Our First day

My Treasure


Donghae woke up to the sound of an alarm; he blinked tiredly until he gained enough strength for him to stand up, his head hurt and he felt hot; he let out a silent cough. He opened the door and went out to see Eunhyuk already up and changing.

He sat down looking at Eunhyuk and moving his tail a little. When Eunhyuk was done changing he turned and noticed Donghae. "Oh, hi, did I wake you up?" he asked him smiling and reaching out to grab Donghae, holding him carefully and lovingly in his arms.

Eunhyuk stated scratching Donghae, and he stretched and rubbed against Eunhyuk chest, smiling; Eunhyuk let out a small laugh. He scratched Donghae for five more minutes before he put him down and got his wallet; he took Donghae again this time he hide him in his jacket pocket.

"Sorry, but my mom is downstairs; I don't want her to see you" Eunhyuk said apologetically and then he left his room. He went downstairs, "Mom, I'm going out; I'm coming back before noon." Eunhyuk said slowly to his mom that was sitting on the couch. He didn't get an answer so he just left.

Once he was away from his street he let Donghae out.

"Are you ok?" Eunhyuk asked Donghae, who barked in response. Eunhyuk smiled, and continue walking down the street; now with Donghae in his arms. "You know where are we going? I'm taking you to the pet store to get you a bed, some toy, your shampoo, a collar, a leash and some biscuits" Eunhyuk said and Donghae looked up at him.

He didn't had to do it; Donghae couldn't d anything for him so Eunhyuk didn't had to buy anything; just by letting him have a shelter and food he was doing more than enough and more since his mom was against it. Then, why was Eunhyuk being so nice to him? Why was Eunhyuk buying all these stuff for him when he couldn't do anything for him?

Donghae let out a sad wail and Eunhyuk looked down at him, "Are you ok? Are you feeling well? You feel hotter than before… maybe you're sick" Eunhyuk said worriedly and Donghae let his head rest, indeed he was feeling sick. Instead of going to the pet store Eunhyuk went directly to a veterinarian.

"Hello?" Eunhyuk said entering the place. "Coming!" shouted a voice from behind a door. Eunhyuk looked down at Donghae questioningly and Donghae returned the look. "Hey, Dangkoma, eat your lettuce, ok?" said a man coming out from the door and closing it behind him. "Hi! What can I do for you?" he said smiling.

"Umm… is just that my dog is not feeling well" Eunhyuk said placing Donghae on the counter. "Oh! He's a mix between a cocker and a French poodle! I haven't seen one of these, they're really weird here…" he said examining Donghae. Donghae flinched but knew he had to trust this man. "By the way I'm Jongwoon, you can call me Yesung" the man said extending his hand to Eunhyuk.

"I'm Hyukjae, you can call me Eunhyuk" he said shaking Yesung's hand back. "And this is…?" Yesung asked looking down at Donghae. "I still haven't named him. I think he has a name but I don't know what it is" Eunhyuk said and Yesung nodded. "Ok let's see" Yesung took a lamp and opened Donghae's mouth, then he looked at his eyes, ears and the rest of his body. "Didn't you fed him up? He looks like he was starving" Yesung asked.

"I found him yesterday abandoned and yes he had been starving" Eunhyuk said sadly. "Oh! So you rescued him?" Yesung asked looking at Eunhyuk with awe. "Yeah" Eunhyuk said smiling, Donghae looked up at him and moved his tail; showing that, indeed, Eunhyuk's story was true. "Wow, great for you!" Yesung said happily. "Well, he just have fever, here I'll give you some medicine" Yesung said and took some medicine out for Eunhyuk.

"Thanks" Eunhyuk said smiling his gummy smile, "Do you sell collars and stuff?" he asked looking at Yesung hopefully. "Actually yes I do" Yesung said excitedly, "come back with me and take what you need" he said motioning Eunhyuk to follow him. "Thanks" Eunhyuk said again with a smile. "I'll be right back, ok?" Eunhyuk said to Donghae petting his hair.

He went back with Yesung returning with some stuff minutes after. "Here, see what I pick for you" Eunhyuk said placing all the stuff next to Donghae, and he started looking at everything Eunhyuk picked for him. There was everything that he had mentioned before; a blue big bed, a fish plush- how did Eunhyuk knew he liked fish?- a shampoo, a blue collar, a blue leash and a package of biscuits. He grabbed the package and threw it on the floor. He didn't want to be rude but there wasn't another way to tell Eunhyuk he didn't had to buy them for him.

"Hey" Eunhyuk said picking up the package, "You don't want them?" Eunhyuk asked him and Donghae shook his head. "Ok then" Eunhyuk said and returned the package to Yesung. "Wow he understands you" Yesung said amazed. "Yeah, he'll be a great companion" Eunhyuk said looking down at Donghae.

"So, how much for everything?" Eunhyuk said biting his bottom lip. "Well… since you helped the poor dog, I'm giving you the consult and medicine for free" Yesung said smiling. "Really? Thank you so much!" Eunhyuk literally beamed. "For everything else… it'll be 30,000 won" Yesung said.

Eunhyuk shrugged, but still he took the money out of his wallet "barely" he said sad. "Saving up for something big?" Yesung asked. "Kind of" Eunhyuk smiled sadly "I was going to pay myself some dance lessons… but it's ok they can wait; he comes first" Eunhyuk said pointing at Donghae.

Donghae couldn't help but to overhear Eunhyuk and his heart shrunk. He remembered all the times he had been selfish; how he'll never do something like this for no one… and now someone who he had just met was giving up something important just for him. Donghae approached Eunhyuk and looked at him with sad eyes, he wanted to tell him he didn't had to buy anything for him, but when he tried to bark a cough came out.

"Oh yeah, let me explain how you're going to give him his medicine, with a spoon you're going to take 100ml of the medicine and you make him open his mouth and drink it, ok?" Yesung explained and Eunhyuk nodded, "You need to do it every 8 hours, understood?" Eunhyuk nodded again and Yesung put all Eunhyuk's items in a bag. "Please come visit whenever you want" Yesung said with a smile, and Eunhyuk smile too. "Hey can I have your number if he gets bad or something?" Eunhyuk asked Yesung who looked startled but then he beamed "Sure! Here you go" he said giving Eunhyuk a card with his number. "Thank you, for everything" Eunhyuk said smiling, taking the collar and leash from the bag. "You're welcome" Yesung said smiling before getting back again.

Eunhyuk tied the collar carefully around Donghae's neck and then he put the leash and put Donghae on the floor. "Ok, let's go" Eunhyuk said taking the bag with one hand and the leash with the other.

Eunhyuk walked down the street, Donghae following him excitedly. They came across a man giving out flayers and Donghae spotted one on the floor. He looked down at it:

Have you seen this person? Name: Lee Donghae Age: 15 Please contact this number.

Read the flayer and a picture was attached to it. Donghae gasped -barked- at it and picked it up with his mouth. He turned to Eunhyuk and stand in his back legs, supporting himself on Eunhyuk's leg.

Eunhyuk looked down at him and lowered himself to Donghae's height. "What's wrong buddy?" he asked Donghae taking the flayer from him. "Lee Donghae… is that your owner?" Eunhyuk asked Donghae, and Donghae shook his head. "Umm… is that your name? Donghae?" Eunhyuk tried and Donghae barked nodding. "Oh is that so? Well you got a pretty name, don't you?" Eunhyuk said scratching Donghae's head.

Donghae beamed inside; Eunhyuk thought his name was pretty.

Eunhyuk took Donghae to the park near his house and he let Donghae run on the grass for a while, he let him play with other dogs and he played with Donghae and his plushie fish.

"Come on, we need to get back now, mom mustn't be home at this hour so I can enter without hiding everything." Eunhyuk said to Donghae pulling the leash, guiding Donghae back to his house.

Once there Eunhyuk immediately went upstairs and placed all the items in his closet, removing the pillow and placing the bed instead, the plushie above it, he turned to Donghae and removed the leash and collar placing them next to the bed. "Stay here ok?" Eunhyuk said smiling and disappeared through the door, taking the shampoo with him. Once back, Eunhyuk took the medicine and Donghae and went downstairs, he went to the kitchen and placed Donghae in the table while he looked for a spoon.

As instructed Eunhyuk filled the necessary amount of medicine in the spoon and indicate for Donghae to drink it. Donghae did so and Eunhyuk turned away from him smiling. "You're such a good boy" he said leaving the spoon in the sink and returning to pat Donghae's head. Donghae smiled, he loved every time Eunhyuk would pat or scratch his head, it felt so good. "Now stay here will I cook, ok?" Eunhyuk told him smiling.

Donghae watch as Eunhyuk took out ingredients and start making some dish. During the process Eunhyuk will fed Donghae tiny amounts of whatever he was cutting, sometimes vegetables, sometimes meat, but every time he was offered something, Donghae immediately took it smiling and waving his tail.

Eunhyuk finished and serve himself a plate, Donghae looked at it, it was an extremely good looking plate of ramen; Donghae let out a small sob, he knew Eunhyuk would never feed that to him. How would he, if Donghae was a dog, and dogs shouldn't eat that?

"What's wrong?" Eunhyuk asked concerned, carrying in his arms some fruits to make Donghae a plate like his dinner. Donghae just let his ears fell down. "What's wrong Donghae?" Eunhyuk asked again, lowering himself so his face would be in front of Donghae "You want to try it?" Eunhyuk asked Donghae as he motioned to the plate of ramen. Donghae beamed and barked, showing that indeed, he wanted.

Eunhyuk smiled and took a pair of chopsticks and a bare plate, he then served Donghae a small amount of ramen, a long with some cut fruit and give it to Donghae. Donghae took a bite of the ramen and his face turned to one of satisfaction, it tasted awesome.

"You liked it?" Eunhyuk asked smiling, still eating his ramen. Donghae barked and moved his tail in approval, Eunhyuk laughed a little. Donghae finished his fruit and ramen and looked up at Eunhyuk hopefully. Eunhyuk looked down at him, "Do you want more?" he asked softly and Donghae barked a 'yes'. Eunhyuk looked down at his plate, and found it almost finished, but it still contained a good amount of ramen. "Here you can have it" he told Donghae and put his plate in front of him.

Donghae moved his head to the side, not understanding why Eunhyuk had given him his plate instead of taking more from the stove. "I'm sorry, I can't give you more… I only made for me and my mother and if I take from the stove she'll get angry with me for doing so little… but you can have my share; it's ok, I'm not that hungry" Eunhyuk said smiling.

Donghae looked down, now he felt guilty for taking Eunhyuk's share, if he hadknew before he'd never asked him for it. "Don't be sad; it's ok really" Eunhyuk said scratching Donghae's hair, playing with his ears a little. "Please eat it" Eunhyuk said. Donghae looked up at him surprised, Eunhyuk had a lovable smile in his lips. "You must be still hungry, I mean you were starving yesterday, God knows just how much have you been suffering, so it's ok really" he said symphatetically.

But it made Donghae felt worse. How would Eunhyuk feel if he knew the reality, will he still help him then? Will he help someone that was selfish for 15 years and only suffered for 3 days?

"Lee HyukJae!" a voice sounded from the front door. "Mom's early" Eunhyuk said panicking. He took Donghae and opened the sink door, he placed him there and his plate still with ramen. "I'm sorry it stinks, but it's the only place she won't look for you, now please don't make noise" Eunhyuk semi-closed the doors, letting enough space for Donghae to breathe and peek out a little.

"Yes mom?" Eunhyuk asked with a frightened voice as his mother entered the kitchen. "The front garden looks awful" she said with a serious tone, Donghae peeked out and saw a woman just a little shorter than Eunhyuk, with brown hair and thin standing next to Eunhyuk. "I'm sorry… I'll take care of it now" Eunhyuk said looking down. The woman smacked Eunhyuk across his head, and Donghae gasped just to himself. "Why didn't you do that earlier?" she asked angry. "I… I was cooking-" Eunhyuk said rubbing his cheek with his hand "And it took you so long?" the woman interrupted him, "I… sat down to eat-" "Without finishing your chores?" the woman yelled making Eunhyuk shrink "I'm sorry" Eunhyuk said looking down. "You should be, but that's what I gain for letting you stay here and not letting you stay orphan" the woman said taking a plate and filling it with ramen. "Mom I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention." Eunhyuk said at the verge of tears. "Go and fix the garden!" she screamed before taking the plate and disappearing through the kitchen door.

Eunhyuk let out a big sigh. Donghae's heart clenched, how could someone treat his son like this? How could someone treat Eunhyuk like this? Eunhyuk was so special and kind, yet his mom was quite the opposite. Donghae got out from under the sink and moved to Eunhyuk's leg, pressing himself against it, trying his best to comfort Eunhyuk while still being like this.

Eunhyuk looked down at Donghae and lowered himself to take him in his arms. "I'm sorry you had to hear that… my mom… I'll tell you later, I need to go and fix the garden first" Eunhyuk said, stretching one arm and taking the plate. "Oh you didn't ate it… well then I'll save it for you for dinner" Eunhyuk said and placed the plate in the fridge.

He then went out, Donghae still in his arm. Donghae looked at the garden, the grass was a little tall but it could stay another week without getting cut and I'll still look good. Some flowers were dead but the ones alive made them almost invisible, and the bushes didn't need more than a few cuts. Then why was Eunhyuk's mom so angry?

Eunhyuk let Donghae down and return to the house coming back minutes later with a mower. Donghae watched as Eunhyuk cut the grass, the dead flowers, and the extra from the bushes, Eunhyuk then watered everything and took Donghae again inside, hiding him in his pocket.

He went to the kitchen and washed the dishes, clean the table, made everything looked perfect. He made sure the living room was clean too, before going up stairs to his room. Eunhyuk placed Donghae in his bed and took the plushie out of the closet for him. Donghae thought that after all the hard work Eunhyuk had done, he'll relaz, but truth was other.

Eunhyuk sat at his desk and removed from his backpack some books and started doing his homework. Donghae looked at him confused, it was Saturday night, why wasn't Eunhyuk going out with friends or resting?

"Hyukjae, I'm going out to dinner!" Donghae heard Eunhyuk's mom yell from down stairs, then a door open and close. She didn't even waited for Eunhyuk's answer before going.

"Another man that'll leave her… another beat up I'll get after" Eunhyuk sighed heavily.

Donghae couldn't help but gasp.

Ok so to all of you who is wondering how a french poodle with cocker looks like is like this: 

That's my baby who turned 7 this past Sunday *-*

Anyway thanks for reading :DD

Comments make my dog happy ⊙ω⊙

Well maybe not but ehy make me happy (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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ionlytoldthemoon #1
Just finished reading all the chapters you've posted so far and I just want to let you know that absolutely love this! It's such a cute story.
Hyukjae is such a sweetheart I feel like he should walk with a pretty halo on his head.
And puppy Donghae is the best. I'm glad donghae has a better outlook on life. Hyukjae really helped him realize the meaning of kindness and love. I'm sure donghae won't go back to his selfish ways and of course I look forward to reading about their 'new' life as a family. I want to see how donghae will sweep hyukjae off his feet too! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story. :)
Chapter 7: woow... you have many good stories... love it... updaye soon please...
Chapter 5: Eunhyuk is like a freaken angel! He is just so nice
Chapter 3: I feel so bad for hyuk, he's just a teenager but yet he has to deal with all this crap...
Chapter 1: Great first chapter! :)
Chapter 7: aarrgghhh lovely storyyyy...gosshh i love it since i read chap 1, and yeeeiiiyyy hae turn to human now, n thanks god hyukjae didnt fainted kkkkkk, palli update authorshiiiii...
koutaroux #7
Chapter 7: Hae is kinda straightforward... Hyuk, can you love Hae?><
Chapter 7: Awww yes now Hae needs to prove it to Hyuk <33 And then they can be together ><
MyeolchiHyuk #9
Chapter 7: Hae.. euu shld prove to hyuk alot..
Hyuk.. hope euu will fall for hae soon...
moonlight_bat #10
Chapter 7: oyeah... work yr ___ hard hae... *not in literally meaning, babe*