Lee Sungjong and Jang Dongwoo.

Maelyeog Korean School of Wizardry and Witchcraft (Harry Potter AU)


"I'm so nervous. I can't wait for the results aaaaah!" announced a boy from the Hufflepuff table. It was dinner time and in just a few minutes the students selected to participate to this exchange program would be revealed.  

"Why are you even nervous? You can't participate, you've got nothing to be worried about!" teased his friend from his left.

It was true; Lee Sungjong was unfortunately too young to participate as he was only a sixth year. But he was excited nonetheless. After all, even if he didn't directly was part of the program, he would still be affected since the whole school would experience big changes.

"I'm excited for you! And you should be to! Isn't it super exciting?"

"I'm not sure it's a good idea. What if I'm with a bad person, what if I make a fool of myself?" whined Jang Dongwoo.

"You won't! And anyway, it's not like you'll have any choice. If you're chosen, you have to go. That's it. But don't worry. It can't be this awful, and it's only for three months. Plus, even if you're in another house, it doesn't mean that you can't talk to your friends anymore right?"

"Hmm" was the only answer Sungjong got.

It's not that Dongwoo wasn't adventurous, he just lacked confidence. He knew that it would be hell for him if he was with someone who didn't like him or if he didn't like his partner. He was used to being friendly with everybody in his house. But in another house, he didn't really know how people could be and the rumors he heard weren't reassuring. People said that Ravenclaw people only think about homework and grades, that Slytherins were all some sort of sly bullies and that Gryffindors only wanted to do crazy things and break the rules. And if Dongwoo was not at the bottom of his class, he wasn't particularly clever and he didn't experienced pleasure from doing homework or reading for hours. He dreaded being bullied by Slytherins because he knew he just wouldn't fit there. And, well, he wasn't against having a bit of fun but for him the rules were not made to be broken. In a word, Jang Dongwoo wasn't a very daring person and he was really worried about his future 3 months in the school, almost wishing not to be part of this exchange.

The 7th year was still deep in his thoughts when his friend shook him forcefully.

Oh my god.

"Here is the time you're all waiting for, proclaimed the Headmaster. I just need to give you some information. The exchange will last 3 months. 6 weeks as a host and 6 as a guest. As a guest, your belongings will be packed and placed into your new house and you will also be given a new robe. The first person named will be host for the 6 first weeks. If you have any further questions, you can ask me or Professor Jung. I think that's all for now but before casting the spell, I will let Professor Jung talk a little."

Professor Jung was their young and handsome Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

"I want you all to know why we are doing this project. It's in order to increase friendship and contacts between the different houses. Friendship between houses as always been a serious problem since houses exists. I know that it's hard to make friends with the person outside of your house as you spend most time with your housemates. And I also know that you are all a bit biased. You think all Ravenclaws are like this or that etc but that is not true. Look at your housemates, they aren't all the same. It's the same thing within all the houses and that's what I want you to realize. A last thing, if you are chosen, live this experience to the fullest because it won't happen twice. Thank you"

"Well, I think it's time now,  announced the Headmaster. Nomen Dicerno!"

With this words, the whole school tensed and a crystal receptacle filled with what seemed to be water appeared in front of the Headmaster on the Professor's table. The 'water' bubbled before solidify to become a multitude of crystal plaques with name engraved on them.

The Headmaster took them one by one and started calling out the names.

"Gryffindor's Kim Taeyeon and Slytherin's Yoon Bora.

Ravenclaw's Kim Myungsoo and Gryffindor's Lee Sungyeol.

Hufflepuff's Son Naeun and Ravenclaw's Song Jieun.

Hufflepuff's Jang Dongwoo and Slytherin's Lee Howon.

Slytherin's Jung Krystal and Hufflepuff's Choi Soo Young.

Gryffindor's Kim Sunggyu and Slytherin's Nam Woohyun.


And finally Hufflepuff's Park Jinyoung and Gryffindor's Choi Minho"



The pairs are finally revealed! I think it wasn't much suspens but yeah! 

For those who want the complete list of pairs here it is : http://www.mediafire.com/?afgb1f4wvfs372u.

The next chapter won't be up until the 4th September because I'm visiting family till the 2nd and the 3rd school starts!


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chapter 8 by tomorrow!


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marshimaru #1
Chapter 9: Heyy new subscriber here XD
i really hope you're gonna update soonnn
Chapter 9: The myungyeollllll
Chapter 2: Omg Myungsoo and his sass
wildrose88 #4
Chapter 9: woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love this already ><
cant wait
Chapter 9: Aw authornim this is cool. Please continue it ? /puppy eyes/
sahl-li #6
lol a harry pooter inspired story?
Deongwoo #7
Chapter 8: you're a genius!!
hp+kpop just wow
Chapter 5: OH this is amazing. I'm a big Harry Potter fan and an Inspirit so this makes me so so happy. And all the characters sre so interesting and well-developped.
I'm excited for this story!!!
shedding-dream #9
Weeeeee~ they are partnering now xDDD
Lshhdjk hoya being so squishable like that ♥ he is so cute xD
Hahahah sungyeol, you will survive *Pat head*
Grumpy gyu is grumpy~