
A Sick Twist of Fate [FRIEND LOCKED]


"You know," A voice from behind her spoke. "You can still back out."




She looked at herself in the mirror, her white dress glimmering under the lights. Needless to say, she resembled a goddess. Her hair was up into a bun and some strands of her hair fell on the side of her face giving it a touch of elegance.




"I know Chaerin-ah," she shrugged as she smiled through the mirror looking at the girl behind her who was now placing her veil securely on top of her head. Once it was on, Chaerin grabbed the bride's shoulders and looked deep in her eyes.




"Dara, what about Ji?" She asked with concern.




"What about him?" Dara looked at herself again in the mirror.




"I know you still feel something for him,"




She sighed and turned around to face her best friend.




"Honestly Chaerin, I think I'll always feel something for Ji… but there's something different with Tabi," Chaerin gave her a tight lip smile, not knowing how to feel about her best friend's decisions.




"But aren't you a bit concern of how Ji feels about this?"




She wasn't gonna drop the topic any time soon… not unless she tells her exactly what she's feeling.




"Look Chae, Me and Ji had our time… maybe this was our fate… you know? To live our lives separately. I know I'm hurting Ji by marrying Tabi, but I don't think I can hurt the man who helped me stand back up on my own two feet… he has given me everything I have wanted… now, I just want to give him his happiness…"




She gulped the invisible lump that was lodged in as she forced out the next words.




"Even if it means giving up mine,"




And with that said she walked out of the room, leaving Chaerin staring at her.













He was standing on the altar waiting for her to come. His hands were shaking out of nervousness. The thoughts in his head just aggravated his nerves. What if she backs out last minute? What  i-




He felt someone pat his back as a sign of comfort. He looked towards the person and the smiling face of his cousin/best man greeted him.




"Don't be nervous," he smiled. "I promise you, she won't back out."




He saw the slight sadness in his eyes and guilt washed over him. He sighed and nodded as he turned his gaze back to the entrance.




He took a deep breath to calm himself down but then it was as if he forgot to breathe when she came in sight. She was beautiful. There was a smile on her lips as she came closer and closer to where he stood.




Once she got to the altar, he offered his arm in which she took.




They stole a glance towards each other as a smile escaped their lips.




'I'm happy you're the one next to me,' she thought silently as she looked at their entwined hands.















Out in the audience, he was the one who watched them closely, which meant it did not escape his eyes every time they glanced at each other.




His heart was being squeezed by the sadness he felt. He closed his eyes wishing that it would help his shattered heart but it didn't. He listened to the vows they exchanged and bitterness took over his system.




If he hadn't screwed up, he would've been the one next to her.




But he guessed fate was just cruel like that.




He looked at them as they were finally announced husband and wife. He saw the way she looked at him and he knew, he would never be able to make her look at him like that.




A smile broke out from his mouth with the bitterness and the sadness and the pain finally going away the moment they both turned to him and mouthed a small 'thank you'.




'No, Thank YOU.'




Upon noticing that their attention was to their relatives he sneakily stepped out of the church. He looked back as a tear managed to slip from his eyes.




'For you Dara, I became selfless.'





So, here it is. 

I kinda felt disappointed with this one. 

Ending Number 2 - TabiSan


Thank you guys so much for reading this. I hope you all enjoyed it. <3








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ckenzieal #1
Woohoo! *throws confetti* a TabiSan ending! Gomawo for making it a two part ending authornim ^^ and to you too, myjoyce1986. Kamsahamnida! Ahhh... This just made my day, after having a bad news.. >__<
oh gahd! i thought i was too late lol. hehe XD. hurray for alternative ending haha! hurray for the freedom of choosing what ending you like haha XD. sorry i'm in a gummy mode for today lol. and i might spam your comment box hehehe
wah double update!! and you're very much welcome! :3 well i think they like a daragon ending but i honestly want tabisan for change... tabi is the one always making the sacrifice why don't we make jiyong a hero this time lol
myjoyce1986 #4
authornim can you just make a two ending so both appler and gummybear would be happy at the same time coz its really hard to choose both of them deserve dara please update more soon
ckenzieal #5
You updated! :D but I'm sad. I think I can't have my TabiSan now. :( Am I right? So sad.... But whatever the outcome, I'll still accept it. Gomawo for the update! ^^
ckenzieal #6
Authornim, why? *crying a river* poor tabi, after all they've been through. I want tabi have his happiness. And I want tabi to have dara. He deserves dara after all. Surely, ji will find another woman to love. I just don't want my tabi to be hurt so badly. ;((
Update soon authornim. Gomawo!
myjoyce1986 #7
oh my my heart is breaking i also love tabi for dara....please update more soon
aubreyLazy #8
awwww.. tabiiiii.... poor you. awwww..
zendee #9
wah,,,tabi saranghae...
myjoyce1986 #10
oh my i love daragon but my heart is aching for tabi he will sacrifice for them please update more soon