Meet My Life

My Treasure


"It's all your fault!" Eunhyuk's mother screamed before slapping Eunhyuk again. "I wish I had let you rot with your father!" she screamed finally leaving Eunhyuk, to grab a bottle of soju and disappear into her room.

Eunhyuk let the tears he'd been holding run free and went up to his room. Donghae ran to Eunhyuk's room too, since he had been curled up in a ball, hiding a top of the stairs, watching the whole scene of Eunhyuk's mother slapping him several times.

As Eunhyuk had said, once his mom was home she called him down just to slap him hard across the face. She screamed at him just how much she wished she didn't have him while she continued to slap Eunhyuk, while he did nothing to protect himself; after all she was his mom.

Eunhyuk came back to his room and found a really worried looking Donghae in his bed. He closed the door and went to sit next to Donghae.

"Hey…" Eunhyuk said taking Donghae in his arms; Donghae stretched near Eunhyuk face and his cheeks in an attempt of healing him. Eunhyuk smiled just a little bit and he caressed Donghae's head. Eunhyuk then hugged Donghae to his chest, holding him with one hand while he caressed him with the other, while Donghae turned his face upwards so he could Eunhyuk's chin. "It's ok Donghae… I'm fine… I mean, I'm used to it… it happens every time she goes out with someone and gets dumped… she blames it on me, but she's an awful person… still she's my mom so I can't do anything against her" Eunhyuk said sighing.

Donghae looked up to him sad, he couldn't conceive that someone as kind as Eunhyuk have a mother that was pure evil. How can a mom not show the least sign of affection for her son? For Donghae; who had been raised in a family full of everything- mostly love- it couldn't be conceived a mom would act like this.

Eunhyuk didn't have much, he had to do most of the work in the house, he didn't had time to rest, he couldn't have pets, and he had to save up to pay for the things he wanted. And yet he got beaten up instead of being loved.

"We should go to sleep" Eunhyuk said placing Donghae in the closet over his pillow. "Good night" Eunhyuk said placing a soft kiss on the top of Donghae's head, before closing; slightly, the door and shutting the light.

If only that kiss had been in his mouth… maybe he would have turned back into human and then he could pay Eunhyuk for his kindness. Donghae opened his eyes wide, for the first time he had thought of compensating someone for doing something for him. He was a spoiled brat; he didn't pay anyone and everything he wanted he'll get it through his parents.

But the thought of being able to pay Eunhyuk back, felt strangely good.

Eunhyuk was unconsciously changing him. And it was for the best.

Sunday morning and again Eunhyuk was up early, which meant Donghae woke up early too. However; when Eunhyuk noticed Donghae was up, he leaned down to him and whisper softly "It's ok Donghae, you can rest today, I need to head down and go walk dogs from the neighborhood, and then I need to head down to the restaurant to work. Sundays are the best days since a lot of people go and I get a lot of tip." Eunhyuk said smiling his cheerful smile. "So I'll have to leave you here, my mom never comes into my room so I'll leave the closet door open but my room's door closed, ok? And please don't make so much noise alright?" Eunhyuk said grabbing Donghae's front legs, putting him in a standing position and leaning closer to whisper "I don't want her to take you from me" Eunhyuk said serious and Donghae nodded. Again Eunhyuk had his gummy smile on, "Good boy!" he cheered and left another kiss on Donghae's head before grabbing a backpack and going out the door.

Eunhyuk came back minutes later with a plate of food and another of water. "Almost forgot; here you go, you have enough food for the day" he said placing both plates in the floor, before Donghae's head lovingly and giving him one last smile before heading out the door.

Donghae spend all the day alone, trying his best to be quiet while he moved around the room; he ate the food Eunhyuk had left in his plate and drank all the water from his bowl. And of course nature called and Donghae for the first time used his "bathroom".

It wasn't until night that Eunhyuk returned home, he walked into the room looking tired, and let the backpack fall on the floor. He rubbed his tired eyes before grabbing his pajama and he headed out the door. Donghae looked at him with worry, but seconds later Eunhyuk returned to his room.

"Donghae!" he said kneeling down and taking Donghae's front legs to bring him close to him so Donghae would be leaning against his thighs. "I'm sorry, for a minute there I forgot about you" he said and he leaned down to press his forehead against Donghae's head, Donghae's wet nose touching his'. "Are you ok? Are you hungry? Thirsty? I'm really sorry for leaving you alone all day, I didn't mean to. I'll take a quick shower and then I'll prepare you dinner and bring you something to drink alright?" Eunhyuk said lovingly and he kissed Donghae's forehead. Donghae barked as silently as he could and moved his tail to show he was ok with that. Eunhyuk smiled down at him and Donghae felt like everything else faded. Eunhyuk's smile was just marvelous.

Eunhyuk left the room and Donghae was again left alone. He thought about how he had just felt. When Eunhyuk arrived home, Donghae's heart start beating faster but when Eunhyuk had left the room without greeting him, his tail and ears had fell involuntarily and he felt a tug at his heart. When Eunhyuk came back and quickly grabbed him and apologized Donghae felt his heart beating fast again and some sort of warm invaded him. He wanted to bark loudly but he knew the consequences, so he preferred save it.

But when Eunhyuk smiled… when Eunhyuk smiled Donghae didn't knew what happened to his heart, he didn't knew if it stopped or if it had beaten faster. He just knew that everything else was dark, and he could only focus in that angelic smile that was displayed before him. Donghae felt the warm sensation inside him again. He felt his heart lighten, and he realized: he didn't cared being a dog if that meant staying with Eunhyuk.

Because the moment Donghae came back to be human he'll had to say good bye to Eunhyuk. Donghae being a noble man would have an arranged marriage and he was sure his mom already had someone for him. The moment he became human, he'll never see Eunhyuk again. Probably to give him the money he wanted in return for taking care of him. But that was it. He'll never see that dazing smile ever again.

That made Donghae felt emptiness in his heart.

Eunhyuk came back like half an hour later, with a tray of food in his hands. He closed the door after him and knelt down to leave Donghae's plates on the floor. Donghae came close to his plate to see his food; there were different fruits; apple, pear, banana and strawberry, there was also lettuce, cucumber, rice and beef, all nicely arranged to view.

Eunhyuk had an alike plate just his portions were bigger. Eunhyuk had left juice and water in a different plate for Donghae to drink, while he just had an orange juice. They dinner in silence and afterwards Eunhyuk took both plates down; leaving only Donghae's bowl that still had water on it behind, returning again minutes later. He shut down the lights and wished Donghae good night before climbing to bed.

Next day Eunhyuk got up early, changed into his uniform, ate breakfast and left Donghae food and enough water for him until he returned home from school. Donghae just saw Eunhyuk preparing to leave from a corner.

"Be nice" Eunhyuk told him smiling softly, before he left the room, leaving the door semi-closed.

Donghae ears fell down; he didn't like the thought of Eunhyuk being away from him for so long. He looked up at the door and a wild idea came into mind, he run to it and opened it using his paws and nose, thankfully it wasn't hard to move. He then ran down all the stairs and just as Eunhyuk was about to closed the door, he managed to get outside; though crashing unto Eunhyuk's leg.

"Donghae?" Eunhyuk asked kneeling down to his level "What are you doing here?" he asked taking Donghae in his arms. Donghae just leaned close to Eunhyuk's face to his cheek repeatedly. "Stop boy, I need to go to school" Eunhyuk said laughing a little. He then put Donghae in the ground. "You can stay here outside, just be sure my mom doesn't see you in her way out." Eunhyuk said leaning close to Donghae.

He then turned around and started walking down the street. Donghae watched Eunhyuk walk away and he start running to him, catching up and walking right next to him. "Donghae!" Eunhyuk yelled once he spot his puppy walking next to him. Donghae stopped and looked up to him. "You aren't staying home, are you?" Eunhyuk asked amusedly, Donghae shook his head and barked; moving his tail back and forth and showing Eunhyuk his tongue to show that indeed he'll follow him to school. "Well then, what can I do?" Eunhyuk said smiling and continued walking.

Donghae stayed behind taken aback by Eunhyuk's dazing smile again. He came back when Eunhyuk called out for him once he was ahead. Donghae again run to catch up to him and started walking with him again.

He realized something; he wanted to see that smile again, and he'll do anything to do so.

Once they get to school, Donghae sat down at the front gate and looked up at Eunhyuk, Eunhyuk then knelt down to him. "Ok, I'll come here for lunch, be good until then alright?" he said softly, Donghae's hair. Donghae barked and moved his tail and Eunhyuk leaned down to place a kiss on Donghae's head. "Don't let anyone steal you" he said and got up and into the gate. Eunhyuk started walking towards the school, but he'll look back at Donghae every few steps and it wasn't until he bumped with a teacher –Donghae laughing internally at this- that he'd speed up and went to his class.

Donghae waited patiently outside the door until he saw students coming out to lunch and he spotted Eunhyuk. The moment he saw his 'owner' running towards him he stood up moving his tail and start jumping lightly. Eunhyuk reached the front gate and when he saw Donghae he burst into laughter. In the three days Donghae had been living with him, this was the first time Eunhyuk laughed like that and it made Donghae feel warm inside. He could make Eunhyuk happy.

They ate with Eunhyuk explaining to Donghae his classes before he had to go back. Donghae then sat again watching intently at the school, waiting for Eunhyuk to go out. Once school was over and Eunhyuk did go out, he knelt down and grabbed Donghae in his arms, taking him back home. Eunhyuk was careful when he got home, checking that his mom wasn't home before letting Donghae out his pocket and on the kitchen floor. After they eat Eunhyuk knelt down to take Donghae in his arms; he then took him to his room and placed him there.

"Donghae I need to go to work. My shift at the restaurant starts at 6PM and ends at 10 PM so I won't be home until then, ok? If you behave I promise I'll cook something delicious for dinner alright?" Eunhyuk said lovingly, Donghae's head. "I need to go now" Eunhyuk said before standing up and leaving the room.

All week went like that; Eunhyuk would wake up and try to be as quiet as possible so he wouldn't wake up Donghae, which was useless since Donghae wake up the moment the alarm went off. Donghae'll go to school with him and wait patiently outside the front gate for Eunhyuk to return. Then they'll go back home and Eunhyuk would cook lunch for both and clean what he could from the house, before heading to the restaurant to work as a waitress.

Donghae noticed that during the week Eunhyuk wouldn't see his mom since she spend all the day away from home and Eunhyuk would be busy with chores, work and then homework; which was partly good since Eunhyuk didn't get screamed at, but partly bad since he had to do all the work to keep the house going.

How did Eunhyuk managed to do all the stuff by himself, Donghae didn't know. Eunhyuk would go to sleep at 12 just to be up at 6 to get ready for school, and it was no wonder why he'd fall asleep immediately after he had lay in bed and wouldn't wake up until the alarm wake him up.

Eunhyuk never had free time or time for himself; while he had all the time he wanted. Back when he was human Donghae was taught in home –along with his brother- they'll cook for him whatever he asked for, he'd never had to worry about doing a single chore, he didn't had homework, and could do anything he wanted. That meant that if he wanted to learn a sport; his parents would pay him a teacher. He realized now he didn't deserved it.

He was the completely opposite of Eunhyuk; spoiled, careless, selfish; yet he received love, attention, and basically anything. While Eunhyuk was kind, caring, hard worker; yet he received, nothing.

So, anyway, Friday came and Donghae was waiting patiently for Eunhyuk to come home, and as night came and Donghae started pacing around Eunhyuk's room he heard the front door open and close. Donghae cheered on the inside, waiting for Eunhyuk to come upstairs.

He heard the distinctive footsteps on the stairs and Eunhyuk entered the room seconds later, with a big gummy smile "Hey!" he called out to Donghae who immediately was at his side jumping up and down and rolling on the floor in front of Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk laughed and knelt down to pet Donghae, scratching his tummy.

Donghae let himself fall on the floor backwards, so Eunhyuk had better access to his tummy; because to be honest, being a dog and being scratched across the stomach felt so good.

"Guess what?" Eunhyuk said still scratching Donghae "Mom is leaving for the weekend, meaning you and me are alone until Monday, so not hiding back your barks now" Eunhyuk said cheerfully and as on cue Donghae let out a happy bark. Eunhyuk chuckled and stopped scratching Donghae to let him stand up. "It's Friday night boy, what do you want to do?" he asked Donghae, who just panted in return. "How about we watch a movie?" he asked and Donghae barked in return, approvingly. "Ok then, we'll go down and I'll make something delicious for dinner and we'll watch a movie" Enhyuk said smiling and taking Donghae in his arms.

He went downstairs with Donghae still in his arms and he place him in the sofa. "Now be good and wait for me, ok?" Eunhyuk said before touching Donghae's nose lightly and he head towards the kitchen. Eunhyuk came back 5 minutes later just to take Donghae to the kitchen with him.

He sat him down on one of the chairs while he continued to cook. Donghae watched in amazement as Eunhyuk moved around the kitchen almost professionally, cutting up cheese, stirring the rice, flipping the chicken in the fry pan; every movement he made look effortless and perfect. Half an hour later, Eunhyuk had a plate full of sushi he had made and a jar full of tea.

Eunhyuk served Donghae his share of sushi and tea and took both plates to the coffee table in front of the sofa in the living room. He then went back for Donghae. They watched COBU 3D together while they ate dinner. Donghae kept glancing at Eunhyuk throughout the film. He could see just how bad Eunhyuk wanted to dance; though he never had seen him dancing before.

Using his head, Donghae nudged Eunhyuk's right leg, to try and show his support to him. Eunhyuk smiled down at Donghae and pat his head lightly. "I need to do something… come on" Eunhyuk said grabbing Donghae and going upstairs.

He entered his room and left Donghae on the bed, while he turned his computer on. Donghae just looked at him curiously until his computer lighted up with someone else's face.

"Minniemin!" Eunhyuk greeted the other boy cheerly.

"Yah! Eunhyukkie, how have you been? Haven't heard of you in ages!" the other boy greeted while he smiled fully at Eunhyuk. Donghae felt jealousy run through his body as he watched the friendly exchange between them.

"I'm good… you know how are things around here…" Eunhyuk said trying not to sound too sad.

"Yah, cheer up, you're not the one struggling with languages" the other boy said trying to cheer Eunhyuk up.

"Yeah I guess, how's Japan?" Eunhyuk asked, trying to vanish bad thoughts from his mind.

"Sweet like always, I'm still struggling when talking to people but it's less now which makes me happy and~~ I got updates with the cute transfer student aka as my partner since he knows not a single word in Japanese and can only speak Korean which is good for me" the boy said in amazingly only one breath.

"You can be serious… are you two dating?" Eunhyuk said happily.

"Maybe~~" the other boy teased, putting an innocent looking face.

"Sungmin! That's not fair you know everything about my love life I deserve to know everything about yours!" Eunhyuk half scolded half laughed.

"You don't have a love life!" Sungmin fought back.

"Exactly!" Eunhyuk said laughing, which earned a laugh from Sungmin.

"You don't change, do you?" Sungmin said smiling.

"Of course not!" Eunhyuk asked laughing.

"And never do please, you're amazing~~ just the way you are~~" Sungmin half sung half laughed.

"Ugh… stop listening to american singers, will you?" Eunhyuk asked amusedly.

"Nope" Sungmin answered cutely "and anyway, we're not dating yet; but if he was straight I'm surely transforming him to the dark side." Sungmin said proudly.

"You're crazy" Eunhyuk said laughing.

"Yes I am, if I wasn't I'll never be your friend" Sungmin teased.

"What do you mean?" Eunhyuk asked midly offended.

"Nothing~~" Sungmin teased back. "Changing topic, how's everything with your mom, any changes?" Sungmin asked, though one look at Eunhyuk's sorrowed face gave him his answer. "Never mind…" Sungmin said.

"I can't wait to be in college and get out of here" Eunhyuk said sighing. "Please tell me you're coming back so we can be together in college".

"Hey, you know I won't miss that opportunity for anything, and when we live together for college I'll cook for you and show you how's done" Sungmin said, again teasing Eunhyuk.

"Hey! I'm a good cooker… or so I think I'm the only who eats my cooking… oh and Donghae… Donghae likes my cooking." Eunhyuk said smiling.

"Who's Donghae?" Sungmin asked confusedly.

"Oh! Right…" Eunhyuk turned around in his chair to grab Donghae so Sungmin could see.

"My God! He's adorable! So cute!" Sungmin said completely fangirling over Donghae. Donghae tried to shield away but seeing how Eunhyuk had him in his hands, it was impossible to escape from Sungmin. "Wait… so your mother let you have him?"

"Not exactly… I found him outside school one day and he looked pretty bad so I took him in without my mom knowing… I've hide him since." Eunhyuk said returning Donghae to his bed.

"How long ago?" Sungmin asked.

"About a week" Eunhyuk answered returning to face the computer.

"Hey, now you have someone else to make you company and protect you in school, see? It's not that bad I'm not there" Sungmin said smiling.

"One day he might protect me in school… if he could entered the school… but when that happens I'll have you back and your ninja skills too." Eunhyuk said laughing. Sungmin laughed too.

"Hey my ninja skills got you saved more than a few times…" Sungmin said still laughing.

"But since you left, I'm paying all of those times" Eunhyuk said, smile not leaving his face.

"I'm sorry, you know I'd never leave you… you know I tried to bring you with me… so you wouldn't have to face the jerks in school alone, and your mom too. It's just…" sungmin trailed looking down.

"I know Minniemin, don't worry, at least you taught me how to cook so I wouldn't starve to death" Eunhyuk said trying to cheer Sungmin.

"But my cooking it's better" Sungmin said teasingly, regaining his mood.

"Pabo" Eunhyuk said sticking his tongue out.

"You're such a child Eunhyuk" Sungmin said cheerily. "Anyway it's late and I have to go, it's good to talk with you, I miss you, take care, don't burn down the kitchen, don't forget to feed poor Donghae, and learn ninja skills for God sake" Sungmin said as a goodbye.

"Good to talk to you too, pabo. Be nice with poor Kyuhyun" Eunhyuk said laughing. Sungmin made a false-offended face before turning his camera off. Eunhyuk then turned his computer off and went to lay in bed next to Donghae.

"That was Lee Sungmin, my best friend" he said turning to face Donghae, who was looking at him curiously. "Or well, he was before he moved to Japan since his dad was promoted there. We've been friends since childhood, his mother is more like my mother than my own mom. She taught us both how to cook, since I always ate at Sungmin's house, cause my mom will never cook for us because of the work. So when Sungmin's mom found out they'll be moving out, she taught me how to cook so I wouldn't starve, Sungmin learned too since he had nothing else to do." Eunhyuk chuckled and Donghae lay next to him, he liked learning things about Eunhyuk, though the pang of jealousy was still there.

"I miss him so much… we'll do homework together and when I didn't understand he'll explain it to me. He'll threaten anyone that try to hurt us, well more me, so they'll leave us alone. He made leaving with my mom so much easier." Eunhyuk said looking up at the ceiling sadly. "When his dad told him they'll be leaving he tried to convince his mom to take me with them, and even though his mom agreed with him… they couldn't do it… my mom wouldn't allow it either." Eunhyuk said still sad.

Donghae got up, walked to Eunhyuk's face and start him to try and make him forget. Eunhyuk looked down at Donghae and smiled. "Now it's a little bit better because I have you" he said closing his eyes and letting Donghae his face.

"You make life worth living, Donghae" Eunhyuk said before falling asleep.

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ionlytoldthemoon #1
Just finished reading all the chapters you've posted so far and I just want to let you know that absolutely love this! It's such a cute story.
Hyukjae is such a sweetheart I feel like he should walk with a pretty halo on his head.
And puppy Donghae is the best. I'm glad donghae has a better outlook on life. Hyukjae really helped him realize the meaning of kindness and love. I'm sure donghae won't go back to his selfish ways and of course I look forward to reading about their 'new' life as a family. I want to see how donghae will sweep hyukjae off his feet too! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story. :)
Chapter 7: woow... you have many good stories... love it... updaye soon please...
Chapter 5: Eunhyuk is like a freaken angel! He is just so nice
Chapter 3: I feel so bad for hyuk, he's just a teenager but yet he has to deal with all this crap...
Chapter 1: Great first chapter! :)
Chapter 7: aarrgghhh lovely storyyyy...gosshh i love it since i read chap 1, and yeeeiiiyyy hae turn to human now, n thanks god hyukjae didnt fainted kkkkkk, palli update authorshiiiii...
koutaroux #7
Chapter 7: Hae is kinda straightforward... Hyuk, can you love Hae?><
Chapter 7: Awww yes now Hae needs to prove it to Hyuk <33 And then they can be together ><
MyeolchiHyuk #9
Chapter 7: Hae.. euu shld prove to hyuk alot..
Hyuk.. hope euu will fall for hae soon...
moonlight_bat #10
Chapter 7: oyeah... work yr ___ hard hae... *not in literally meaning, babe*