
From Picture to Reality

At the restaurant....

"Jaejoong, I have something to give you for her." his dad got something from his pocket. It was a red little box. Jaejoong instantly knew what it was.

"Should it be that soon?" He asked sounding gloomy.

"I'm sorry, a promise is a promise. Just give her a chance to know you and at the same time let her know about you too."

"Yes, dad." he smiled a little.

Minutes later you and your mom came.

"Here they are." Your father announced. 

Jaejoong sat up and looked who it was. To his surprise it was you. His eyes widened. You and your mom were looking for then when you found them you were as shocked as Jaejoong was.

"You.." both of you chorused.

"You know each other already?" you mom asked.

"Y-y-yeah...kind of." you answered her.

"Please, take a seat." Mr. Kim gestured you and your mom. He nudged Jaejoong to gesture you to your seat while him to your mom.

"So, let's order in first." Mr. Kim signaled the waiter.

All of you got your orders and were now waiting for them. You were still awkward with Jaejoong. You never knew he would be the guy you were going to marry. Same as Jaejoong who didn't expect you to be the girl he'll marry.

"So, how exactly did you guys know each other?" your mom suddenly asked breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"W-well..we.." You started.

"We met in a cafe she was working in." Jaejoong suddenly said interrupting you.

Mr. Kim and your mom were shocked but then overwhelmed since at least this wasn't the first they've seen each other.

"Yeah...I was working that time and he was my costumer." You told them.

"How did you end up there." Mr. Kim asked his son looking at him.

"Well since you broke the news I was getting married I kind of went a little off and walked anywhere then suddenly I landed on their Cafe."

"I'm so sorry again." Your mom apologized. 

"Oh no's alright." Jaejoong smiled assuring her that it was fine. "Besides, I'm only doing this for dad."

"Oh same goes to ______, that's same thing she said when she agreed on this," Your mom continued. You just smiled and looked at Jaejoong. 

The talk continued about you and Jaejoong. Mostly the adults talked. Your orders were already there and the 4 of you ate. Hours passed and you were done. You didn't know what to do. Jaejoong saw you and suddenly stood up,

"Dad, Mrs. Choi, if it's alright with you...may I take ____ out on the beach?" he politely said.

"Sure." His father assured him.

"Just don't get lost alright?" your mom said.

"Oh we won't" you told them. You stood up and followed Jaejoong.

Out in the Beach..............

You and Jaejoong were walking side by side. It was quiet. The only thing you can hear were the waves crashing and the winds blowing. You decided to walk barefoot and so did he.

"Isn't this so wierd?" Jaejoong asked.

"Us? yeah..."

"But I'm really sorry, as you heard earlier, I'll only love that person I've told you about."

"The one in the picture?"


"It's alright, Hey...when can I see her or that pic of yours?" you asked him. He didn't show you the picture earlier because it wasn't with him.

"One day. I'm keeping that picture safe."

"Sounds like you really are in love with her."

"Any chances I'll find her, I'll love her."

"And we'll be on our separate lives." You suddenly felt sad. Just thinking about that. You suddenly stopped for awhile. Jaejoong noticed you stopping and looked at you.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He came closer.

'N-nothing. I was just thinking of what to do when that day come." you managed to say. 

He cupped your face to look at him. "And we'll both be ready.......but right now" he said kneeling down. He got something from his pocket while facing you. Bystanders were now looking at you as to what they seem as a proposal.

"Choi______, will you marry me?"You were lost as to what he said. Those words you thought were supposed to be heard when you've found that person but now, it was just for an arranged marriage.

People were hurdling around you, anticipating what you'll say.

"Yes. I will marry you Kim Jaejoong." You said and Jaejoong slipped on the ring on your finger. He carried you around just for the show of the other people around them. They clapped and cheered as they congratulated both of you.

Though this was supposedly fake and all, you couldn't hide the fact at how Jaejoong arms encircled your waist as he circled you around. His body was so warm and his hold was so tight. It felt right for you at that moment.

(Your POV)

This is all just for show ____. You told yourself. But the way his arms are so securely tight around my waist. I just thought we were perfectly fit for each other. Now that I'm going to get married, I should at least try and make it memorable for him when he's finding that girl of his.

Maybe I should help him. But no, he doesn't even show me the picture which is really unfair.

(Jaejoong's POV)

After saying those words to her, I felt butterflies in my stomach and my heart beating fast. When she answered it with a yes, all I could ever think of was how lucky I was or as if I'm the happiest man alive. But how? I've just met her. We'll just see how this marriage's going to work.

But right now, I feel as if I want this to last as I put her on the ground and hugged her until the people scattered.


You two cuddled each other. Though the winds blew hard and cold, you two were very warm in your embraces.Both of you didn't know what you were doing as you enjoyed watching the waves crash and looking at the stars.

Meanwhile from afar, the two adults saw you two cuddling each other.

"I think they'll end up happy." Mrs. Choi said.

"I think so too." Mr. Kim agreed. Both of them raised their glasses.

"Cheers to the accomplished promise." Mr. Kim said and hit Mrs. Choi's wine glass tip. TING!


Shall update sooooon

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julianguyen1995 #1
Chapter 13: Update please!!!
Ice_Goddess715 #2
Chapter 13: please update soon!
sjismylife #3
I hope you could update soon :D
Shana16 #4
I love this story!! Keep up the good work! ^^
honestly, this is my first jaejoong story to be subscribed with, since i'm not really on jaejoong but the story plot is really pretty so subscribed <3
AsianSensation98 #7
Chapter 2: This is such a good story so far!! :D I just started today. Congratulations on the random feature! :)
Babysaurus #8
Chapter 13: NOOOOOO! and congrats for the random feature!! ^^
Chapter 1: Congrats on getting the random feature ^^