let's meet

From Picture to Reality

Me and Jaejoong spent our morning at a mini restaurant by the street. It was a pleasant morning so I didn't want to spoil myself by being sad about us. The restaaurant didn't have that many costumers yet so we easily got a seat by the window side.

"So, what do you want for breakfast?" he asked me while he was scanning the menu.

"I'll just have a pancake and a brown coffee." you tried to smile at him. He looked at you and your heart just skipped a beat.

"That's all? Don't you want some eggs or waffles?" he asked me.

"Well...I'm not that of a big eater, anyways, it's just breakfast, I'll be fine." You assured him.

"Well, if that's what you want...WAITER!" He waved at the person by the counter. The waiter immediately came to our table and took our order. Once we were alone again we talked some other random topics. But then again, he came up with the topic I dreaded not to answer.

"So, I was actually thinking if you'd want to meet Jessica, ...so I'll know if you two can get along.."


"Is it alright with her? She's doesn't hate me or anything does she?" I was just honestly concerned that maybe Jessica hated me for marrying her true love. Also, I don't know her much.

"I'll have to call her later, but don't worry she won't bite. She's actually really nice and sweet." He innocently smiled at me. It's like seeing a love struck fool describing his first love. Well....it is actually. Great, I'm not thinking straight.

"Well, it's okay for me I guess. If you say so." I just didn't want to dissapoint him, maybe hopefully Jessica is a nice person, who knows we might be best buddies.


In another place.....

"And then we just kissed." Jessica exclaimed as she remembered her night with Jaejoong at the park. "I mean seriously, he's totally falling for me...and.....he's actually a good kisser." she blushes as she took a sip of coffee.

"Nice one Jess, now you've got Jaejoong wrapped around your finger, our plan is definitely going to work." Tiffany smiled as she flipped on to some magazines.

"hmmm...yeah..but I'm just wondering, since you know the reason why I want to be with Jaejoong, why do you tag along with me? I mean Jae's your cousin.Shouldn't you be like, supporting him or something?" Jessica asked curiously. 

"I have no problem with Jae, it's the girl I'm having problems with. I mean come on, Jaejoong deserves someone better. Like hello, working in a cafe and just attained highschool."

"Don't forget to mention ugly and not rich" Jessica added nodding.

"See? I don't know why anyone would risk getting married to her." Tiffany retorted. "But I'm glad he's going to file a divorce with her, that , and our cover's not blown, I mean, yours....."

"Yeaah! Can you just imagine? Jessica Kim, we'll really be sisters!" Jessica squeeled. Tiffany followed and soon the whole room was filled with laughter and giggles.

*ring ring ring ring*

"Hey, you better answer that Jess, it might be from him." Tiffany added while munching on a cinnamon bread.

"I will...no shush..." she picked up her phone. "Hello? Jae?...oh yeah, just woke up don't worry.......what? really.....oh sure...when? Alright I'll be there." she ended the call.

"SO?" Tiffany asked eagerly.

"I'm meeting  . Jae asked if it's alright with it and I said yes, we'll be meeting later afternoon." Jessica answered 

"Ooooohhh, a meet-up with the soon to be divorcee...well now, let's get ready shall we?" Tiffany stood up from her chair while Jessica followed.


(In the restaurant)

"What did she say?" you asked him. You were already nervous when he called Jessica and now you're here waiting and hoping it's alright with her,

"She said yes, we'll meet her this afternoon."  Jaejoong said putting down the phone and continuing to eat his breakfast.

"Oh that's good...." You tried to smile but felt an uneasy feeling something bad is going to happen.







GAAAH! yey! another update! thanks so much for the people who subscribed and commented this story. Truley you gave me inspiration to write again and have more ideas. Sorry for some rambles up there and some gramatically errored words and phrases!!




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julianguyen1995 #1
Chapter 13: Update please!!!
Ice_Goddess715 #2
Chapter 13: please update soon!
sjismylife #3
I hope you could update soon :D
Shana16 #4
I love this story!! Keep up the good work! ^^
honestly, this is my first jaejoong story to be subscribed with, since i'm not really on jaejoong but the story plot is really pretty so subscribed <3
AsianSensation98 #7
Chapter 2: This is such a good story so far!! :D I just started today. Congratulations on the random feature! :)
Babysaurus #8
Chapter 13: NOOOOOO! and congrats for the random feature!! ^^
Chapter 1: Congrats on getting the random feature ^^