A New Event

Maelyeog Korean School of Wizardry and Witchcraft (Harry Potter AU)


“Today is a brilliant day in the history of our school, said the headmaster, 40 of you are given the chance to participate to an event that has never been done before.

I know you are all curious but please listen carefully.

This event only concerns the 7th year students. 40 of these students will be honored to change house for a part of the year.

Take this as a student exchange. You will live for six weeks as a full member of your “host” house as a guest and for the six weeks afterwards you will be the host for your partner.

The pairs will be chosen randomly a spell so there is no point complaining. Once you accept to participate, you have to take the full responsibility of your choice. There is no turning back. If you are chosen, you will have to participate to the end of the program, except if of course, you die during said program.

This event is an idea of our dear professor Jung Yunho to help friendship between the different houses of this school.

If you want to participate you just have to inform Professor Jung or myself and we will add you to the list of participating pupils. The pairs will be chosen and revealed next Saturday, 8pm.

Don’t hesitate, this will be an amazing experience for you all, I can assure you of that. “


The whole great hall instantly became noisy as the headmaster stopped talking.

There was cries of disappointment become some were too young to participate but also a lot of excitation coming from the 7th year. Most of them wanted to participate to the event and some were already giving their names to the Professor.

For a new year of school, this was a great surprise.


"Woaaaah this is seriously the best thing ever I mean, really, woah, said Sunggyu’s best mate Sungyeol."

At the Gryffindor table, every 7th year was deeply excited.

"We should seriously give our names, I mean that a great chance right? said a guy named Seulong a few seats further.

- Well yeah, I guess, but 40 people much mean 10 of each house so considering that all 7th years participate, there a chance out of 2 for not being part of this thing right?

- Yah! Don’t think like that, interfered Sungyeol, there is still a chance out of 2 of being part of it! Think positively!

- So, what do we do, I asked, are we in or not?

- Well, Sungyeol said while thinking, it’d be nice to be in, but, we’ll probably be separated, do you think you can survive without me sleeping by your side?

- I think it’ll be ing paradise yeah !"

And with that, Sungyeol hit him before walking off to give his name to Mr. Jung.




So yeah this is the "first" chapter wich is a sort of presentation of the main storyline. I hope you liked it. It's very short I'm sorry ;-;

If you have any comment don't hesitate, just say whatever comes to your mind! ^^

And also, thanks to my 5 suscribers <3

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chapter 8 by tomorrow!


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marshimaru #1
Chapter 9: Heyy new subscriber here XD
i really hope you're gonna update soonnn
Chapter 9: The myungyeollllll
Chapter 2: Omg Myungsoo and his sass
wildrose88 #4
Chapter 9: woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love this already ><
cant wait
Chapter 9: Aw authornim this is cool. Please continue it ? /puppy eyes/
sahl-li #6
lol a harry pooter inspired story?
Deongwoo #7
Chapter 8: you're a genius!!
hp+kpop just wow
Chapter 5: OH this is amazing. I'm a big Harry Potter fan and an Inspirit so this makes me so so happy. And all the characters sre so interesting and well-developped.
I'm excited for this story!!!
shedding-dream #9
Weeeeee~ they are partnering now xDDD
Lshhdjk hoya being so squishable like that ♥ he is so cute xD
Hahahah sungyeol, you will survive *Pat head*
Grumpy gyu is grumpy~