
A Sick Twist of Fate [FRIEND LOCKED]


The moment I saw her walk in the restaurant I was stunned. But the fact that she was in front of me wasn't really what surprised me. It was the fact that she was engaged to be married to my cousin. Small world right? No. It's just a sick twist of fate. So what were the chances of HER being Hyung's girl?



The Hyung that grew up with me. Seunghyun hyung who had been there from the beginning.



"The next time we see each other, please, pretend we're strangers. The next time we see each other, you no longer know a Sandara Park and I know not of a Kwon Jiyong."



I can clearly remember the way she had looked at me as she said those words… she looked at me as if I was some kind of chewing gum on the pavement. It cut me deep, how she walked away. How she hadn't let me explain. How she chose to give up on me.



But who am I kidding right? I'm Kwon Jiyong. I'm selfish, arrogant, egoistic, manwh*re.



Yeah, I admit, I was all those.



Until I met her.



I did my best to change… for her. For us. I couldn't hurt her, not after everything she's done. The sacrifices she did just so she could be with me. Her family nearly fell apart because she rebelled against her father's wishes… all because of me… And yet in the end, I still hurt her.



I roamed around the streets aimlessly, letting my feet drag me to wherever it wants to go. My thoughts running in full speed… and they were all about her.



I want to escape reality. I want to pretend as if she wasn't getting married to someone I loved dearly. I want to pretend like everything was just the way it was. With her in my arms.



Everything was going smoothly at first. Pretending like strangers, it was the least I could do after everything I had done. Then I saw her laugh the way she did when she was with me. I saw her kissed him, with so much passion.



The whole time I was with them, I had never felt so invisible. I tried to be happy for them… but I couldn't. It hurts so much to think that I would never be able to hold her the way I once did. To be able to see her laugh because of something I did. To see her look at me the way she did before everything with us went downfall.



I took my eyes off the pavement and looked ahead, I was no longer in the street, and I was now walking along a park.



I felt like throwing up. It wasn't just a park. It was OUR park. This was the place we always went to. This was our sacred place.



My cheeks were wet. When will the tears stop falling?



I approached our spot, the big old oak tree. I stood rigid in front of it, my eyes staring at the carving that was right in the middle of it. My finger traced the fading Y&D inside the heart, as if it had a mind of its own.



What she said in the restaurant rang in my ears.



"Has it ever considered you to think about someone else, rather than yourself?"




Selfish. It's what I am. Nobody's perfect.



And instead of being selfish, she wanted me be to be selfless. I spat out the bitterness I felt. But this once, can I do it? For her? Be someone I am not.



I don't think I can.



Being selfish was a part of me… I couldn't get rid of it no matter how I try.



I broke out of my trance when I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out not bothering to see who it was and placed it against my ear as I answered it.



"Ji," It was Seunghyun hyung, I could hear the worry and confusion in his voice. And the bitterness I felt just worsens. I was really the most selfish guy in this planet. Not only was I hurting her, but him too. "Talk to me," he was begging. I couldn't say no.



The truth. He deserves the truth.



"Neh Hyung, I'm at Namsan park, meet me here."






I sat down on one of the benches and closed my eyes, savouring the moment I had for myself before I tell him everything.






I opened my eyes and watched him sit down beside me. He sighed. I took my eyes off him and looked at the horizon. I saw couples, children, families all laughing with their loved ones.



"I'm sorry," I bit out. "I didn't know."



"Didn't know what?"



"You and her," I stated, my voice slightly shaking. "If I knew, I wouldn't have come here…" I turned my head to him, making him see just how much I regretted it.



I was not going to ruin their happiness.



'This time, Dara, for you… I'll be selfless.' I thought as my mouth opened to start spilling the truth.



"Hyung, you know the girl that left me?" I watched his reaction as he forced out a smile.



"Dara," he said, as realisation hit him. I nodded in response. I saw the flash of pain in his eyes. "What happened?" he breathed out.



"She caught me in a compromising position…"



"You cheated on her."



Assume. So many people do it. They do it without hearing both sides. Just like what she did that morning… and what he just did.



But who can blame them though right? I'm Kwon Jiyong, A.K.A The One and Only G-Dragon. I live off money, greed, , drugs, alcohol. A club is my second home. I'm a troublemaker.



"No," I denied him, showing him through my eyes to hear me out. "It wasn't like that," my voice becoming desperate… He stayed quiet and I figured it was my queue to speak. I closed my eyes and recalled what happened.



I was in my office looking at the details for the meeting that was about to happen in a few hours, when my secretary came in with my morning coffee. I didn't notice her come in, well, not until she cleared and handed me the cup. She smiled and I gave her a nod as I took a sip from it. I dismissed her as I waved my hand to her telling her it was okay for her to leave but she didn't. I tilted my head as I took a huge gulp from my coffee, with questioning eyes, wondering what she was still doing in my office.



She smirked and I saw the evil glint in her eyes. She started walking towards me, slowly swaying her hips. I was about to ask her what she was doing when I felt dizzy. I felt hot. I couldn't explain it.



"Mr Kwon I want you," She started coming at me and I felt so uncomfortable in my seat. I stiffened the moment she was next to me. She started caressing my shoulders as she bit on my earlobes.



I wanted to stop her. My mind was screaming for her to stop because all I could think of was Dara. How hurt she would be if she finds out I can't control my own body. I couldn't take hurting her again. But my body… I need to stop this.



I was about to tell her to leave me alone and get her ty out of my office and that she was fired but she claimed my lips before anything came out from my mouth. She moaned endlessly. I tried pushing her off but she took my hands and placed in right on her chest. She was controlling every part of me.



I felt weak.



I was crying out for help.



She was now sitting in my lap as she grinded her on my crotch. I felt disgusted. What kind of person does this kind of thing? Oh yes, desperate ones. She let go of my hands as she started undressing me and I mustered all the strength I could get to push her off me but she grinded her even more. I grunted in pain.



I kept pushing her but the more I pushed her, the more she grinded her . I was about to shout for help when she claimed my lips again. I placed my hand on her hips as I tried my best to push her harder.



What exactly did she put in my drink?



She stumbled out of my lap and into the floor. I stood up and cursed at her but she merely stood up. The next thing she did confused me. She sat on my chair as she started to undress herself.



"You say you don't want me Mr Kwon, but your body is clearly saying something different." She looked down to my crotch and a smirk played on her lips. I wanted to slap her, punch her, beat the crap out of her but I wasn't like that. I stood still not knowing what to do.



I broke out of my trance when she pulled my arm and I ended up on top of her as our lips connected. She started again as she moved her lips, her hands around my neck with her legs around my waist. I was pushing her.






No. This can't happen. I looked to where my door was. She was there. Her face paled as her bag dropped on the floor. There was pain in her eyes and I felt my heart constrict.



"Dara, it's not what it looks like," I pushed myself off the sl*t underneath me and started my way to Dara, her eyes looking back and forth from me to my secretary.



"Oppa, what do you mean?" I looked at my secretary and gave her the deadliest glare. She faked innocence but I knew better. That evil cunning b**c.



"I was wrong about you Jiyong," Dara's face showed no emotion as did her voice. "You haven't changed," she turned around to leave.



"Dara!" I grabbed her arm stopping her from her tracks. She however didn't turn around.



"Don't you ever show your face to me again…"



She pulled her arms roughly and I let her go. I watched her figure dissolve into the distance bringing with her my shattered heart. A tear dropped from my face, and then I remembered the other girl in my office.



I turned around to look at her. She was now just clad in her black laced underwear.



"So," she spoke. "Where were we?"






"You're fired," I spat out venomously and walked away, leaving her.






I looked at Seunghyun hyung who was now looking at the ground. I breathed out waiting for him to say something… anything.



"Did you tell her?" He looked at me as I shook my head.



"She never let me," I breathed out as I felt another pang in my chest. He nodded back.



Silence enveloped us.



"Hyung, I'm flying tomorrow morning," I finally spoke. "I'm sorry I won't be at your wedding, I don't think I can do it…"



"It's okay, I know how much it hurts, don't worry… everything will be okay, man," He said as he patted me on the back with a smile on his lips.



'Seunghyun hyung, always the one who picks up the pieces after I've done the damage. You deserve her hyung. You deserve each other. You're both perfect… and for both of you, I'll leave you both silently.' I thought to myself.



"I haven't spent much time with you," he said with sadness in his voice and I forced out a smile. "Say, let's have dinner, just the two of us. Just like old times."



I couldn't say no to that. I nodded.



"Just like old times," I said as I smiled at him genuinely.



I leaned back on the bench.



"I gotta go, sort out something Ji," he said as he started to stand up.



He looked back at me and I watched him walk away but before he completely disappeared he turned around and waved at me… then he was gone.



I felt my phone vibrate. I got a message.



My heart quickened.



I read the words Seunghyun hyung just sent me.

















"You'll have her soon."






Chapter 2 is up! :/ 

Let me know what you think please.. 

Mian, for  the mistakes...

I think the next chapter will un-confuse you..








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ckenzieal #1
Woohoo! *throws confetti* a TabiSan ending! Gomawo for making it a two part ending authornim ^^ and to you too, myjoyce1986. Kamsahamnida! Ahhh... This just made my day, after having a bad news.. >__<
oh gahd! i thought i was too late lol. hehe XD. hurray for alternative ending haha! hurray for the freedom of choosing what ending you like haha XD. sorry i'm in a gummy mode for today lol. and i might spam your comment box hehehe
wah double update!! and you're very much welcome! :3 well i think they like a daragon ending but i honestly want tabisan for change... tabi is the one always making the sacrifice why don't we make jiyong a hero this time lol
myjoyce1986 #4
authornim can you just make a two ending so both appler and gummybear would be happy at the same time coz its really hard to choose both of them deserve dara please update more soon
ckenzieal #5
You updated! :D but I'm sad. I think I can't have my TabiSan now. :( Am I right? So sad.... But whatever the outcome, I'll still accept it. Gomawo for the update! ^^
ckenzieal #6
Authornim, why? *crying a river* poor tabi, after all they've been through. I want tabi have his happiness. And I want tabi to have dara. He deserves dara after all. Surely, ji will find another woman to love. I just don't want my tabi to be hurt so badly. ;((
Update soon authornim. Gomawo!
myjoyce1986 #7
oh my my heart is breaking i also love tabi for dara....please update more soon
aubreyLazy #8
awwww.. tabiiiii.... poor you. awwww..
zendee #9
wah,,,tabi saranghae...
myjoyce1986 #10
oh my i love daragon but my heart is aching for tabi he will sacrifice for them please update more soon