solemn expression. “Is that true?” His voice almost gave out on him.

            Donghae frowned, “Yea, we’re together…why does that bother you?”

             Kai shook his head, turned and walked off without saying another word to us. He disappeared into the woods and Donghae and I remained silent for a bit. Kai has never looked so hurt. I frowned a bit by the thought. He’s just messing with my head purposely.  

            Donghae looked up and met my eyes, “He seemed a little sad, huh?” Yes he did, but I don’t know if he was faking it or not.

            I lifted one shoulder, “I get the feelings he’ll try to steal you away from me.” I couldn’t even imagine what I would ever do if Kai managed to take my baby Hae from me. A part of me would die without a doubt. Donghae is mine and only mine!

            Donghae scrunched his nose, “What?! No, Kai…why would he if he hates my guts?” He frowned and stared into my eyes. My baby would never cheat on me, I trust him. His eyes show his innocence.

            “Because he wants everything I have, remember?” I smiled and pecked his cheek sweetly. “You won’t leave me right?” I pouted cutely in case he needed a reason to stay with me, but I was just joking of course. I have faith in our relationship. Donghae smiled and shook his head.

            “Of course not pabo! How long has it been since I’ve loved you and you think I’ll just simply leave you?!” Well when you put it that way. (I couldn’t hide the cheesy smile on my face (Donghae sure has a way with words)) Donghae giggled cutely and he pulled me tightly into the embrace. I lifted him, earning a cute yelp from him, and walked him into my house. He smiled widely, and I eagerly kissed him. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sweet taste of his lips. I’m not sure how we made it safely into the house, but luckily we did. I looked around while kissing Donghae sweetly. He clutched onto the back of my shirt while I gently pushed him down on the couch, and climbed on top of him.

            I held his soft hands, and pinned them above his head while I kissed him roughly. The heat from our bodies was increasing rapidly. I could feel our sweat building up while our lips kissed each other hungrily. I couldn’t take this anymore. I needed more of Donghae before I exploded. I his bottom lip, and after a while Donghae began to respond.

            Sadly, we were ed by my wonderful brother. He threw a pillow at us. “Yah! Stop eating Donghae’s innocent face!” He exclaimed with a wide smile then ran up the stairs to his room before I could attack him for ruining my chance to taste Donghae’s sweet mouth. (and his delicious tongue as well).

            Dongahe smiled sweetly at me, and I slowly twirl my finger around the collar of his shirt. “I think we should ditch school tomorrow”

            His beautiful eyes widened, “What?! Bu-But I’m a good kid!” He pouted while I lost my sanity. I smiled big. I actually don’t mind seeing Donghae wet-I mean, in the ocean. “We could go to the beach” I suggested slyly. Smooth move, Hyukjae. He’ll never notice that you’re trying so hard to convince him to ditch.  

            I could see the excitement in his eyes, but he quickly frowned when a lightbulb went off in his brain. “I see what you’re doing Mister!” He puffed his cheeks-cutely. I can’t hand this anymore. I just might attack him once more.  “Why tomorrow during school?!” Why not? Any day is perfect for me. We’re seniors isn’t it expected of us to hardly show up to class?

            I smiled and shrugged, “DongHae, we’re seniors now. Most seniors ditch all the time, its traditional” I chuckled “Plus…I think it would be nice if we go to the aquarium before the beach, don’t you think?” I suggested in a sweet voice and pecked his nose. “A whole day just to ourselves.” I seriously love the sound of that. A whole day with Donghae…it sounds too good to be true.  

            He smiled big by the thought. “I like the sound of that” I leaned down and showered his cute face with soft kisses and he seemed to really enjoy that; he closed his eyes and smiled cutely. I kissed his cheek, his temple, his jaw line, and slowly made my way to his ear.

            I pecked his ear softly, nibbled on the lobe gently while Donghae’s hands held onto my shoulders tightly. I fought a moan while on his ear, Donghae giggled, “Hyukkie! That tickles” He laughed again-so cutely that I snapped out of it. Omo I was  thinking far too dirty for my baby. I smiled lightly, released his ear, and pecked his lips sweetly. He pouted, “I should go.” I felt my heart breaking by the thought of being away from him.

            I pouted with him though I could never be as cute as him. “Do you have to?”

            He smiled, “Yes, but luckily I’ll see you tomorrow for the whole day!” He seemed just as excited as I was. I grinned with him, nodded in agreement, and lifted him into my arms effortlessly; I carried him bridal style. He stared at me, confused, “I can walk Hyukkie!” He seemed embarrassed but I only laughed and shrugged.

            “I know, but I like carrying you” I chuckled, opened the front door and walked out of my house. I headed towards his house while carrying him happily. He seemed a bit afraid because he held onto me tightly. I slowly set him down in front of his front door. “Well night.” I frowned. I’m not sure why it suddenly hit me that I should play Donghae’s song for him. I composed him a song a couple of days before my birthday. I couldn’t get him out of my head, and I decided I should show him how much he meant to me. “Oh and uhm…I also composed a piece for you” I grinned.

            He smiled big, “Another lullaby?”

            I shook my head. I didn’t mean for it to be a lullaby but maybe it could be one. It is a pretty tune. “Well…I didn’t intend it to be, but maybe.” I shrugged. “Speaking of your lullaby…want me to play it for you tonight?” I grinned from excitement and he nodded without hesitating.

            “Come on!” He opened the door, dragged me inside his house and up to his rom. He let’s go of my hand and rummages through his drawers. He takes out pjs, “Let me change…” He walked into the bathroom, and I sat on his bed while I waited patiently for him. He came out and I smiled by how cute he looked in his fishy pajamas. He climbed onto his bed, and I tucked him in. I smiled at my baby and pecked his cute lips quickly.  

            I grab my portable piano that I left under his bed, and sat on his bed with it resting on my lap. I leaned against the headboard of his bed, and Donghae leaned on my shoulder. “Are you gonna play the other song you composed?” he asked. I didn’t think I was ready yet.

I shook my head. “Not today. Maybe tomorrow”

            He smiled sweetly, grabbed his Nemo plush and hugged him tightly while he watched me with his beautiful eyes. I smiled at him and played his sweet lullaby, and continued to play for him until he fell asleep. I exhaled deeply when I realized he was asleep. I leaned down and kissed his head before gently setting his head on his bed. I kissed his head one more time before I walked out of his room. I walked out of his house, and froze when I saw Kai sitting in front of my house. He watched me, glared at me and waited for me to get closer.

            I exhaled, mentally prepared myself for him before I approached him, “Are you spying?” He slowly stood on his feet and looked to the side, “Kai, I really don’t want to have this childish rivalry with you anymore.” I tried to reach out for him, but he backed away and glared at the ground. I exhaled while my hand fell to my side, “I don’t hate you. On the contrary, I’ve always wished nothing but the best for you. Let’s just stop this fighting, Kai.”

            He closed his eyes, and opened them before he spoke, “I’d rather not waste my breath on you.” He glared at me, “Just know that I’ll be watching you, Hyukjae…very closely.” He took a step back and before I could say something to him he spoke, “Enjoy this while you can.” He walked off while I stood there, too stunned to move. What exactly is Kai planning?


            I couldn’t sleep that night. I was busy trying to figure out what to do about Kai, and next thing I knew it was morning. I heard the doorbell ringing and forced myself to get out of bed since I knew it was my baby. I limped down the stairs, and opened the door. The brightness of outside made me groan and rub my tired eyes. I pull Donghae into my arms while he giggled softly. “Aw did you just wake up?” he rubbed my back while I nodded and pecked his neck.

            “I just need to shower.” I said softly, and he smiled and helped me up the stairs. He must have figured I would stumble back and roll down the stairs from how tired I was.

            “I’ll prepare your breakfast.” He said sweetly while we walked into my room. He rummaged around and handed me clothes. I took them and exhaled deeply while I smiled to myself. I’m so lucky to have Donghae

            “You’re the best” I pecked his lips before stumbling towards the bathroom. I showered quickly, then ate the delicious pancakes Donghae made for me. I seriously love him more and more each day. He pouted and mentioned that he didn’t have any swimming trunks for the beach, so I told him we’d go shopping.

            We headed to the aquarium and I couldn’t stop staring at the childish Donghae that was so excited to be surrounded by fish. He stopped and stared at a clown fish that swam around, “So cute!!!” He said happily while his eyes became hypnotized by the fish.

I smile and leaned close into his ear, “You’re even cuter,” I whisper. He smiled, turned and pecked my lips softly. I should compliment him more if this is what I get in return. I smiled. His lips taste so sweet I could never get enough of them.

            “And you’re so sweet” He grinned and we walked off to explore more of the fish tanks. The day was pretty tiring considering how hyper Donghae was everytime he’d see a new fish.

           “Hyukkie look at that fishy!” He’d announce at the top of his lungs. He was even more excited than the little kids swarming around. Donghae jumped up and down when we stopped in front of the tank. “Omo he’s so colorful!” He dragged me away and pouted when he looked at a fish, “Aw he looks so lonely in this tank.” I think my heart broke when I saw him pout sadly, but then he dragged me towards another tank and squealed cutely, “Awww he’s a baby fishy!!!” and it would happen constantly, and constantly. It was amusing, and adorable that I had the sudden urge to pinch his cheeks.

After what seemed like hours of walking around, hand in hand with my baby, Donghae clearly became exhausted from how excited he was. He finally ran out of fuel and his hyper ness died down. He rested his head on my shoulder and exhaled deeply while I smiled to myself.

            I chuckled and embraced him tightly, “Tired from so much excitement?” I laughed and pecked his head.

            “A little…” He frowned and looked at me, “Beach?” He grinned excitedly while I only shrugged-secretly dreading the feeling of cold water on my skin. We made our way out of the aquarium and walked towards my car.  

           I drove off to the beach, but we walked off to the store first so Dongahe could get himself the proper attire for the ocean. We found our swimming trunks and I quickly paid for them. We walked off towards the bathroom to change into them. We entered two small stalls and I rapidly undressed myself and put on the swimming trunks only. I walked out of the stall and smiled to myself when Donghae slowly made his way out. He wore his swimming trunks but also kept his t-shirt on. I decided not to question him. He might think I’m a ert! Though…I really do want to see him without his shirt on..Aish I am a ert.

            I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the bathroom. We headed to the car, grabbed our towels, and sunscreen before we headed towards the beach. I smiled while we walked through the sand, and then I knelt down in front of Donghae and he jumped on my back. I carried him until we found a spot in the beach.

            I slowly set him down and we spread our towels on the sand. Hae grabbed the bottle of sunscreen and we rubbed sunscreen all over each other. Donghae didn’t waste a minute before he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the ocean. “Wait!!” I wailed, but didn’t pull him back, instead I allowed him to drag me forward. “Cant we just…bask in the sun and get a little tan?” I frowned. Donghae only laughed and shook his head.

            “Come on Hyukkie! There’s nothing to fear, ok? I’m here.” He grinned and I only exhaled. There really was no use to go against him when his cute face didn’t let me say no to him. I gripped his hand when we walked deep into the water. Donghae smiled, turned to stare at me before he circled his arms around me. He kissed me sweetly, and I completely forgot everything else. I didn’t even notice that we continued to walk deeper into the ocean since Donghae’s sweet lips were doing wonders on mine.

            The water hit our knees, but I didn’t notice, or care at the moment. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me while our kiss deepened.

            Our lips molded together so perfectly; Hae clutched onto me tightly while my arms rested around his waist. I his bottom lip, yearning for more, and he shyly parted his lips for me. My tongue explored every inch of his mouth, savoring the sweet, intoxicating taste. Donghae moaned softly while our tongues danced together slowly. I completely forgot my fear of the ocean while our lips molded together in a soft, sweet way.  We were so deep into the kiss, but somehow we ended up tipping over and falling into the water with a loud splash. We emerged from the ocean laughing and we ended up swimming around, lightly splashing each other. Donghae stayed close to me, and I felt a bit more at ease. This isn’t as bad as I thought it would be.  

            “I race you!” He declared.

           I frowned. I cant even swim as well as he can! “Not fair! You’re a pro swimmer…”

            “I’ll go slow” He said cutely while he batted his eyelashes for me. Damn, he’s so beautiful how can I ever deny him? “Oh come on! Just a little race” He smiled big for me. I couldn’t say no to my baby!  

            “Fine” I puffed my cheeks, “But if I get left behind and a shark eats me-”         

            “A shark won’t eat you! We’re not that far into the ocean, silly” He ruffled my wet hair with his fingers and smiled brightly at me. I really did trust he wouldn’t let me die.

            We started swimming, but it wasn’t really a race because we swam side by side slowly. Donghae began to complain that he was becoming all pruney so he dragged me out of the ocean and we rested on our towels. We faced each other while our fingers entwined playfully.

           “See wasn’t so bad, huh?” he grinned happily and I couldn’t deny that I really did have fun.

            I smiled sweetly and pecked his fingers, “No…but only because you were here with me. If I was with anyone else, I would not get in the water.” I me his gaze and I smiled happily at him. I’ve never been so happy before…Donghae why have I denied you for so long? He smiled at me, and he leaned closer to me and pecked my lips. I smiled and kissed him back.

             He pulled away and smiled cutely at me. “Will you play me that piece now?”

            “Little excited?” I chuckled and nodded. I was excited to show it to him as well. “In a bit…let’s enjoy the sun awhile longer.” I said tiredly and I pulled his wet body towards me and embraced him tightly. We held each other and enjoyed the sun a while longer.  

            Time passed by slowly and I really didn’t want to leave, but I knew we had to. I poked Donghae’s shoulder and he only groaned and pouted in response. He must have known that it was time for us to go. “Your pouts are so cute” I whispered and pecked his beautiful lips. He’s so damn tempting all the time how can I ever keep my hands to myself? “Come on we have to go now” I nudged him but he only shook his head. “Don’t you want to hear me play?” I pretended to be hurt, and Donghae looked up and stared at me. I only smiled when he seemed to have given in.

            “Fine then let’s go now”

            During our drive back home I received a phone call but asked Donghae to answer it for me. He seemed really embarrassed through the conversation and my guess was that he was talking to Luna. She can be quite intimidating sometimes.

            His face was cherry red, and when he finally hung up he chewed on his lower lip and mumbled, “It was Luna…she uh…said she’d call you back some other time cuz she’s boarding a plane…”

            I nodded “Okay…so uh what did she say that made you blush?” I cracked a smile because his pouted and shook his head.


            I chuckled. “Liar.”

            When I parked the car in the driveway, Donghae rushed out and nearly burst with excitement. “HURRY!!!!” I almost laughed by how much he was rushing me. I unlocked my h ouse and we stepped inside. I grab his hand and lead him to my piano. We sit down and he grinned happily, “OMO Im so excited!”

            I smiled at him, “I think you’ll really like it” I whispered and pressed a few keys to make sure it was in tune. I really hope you do Donghae. “Ready?” I almost , but he didn’t seem to notice.

            He nodded. “Uh huh.” He answered cutely and then looked down at my fingers that slowly began to play his song for him.

            Donghae smiled widely as he watched me play the song for him, he seemed just as lost as I was with the melody. He seemed to really love it but once I was finished I couldn’t help but ask, “What’d you think?”

            He grinned widely, “Loved it!” he beamed sincerely and then attacked my lips. I smiled, wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back gently. The kisses slowly progressed. I kissed his sweet lips over and over again; I didn’t want to part. We just held onto each other while my tongue slowly slipped into his and explored his addicting hot cavern. I carried him bridal style away from my piano, and he clings onto me while I walked towards the couch. We were breathing heavily when we pulled apart and I gently set him down on the couch and climbed on top of him. He smiled big, wrapped his armd around me while our lips found each other once again. 

            I pulled away and smiled at him, “It’s barely our second day and I cant seem to keep my hands off you.” I laughed softly while Donghae grinned. I really didn’t want to stop kissing him. I had to stop myself or else my hands would become…loose.

            “I don’t mind.” He said out of breath. He sounded so adorable, and I couldn’t stop staring at his sore, tempting red lips. We caught our breath and then he pulled me back into his embrace and attacked my lips.

            I laughed by how eager he was. I kissed him back eagerly and circled my arms around his waist while our lips molded gently together.         



Whoot I hope you enjoy this update♥!



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Oh my
This perspective is so good
Thank you so much
Chapter 24: Wow. I really liked Hyukkie's pov. Going to read the sequel now.
Baegoppahansam #3
Chapter 24: Hyukjae's pov is very helpful because some of my questions were answered. Thank you so much!! ∩__∩
Chapter 24: It's lovely to know hyuk's POV too ^^ thanks for sharing authornim!
krystal0154401 #5
Chapter 24: This is sweet... I love the sequel and I'm ready to read the next one. What happened to Kai?! It's depressing!
AmyPark101 #6
Chapter 24: Hiii!! Im hereee!!! Finally we meet again hihi ^^..Well, i like both pov, sometimes i feel that hyuk pov better but sometimes i feel that hae pov are better. NO! Its okay really afterall i like both pov cause i know what they think that time. ANYWAY!! Good job!!!!! And gonna off to Forever Yours!!! Meet you there ^0^!
Chapter 24: How sweet ^^
Thank for writing Hyukjae POV
ecargebeohp_10 #8
Chapter 19: Kai is insane.. He might be a schizoprenic.. He's scary!
Aquariuspeg #9
Chapter 24: I really enjoy reading Hyukkie's POV.
This helped me better understand his movements and decision. Thank you Author-sii for this, I can say to you that I like this POV more than Hae's, but only a little bit. But the most I love both POV as one~ as one it is complete.
Kai's POV... oh god, he is really sick, he is SO mental, so scary.. Now I can say he is completely freak~ Poor Hyukkie and Hae, first uncle, now Kai...
I'm waiting for the next updates "Forever Yours" ^^

(Sorry for my bad English ;))