
From Picture to Reality

Jaejoong came looking for you after his conversation with Tiffany. He asked your mom where you could possibly be, but she didn't know. Next he asked some people around if they've seen you around. Luckily there was a woman who saw her pass by and go to their room.

"Oh thank you." he bowed and went up the elevator.

As he waited for the elevator he kept wondering why you just disappeared like that. 'Maybe she's tired' he thought. The door opened and he searched for the door. When he saw it he took out his card key and slid it to the machine. The machine, seconds later, lit a green light indicating it was now open. He went inside and  looked around to where you were. The room was a little dark but thanks to the moonlight that was shining by the balcony, he could see just as much.

"____? Are you here?" He heard silence after he called you. He called again but this time he heard a soft snore coming from the bedroom. He went there and saw you lying peacefully in bed. He went around the bed because you were sleeping on the other side. He looked at you and crouched down. You were snoring a little which earned little chuckles from him.

'She must be really tired.' he said to himself.

He then touched your hair and gently caressed it with his hands. Then from your hair, your face but as he did he felt warm liquid on your cheek.

'What the, what?" But before he could've finished his sentence, he felt sweat dropping from his forehead. It was rather warm. 'I see so you must have been sweating.' 

He walked then to the windows and opened it. A gush of wind slowly entered the room. 

"Ahhh, much better." he said feeling the breeze.


He heard a faint voice. He turned around and saw you slowly waking up. He gaped at how you looked even with a messy hair. Beautiful. Still beautiful.

"Oh, you're awake." he made his way back to your side.

"Yeah, why are you here?" you asked him.

"I should be asking the same question to you.  Why are YOU here?" he emphasized.

"Why? Is it wrong to just rest after today?" you asked him.

He looked at you and touched your face just to wipe your "sweat". He didn't know you cried and what he just wiped was her tear.

"I'm sorry for leaving you back there." he said to you.

"It's alright, you had your reasons." you smiled at him. "...so...are you happy?" you asked him.

Jaejoong was surprised, he himself didn't even know. Was he suppose to be? But he should. So he answered.

"Yeah." with a little sigh hoping you wouldn't hear.

"That's good......." Silence. ".....come on. let's go down already, it'll be rude if we're not there." you said and straightened yourself.

"Mhm." Jaejoong only said and did the same. While he fixed himself he looked at you. You were having trouble with one of your pins in your hair.

"Ow, I can't seem to get this....pin...ow." you fumbled through your hair.

"Hey, let me help." Jaejoong went over to you and put his fingers on your tangled hair.

OW, be gentle, that hurt." you hissed in pain.

"Sorry, don't worry this will be over soon." He assured you and continued. You weren't aware on how close you two are. You could almost smell his perfume. Your heart started beating fast.

With a few more seconds your hair was back to being smooth as Jaejoong combed your hair with his fingers.

You patted your hair and was contented. "Thanks Jae." you hid your blush.

"No problem." He held your hand and you looked at him. "Let's get going now." You held his hands and went outside going to the elevator. You smiled a little inside as the two of you held hands. You couldn't help the fact that you were blushing. But suddenly you felt your feet getting soar from your high heels, but you just let it go since it's just a short trip.

Jaejoong in the other hand liked your hand holding his. Your touch sent shivers through his body. He lightly squeezed your hand trying to calm himself down.

By the time you two arrived, guest and other relatives started to leave. You were wondering why and saw your mom about to leave so you went to her.

"Mom, what's all this? Why are they leaving?" your mom looked at you from top to bottom. You were confused as to what was she doing.

"That went quicker." she said.

"What?" you asked dumbfounded.

"Hey, you two came back early."Mr. Kim walked towards us happily.

"Dad, what's going on?" Jaejoong couldn't help but ask.

"Well son, don't act so innocent to us. We know what you two did." he said pointing to both Jaejoong and me with a slight smirk.

We looked dumbfounded and confused as to what he was trying to tell us.

"Oh come on you two, you know what we mean." your mom joined him.

"Actually we don't." you looked at them.

"Okay fine...." Mr. Kim looked at your mom. ".....well at least we'll be having grandchildren SOON." 

Right there you two knew now what they we're talking about.

"GRANDCHILDREN?!" you and Jaejoong exclaimed.

"Where did you get that idea Dad?" Jaejoong asked him.

"We're still too young you know." You backed him up.

"Well someone here told us they've heard noises inside your room." Your mom told you.

"Noises? What noises?" 

"Oh, you know......sounds of those ouches, hissing, stuff like that." she explained.


"Ow, I can't seem to get this....pin...ow." you fumbled through your hair.

"Hey, let me help." Jaejoong went over to you and put his fingers on your tangled hair.

OW, be gentle, that hurt." you hissed in pain.

"Sorry, don't worry this will be over soon." He assured you and continued. You weren't aware on how close you two are. You could almost smell his perfume. Your heart started beating fast.


Suddenly you remembered now. You lightly giggled. Jaejoong looked at you as if telling you if you were okay. You sensed him looking at you so you faced him and whispered to him.

"They must have been talking about the one with the pin incident."

Jaejoong looked at you and instantly remembered it. He sighed and slowly chuckled too.

"You seriously got that wrong." Jaejoong explained it to them about the incident. They found it cute how Jaejoong helped you and all.

"Well, we really apologize. We got so carried away." Mr. Kim said.

"It's alright." you smiled at him.

"But you two are planning on it right?" your mom suddenly blurted out.

"MOM!" You were so embarassed sometimes with her.

"Just kidding." she ruffled your hair a little. Jaejoong just smiled.

"Well, we best be on our way. It's getting late." Mr. Kim told us.

"Thank you so much Mr. Kim for doing all this for us." you thanked him.

"No no, it's alright." He replied.

"Well, we'll be going now..." your mom kissed your cheek. "......bye sweetie."

"Bye mom." you smiled at her.

"Jae, take care of her okay?" his dad told him.

"Of course, bye dad." he replied.

With that they left and it was you two who were left.  It was pretty awkward because of what happened earlier.

"So sorry about my mom, she's sometimes like that." you said breaking the silent atmosphere.

"Nah, same goes to my dad. He can really say random stuff like that." he chuckled as he looked at you. "So, do you want to go upstairs now?"

"Okay." you replied and followed him as you two headed to the elevator. But then you suddenly felt imbalanced with your heels.

"Ah!" you winced in pain as you crouched down to the floor to look at your feet that was swollen and pink. Jaejoong heard you and saw you  looking at your feet. He immediately came by your side.

"Hey what's wrong?" he asked as he examined you feet.

You just hissed more in pain. Jaejoong looked at you with full concern and decided on what to do. With one swift move he picked you up, bridal style.

"JAE!" you were taken by surprise. "You know, I could've just taken it off."

"And what? Let you dirty your feet. No way." he said and continued to carry you all the way to the elevator. "It's fine actually."

"But I'm heavy." you looked away embarrassed. 

"Like this is the first time I carried you. And didn't I tell you earlier it was fine?" he asked you as he pushed the button to let the elevator door close.

"You looked at him  to see if he's alright but as you did he looked down at you and smiled. You instantly blushed looking down so that he won't see it.

He too blushed and securely held you tighter so that you won't fall. Minutes passed and the elevator dinged. He made his way towards your room. Once there Jaejoong got their key card.

"You know, you could put me down now." you tried convincing him again.

"Nope not yet. " he disapproved until he found the key card. He swiped it in the machine and opened the door. He opened the lights, still carrying you. He then went to the bedroom and finally laid you there.

"Ahhh....there." he exhaled hard.

"You really went this far and now look at you, you're panting." you told him as you examined him.

"It's nothing." he said. Then he looked around. " Wait there. Don't you dare walk yet." he threatened you with a smile.

You could only look at him with furrow eyes as you see him looking for something. Later, you hear him gasp and was now walking towards you holding some kind of soft slippers.

"Here. Wear this." he put it down the floor while you took off your high heels. 

"Thanks Jae." you thanked him as you wore it. Your heart totally melted at what he did.

"You're welcome. Well, I'm just gonna get changed okay?" he got his clothes inside the closet and went to the bathroom.

"Okay." you decided to do the same and went to go to the other bathroom.

After some minutes you finally got changed into your mini shorts and a simple shirt, hence this was what you wear when you go to bed. When you went out, you found Jaejoong in the kitchen making something. You went to the bedroom to hang your dress first then headed to where Jaejoong was.

"Hey." you you greeted him.

Jaejoong looked at you and smiled. "Hey there."

"What are you making?" you looked at what's infront of him.

"I'm making us both some hot chocolate with cookies." he told you. "Here you go." he handed you one cup.

"Thank you." you said.

"Let's go to the balcony." he said and you agreed. Soon you two were looking at the night sky as your hands rested on the balcony bar.

"How's your feet now?" he sipped into his drink.

"It's better than awhile ago." you answered him as you bit your cookie.

"That's good." 

You two stayed quiet for awhile until you felt a cool breeze touch your exposed skin. You shivered a little. Jaejoong saw that and instantly put his mug down.

"I'll be back." he said and went inside. Later he came back with a beach blanket and he placed it around your shoulders.

"There." he said pleased and took his mug again.

"Jae," you called him. He looked at you.

"Why are you so caring to me? I mean, I know were pretending and all but even until now, you make me feel so protected and cared about." you told him what you were thinking.

"Well, I'm not sure....really. It just seems that I need to. Yet I don't know why."he replied to you.

"Maybe you're pitying me." 

"What are you---" he thought for a minute at what you said. ".....maybe I am." he sadly looked at you. But you just smiled and continued to look at the sky.

"It's okay Jae. I understand." you said.

He was still looking at you. Guilt was written all over his face as to what he just said. It hurt him seeing you sad. And mostly because of him.

"I'm really sorry."

Just then his phone rang.

"You should get that." you told him. He looked at you once more and you gave him a slight smile. He then left you and answered his call.

As he did, your tears fell uncontrollably. You silently sobbed so that he won't hear.


Meanwhile Jaejoong felt hurt still while he went to his phone. Once he got it, he saw the caller id was unfamiliar. So he picked it up.


"Jaejoong, it's me."

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julianguyen1995 #1
Chapter 13: Update please!!!
Ice_Goddess715 #2
Chapter 13: please update soon!
sjismylife #3
I hope you could update soon :D
Shana16 #4
I love this story!! Keep up the good work! ^^
honestly, this is my first jaejoong story to be subscribed with, since i'm not really on jaejoong but the story plot is really pretty so subscribed <3
AsianSensation98 #7
Chapter 2: This is such a good story so far!! :D I just started today. Congratulations on the random feature! :)
Babysaurus #8
Chapter 13: NOOOOOO! and congrats for the random feature!! ^^
Chapter 1: Congrats on getting the random feature ^^