
Maelyeog Korean School of Wizardry and Witchcraft (Harry Potter AU)




The weekend passed by quickly. And the whole school was still excited about the Program. Even those who didn't participate. Everyone felt sort of concerned, as it was something that had never been done before and there were still lots of questions to answer.

"What about Quidditch? asked Ok Taecyeon, a 7th in Gryffindor who was Beater on the team, do we still keep the same team or do we have to redo the try outs and everything?"

"Quidditch will be the only exception, answered Professor Jung; we thought that it would be too complicated and confusing to change anything. And it would have been unfair not to let players play while participating at the program as most of the players are 7th year anyway. So you will still train and play matches together, just try to stay humble if you defeat your host house, he finished with a laugh."

Quidditch at Maelyeog, like in any other Witchcraft school was a big business. There was a tournament between the four houses and it was always an important event as even the students who didn't play and didn't really care about Quidditch still got in the mood for the tournament and cheered loudly for their team.

Students as Kim Sunggyu for instance. Sunggyu wasn't really fond of sports, and honestly, he and broomsticks weren't the best of friends. Definitely. But he was still proud to be a Gryffindor and he really hated when his team was losing. He was a pore loser. Even though he wasn't playing he still wasn't happy with his team losing. And well, Sungyeol got really moody when he lost. Being a Chaser in the team he always complained and whined about how everything was his fault and bla bla bla. And Sunggyu really didn't like that because he was the only one who tried –and failed- to cheer him up. But usually, the Chaser would stay in a bad mood for a few hours, before going back to his usual self.


Lee Sungjong, despite being a 6th year, was more excited about the Program that his friend who was participating. Actually, said friend was more scared than anything else.

"It'll be okay don't worry!" said Sunjong, trying to cheer Dongwoo up. He was getting quite annoyed. Sungjong thought of this Program thing as a nice experience and there was nothing to be afraid of, really. What could happen? This Lee Howon wouldn't strangle Dongwoo in his sleep and maybe they could even become friends.

"I'm not worried I'm just stressed ok? I'm going to meet this guy for the first time in an hour and you know what people say about Slytherins? They hate everybody, and we, Hufflepuffs, come in second position right after the Gryffindors. So that mean that he probably think that I'm some kind of stupid naïve, over-friendly guy who doesn't understand anything about real life because he lives in a fantasy world where everybody love each other and peace and love and other like that," argued the 7th year.

Sungjong sighed loudly, "You have no choice anyway, so, just try to be happy about it, and don't think negative ok?"


"Well, you're afraid? Aren't you supposed to be brave or something?" asked Myungsoo to Sungyeol who was staring at him blankly.

He had come to the Gryffindor's table a few minutes ago, since he needed to take Sungyeol to the Ravenclaw dorm to make him visit the actual dorm and check his stuff. But said Sungyeol didn't seem to be willing to come.

"Hum … Wh-what do you want?" the Gryffindor asked stupidly.

"Come to the dorm. I'll make you visit. Remember about the Program thing?"


"We have class later so, yeah, now," answered the Ravenclaw boy.

"Sunggyu, good luck, and if I don't survive, I'll give you my chocolate frog cards collection ok?" mumbled Sungyeol to his friend, who barely nodded in understanding.

"Still such a drama queen huh?" chuckled Myungsoo.


"Hum, excuse-me, I'm searching for Jang Dongwoo?" asked Howon, standing awkwardly by the Hufflepuff table.

"He's right there, the guy with blond hair," said a girl, that Howon recognized as Son Naeun, pointing a little bit further in the middle of the table.

"Thanks!" Howon said quickly before going neared to the boy. He felt kind of embarrassed, there, in the middle of the Hufflepuff table. He had always dreamed to be here but now that he was getting closer, he didn't know what to do. Howon always thought he didn't fit in Slytherin, and when he was sorted, he was really shocked and afraid because he thought he would never get along with the Slytherins as his personality was the opposite of theirs. But thank God, Woohyun had befriended him.

"Are you Dongwoo?" asked Howon with a shy smile.

"Are you the Slytherin guy?" Sungjong blurted out quite rudely, earning a slap from Dongwoo.

"Yeah. This is Lee Sungjong, he's a bit straight-forward, forgive him."

It was true that Howon was a bit taken aback by Sungjong's question but he understood. It was weird for people who didn't know to imagine he was in Slytherin. With some people, you could just tell which house they belonged to just looking at them. For Howon, you certainly didn't think 'Slytherin'.

"That's okay, don't worry. I'm Howon," he announced with a smile, holding out his hand for the Hufflepuff to shake it. The touch was smooth and warm as their hands were about the same size and fitted nicely.

"Do you want to visit the common room maybe?" suggested Dongwoo.

"Yeah. Yeah, let's go!"



Hey guys! 

Thanks to my followers! +30 already! I know it seems nothing compared to some other stories but I'm soooooo glad to all 36 of you who are reading this!




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chapter 8 by tomorrow!


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marshimaru #1
Chapter 9: Heyy new subscriber here XD
i really hope you're gonna update soonnn
Chapter 9: The myungyeollllll
Chapter 2: Omg Myungsoo and his sass
wildrose88 #4
Chapter 9: woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love this already ><
cant wait
Chapter 9: Aw authornim this is cool. Please continue it ? /puppy eyes/
sahl-li #6
lol a harry pooter inspired story?
Deongwoo #7
Chapter 8: you're a genius!!
hp+kpop just wow
Chapter 5: OH this is amazing. I'm a big Harry Potter fan and an Inspirit so this makes me so so happy. And all the characters sre so interesting and well-developped.
I'm excited for this story!!!
shedding-dream #9
Weeeeee~ they are partnering now xDDD
Lshhdjk hoya being so squishable like that ♥ he is so cute xD
Hahahah sungyeol, you will survive *Pat head*
Grumpy gyu is grumpy~