Angel and Monster

My Treasure


Eunhyuk knelt down to the girl’s level.

“What’s your name?” he asked her softly.

“Ambel” she answered.

“And he is?” Eunhyuk asked her, a small gentle smile on his lips.

“Henly” she answered, hiding her hands behind her back.

“Where do you live?” Eunhyuk asked. The girl looked down.

“Nowhele” she answered.

Eunhyuk heart clenched even more. He wanted to help these kids, he really did but he didn’t know how.

“Why aren’t you guys in an orphanage?” he asked her. The girl shook her head quickly.

“They can, can” and then she made movements with her hands as in breaking or splitting. Eunhyuk got the message and nodded.

Eunhyuk start thinking in the possible ways he had to help these kids, until he glanced at Amber –because he was sure he meant that just that she couldn’t pronounce it correctly- who was glancing at the banana milks. Eunhyuk smiled.

“Here” he said handing her the milks. She looked up at him surprised. “It’s alright you can take them all” he said.

Amber bowed down 90 degrees and Hyukjae let out a small laugh. Amber reached out for the box but seeing that her fingers trembled even before she could take tha weight of the box Eunhyuk stopped her.

“It’s heavy… better tell me where to leave it” he said. Amber blinked a few times and then she pointed at a cardboard box where her brother was a few meters away next to a building.

Eunhyuk walked with her the short distance, Donghae followed in toe. Amber knelt down to hug her little brother protectively but affectionately.

“Henly-ah I got us food” she said happily and her little brother smiled brightly too.

Eunhyuk’s as well as Donghae’s heart filled with tenderness.

“This is where you kids sleep?” he asked them in hopes to receive a different answer to what was he expecting.

“Sometimes…” Amber answered “we… have… to move” she added.

Eunhyuk took pity on the kids.

Donghae got near Amber and her leg with his head. Amebr let out a small laugh and then Donghae did the same to Amber’s face and Henry’s as well. The kids started laughing and Eunhyuk could care less if people passing by looked at them weird or whatever they whispered.

This moment right now meant more to him that anything else.

“Ok kids listen this is what we’re going to do” Eunhyuk said kneeling down to their level and Amber and Henry looked at him surprised. “We are going back to my place, mom’s not here for the weekend so it’ll be ok. Then I’m going to make you a delicious meal while you take a shower. I’ll look for spare clothes for both of you ok? Then whatever money I have and whatever money we can get we’ll use it to find you a good place to sleep alright?” he said looking at both of them.

Amber looked hesitantly at Henry while he looked at her curiously.

“Listen kids I really want to help you, you… I-” Eunhyuk was at loss of words but it was probably that, the sincerity he showed that made little Amber trust him.

“Ok” Amber answered getting up on shaky legs and bringing her brother up too. Eunhyuk looked at them and smiled.

Donghae couldn’t even believe his eyes or ears.

Eunhyuk was again helping someone that couldn’t give him anything in return. What could he get out of helping these children? Like if he didn’t have enough stress already, he was taking in two kids to take care of them. And where was he supposed to have them? Where was he supposed to get the money to sustain them? In his opinion Eunhyuk was crazy but then again he couldn’t blame him.

If he could he would had helped these kids too.

And it was then when it dawned to him all the times his father had said no to a charity, all the talks of the servants which families dealt with economic difficulties, every single time he had mocked people who hadn’t had the money he did.

He looked up at Eunhyuk who was smiling to the kids and offering his hand to Amber. If Donghae had crossed paths with these children before he met Eunhyuk he wouldn’t even spare them a second glance, he would had even made a disgusted expression at their sight.

He who had the money to build them a house and sustain them for a lifetime wouldn’t even have acknowledged them. And then Eunhyuk; who couldn’t give them much, was again sacrificing his time, his life in favor of these two kids.

Donghae looked down at the floor in shame.

But he sworn to himself, once he got his body back he would get Eunhyuk out of his house, he would employee him and make sure he got dance classes from the best instructor in town. He would build Amber and Henry a home and he’ll make sure nothing lacked for them to have a great life. He’ll then create and support charities or something, he’ll get Eunhyuk’s help in that aspect too.

Donghae thought all these and smiled, proud of himself for realizing his mistakes.

The four of them walked back to Eunhyuk’s place.

Once there Eunhyuk picked Amber and Henry and took them to the bathroom. He handed them both towels and made sure the water was at a perfect temperature so they wouldn’t burn or freeze.

He left them to shower and went to his room to look for any bow he had with clothes he had back when he was still a child. After sometime of looking Eunhyuk found some sets of clothes and left them right outside the bathroom floor.

Donghae followed him around the house and would continually bark at him to give him strength –or at least he tried- and Eunhyuk would smile gently at him.

Eunhyuk went to the kitchen, washed his hands thoroughly and then he started  making the lunch. Since he was dealing with children he decided today’s menu would be something that a child would like: macaroni and cheese, fried chicken and some broccoli.

He started preparing everything and Donghae looked at him curiously. He really enjoyed watching Eunhyuk move from one place to another looking for ingredients and mixing them, he liked Eunhyuk’s focused expression, his eyebrows furrowed and the constant lip bites he’ll do as he worked.

“Here” Eunhyuk said handing Donghae a broccoli with some sort of sauce in it. Donghae looked at it with a grimace. He had never been fond of vegetables –even though Ryeowook included them in every single meal. “Come on” Eunhyuk said encouraging.

Donghae looked up at Eunhyuk. He was smiling with an ‘I know you’ll like it’ expression. Donghae reluctantly took the offered broccoli.

And damn was Eunhyuk right if he thought he’ll like it because honestly the sauce did it everything but that broccoli was tasty.

“Alright if you liked it I hope they’ll do too” Eunhyuk said and then he left Donghae to continue focusing in the food.

Are you kidding me? Donghae thought if those kids don’t like your food you can as well throw them out. Donghae added and immediately after he mentally face palmed. You idiot! You can’t think like that… not anymore. He told himself as he looked up at Eunhyuk.

How did he managed to change him so fast Donghae didn’t know, but he was sure hadn’t it been for Eunhyuk he would had never seen what ‘kindness’ looked like.

“Oh you are done” Eunhyuk said. Donghae looked at the door where Amber and Henry stood now cleaned up and in clean clothes and hand in hand. They looked at whatever Eunhyuk was cooking expectantly.

Donghae flinched. How much time had passed since this kids got a decent meal?

“Ok come here” Eunhyuk motioned for Henry to approach him and Henry did. Eunhyuk lifted him up and placed him in a chair away from Donghae. Then he lifted Amber and placed him in the chair next to Donghae’s. “Food will be ready soon” he said as he handed Henry and Amber two glasses of water.

The kids drink the water quickly. Donghae’s heart clenched, this kids would have died if they had spent one more day alone. To closer look their cheeks were hollowed and their arms to skinny.

Eunhyuk served them both equal full plates with macaroni, chicken and broccoli and instructed them to eat everything. The kids thanked him for the meals and started devouring their food. Donghae was served a plate too and finally Eunhyuk served his own plate.

Eunhyuk left the plates in the sink to wash later; he let Amber and Henry play with Donghae while he looked on the internet the cheapest motel he could afford for Henry and Amber to stay. He couldn’t let these kids keep being in the street and an orphanage wasn’t an option since they could split them; so, Eunhyuk thought that was the only option he had to give these kids a roof.

He found one cheap hotel that cost 32 000 won (almost $29 dollars) per night and Eunhyuk decided to give it a shot. He made the counts, he earned like 87 000 won ($80 dollars) each day and he worked 6 days a week that made 522 000 won per week. But Sunday’s and Friday’s more people went to the restaurant and since he didn’t only made a great job and was efficient enough he tried to attend as many tables as he could meaning that in those days he could gain even to 163 000 won ($150 dollars)  those days alone.

It was worth it.

“Ok kids” he said standing next to them. Amber and Henry looked at him curiously. “I would love to have you here, but my mom will never ever let me; so, I found you a motel where you can stay… we’ll go look at it now ok?” he asked smiling softly.

Amber looked down at Henry and then at Eunhyuk again and nodded.

The four of them went to the direction of the motel and Eunhyuk was glad that it wasn’t that far from where he worked at, just a couple of blocks down.

Outside the motel didn’t seem that good of an option, the paint was old, there weren’t any plants and the place itself looked like it needed a whole new reshuffle. Eunhyuk sighed; at least it was better than nothing.

They entered the reception and walked over to the desk. Behind the desk was a small girl around the age of Eunhyuk with short brown hair, she was busy reading a magazine and didn’t notice when they entered or approached. Eunhyuk cleared his throat to get her attention.

“Oh! Didn’t see you there! Sorry” she said dropping the magazine and looking up at Eunhyuk with a smile that hid her eyes. She had rounded face and chubby cheeks and she was rather cute Eunhyuk had to admit, like a bunny he thought.

Donghae was looking up at Eunhyuk and when he noticed him smiling at the girl something inside boiled up.

“Umm… I’d like a room… but umm… starting tomorrow” Eunhyuk said shyly.

“Ok, for how long?” the girl asked getting a registration form.

“um… a week” Eunhyuk answered.

“o-k” the girl noted finding it a little unusual. “Name?”

“Eun- Lee Hyukjae” Eunhyuk answered giving his full real name.

“All of our rooms only have a queen sized bed is that alright?” she asked.

“umm yeah that’s ok” Eunhyuk answered. “but umm… after the week is over… can I rent the room again?” he asked. The girl looked up at him questioningly.

“Why?” she asked.

“I… the room is not for me… it’s for these kids” Eunhyuk answered motioning to Amber and Henry. The girl looked down at them and immediately smiled brightly.

“Aww cutie pies!” she said looking at the kids with tenderness. “wait… she looked up at Eunhyuk confused. “They are yours?”

Eunhyuk eyes widened and it looked like his eyeballs were going to fall out. Donghae tried to suppress a laugh.

“No” Eunhyuk answered quickly “I found them… they don’t want to go to an orphanage because they might split them, so I’m trying to give them a home… I can’t take them to mine because my mother would never allow me to, so I’m keeping them here” he said. “You’ll get used to see me, I’ll try to come as often as possible” Eunhyuk said smiling.

The girl looked at him in admiration.

“You’re a great human being” she said. And Eunhyuk blushed.

“Thank you”

“and I’m giving you a discount for being so generous” she said smiling.

“Really? Thank you so much!” Eunhyuk answered honestly happy.

“So let’s see, 32 000 won per night in a week it’s…” the girl said doing the calculus “224 000 won a week… let’s leave it in 200 000 won alright?2 the girl said.

“Seriously?” Eunhyuk asked astonished.

The girl only nodded repeatedly and handed Eunhyuk the registration form.

“Just sign me there and I’ll make sure your room is presentable for tomorrow ok?” the girl said and Eunhyuk did as he was told. “ok all set up, I’ll see you tomorrow then” the girl said smiling.

“See you too…” Eunhyuk paused.

“Oh I’m Sunny” the girl said extending her hand. Eunhyuk shook it.

“Nice to meet you, she is Amber and he’s Henry” Eunhyuk said placing a hand on each kids head after he was done shaking Sunny’s “and he is Donghae” he said pointing at Donghae.

Sunny looked at the dog and smiled though a second later her smile disappeared.

“The motel doesn’t allow dogs” she answered.

“That’s alright, he is staying with me” Eunhyuk answered.

“Oh never mind then, see you” Sunny said waving goodbye.


“Ok kids, I still got some money to spare, we’ll use it to buy you clothes and food alright?” Eunhyuk told them as they were walking down the street. Eunhyuk was carrying Henry in one arm while he held Amber’s hand with his free arm and Amber was holding Donghae’s leash.

“But sil…” Amber stopped walking and looked up at Eunhyuk with teary eyes. She was really thankful to him for everything he has done for her and her brother but she couldn’t ask him to do more. Eunhyuk knelt down at her height and smiled gently at her.

“It’s alright Amber, I won’t do anything important with that money either way, better spend it in something useful” he said patting Amber’s head.

Donghae couldn’t believe his ears; Eunhyuk was going to use that money for his dance lessons which he really wanted. But he was going to use it in these kids he didn’t even know! And part of that money had gone to him and he was just a puppy. How could Eunhyuk be this perfect human being when he was so lacking?

It should be the other way around. Eunhyuk should hate everyone and be selfish for the kind of family he has, he should not want any human contact and he should be the one that spent his money in whatever he wanted. And Donghae having always been so loved and having everything he needed and way more should be the gentle soul that helped everyone and rescued stray puppies and was considered an angel.

But reality was different, Eunhyuk was so hated but he was an angel. While he was so loved but was a monster.

“Donghae?” he heard Eunhyuk calling him and he looked up. Eunhyuk was already standing and Amber was pulling on his leash to try to make him move. “Come on” Eunhyuk said.

 They walked to a store and Eunhyuk pushed the kids inside while he stayed behind to tie Donghae to a post.

“Stay here ok? It won’t take long” he said ruffling Donghae’s hair and kissing the top of his head softly.

Donghae waited outside near an hour until Eunhyuk finally came out with Henry and Amber and a everyone was carrying bags. Henry being the one that was carrying less heavy bags took Donghae leash and the four went back to Eunhyuk’s place.

The sun had just gone and the city started to turn its nightlife on when they arrived to Eunhyuk’s place.

Eunhyuk put all the food they had bought in the freezer, tomorrow he’ll take it to the motel. The clothes were placed inside two backpacks he had bought for Henry and Amber. The kids obviously didn’t went to school and Eunhyuk couldn’t really afford one for them and didn’t have the time either to take them and pick them up so he decided he’ll teach th kids when he went visiting.

The plan was visit them after school and before work, he will leave Donghae there to be with them and protect them while he was at work. After work Eunhyuk would go to the motel, make the kids dinner and leave the breakfast of the next day ready, put the kids to sleep, pick up Donghae and go home.

Saturdays would be the days Eunhyuk will teach them not only the basic things of school but will show them around town.

He was sure it’ll be too tiring, but it was worth it.

The next hours were spent watching movies, sharing stories and then Eunhyuk made dinner for everyone. When it was time to sleep Eunhyuk set up a sleeping bag on the floor of his bedroom for him and let the kids have his bed for tonight. Donghae instead of sleeping in the closet lay down next to Eunhyuk.

“Eunhyuk…?” Eunhyuk heard Amber calling him.

“Yes?” he answered sleepily.

“Thank you so much” the girl said.

Eunhyuk smiled.

I'm sorry this took so much... but yeah tests and proyects consumed my life Dx

comments feed me c:

and sweet Eunhyuk is the best *o*

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ionlytoldthemoon #1
Just finished reading all the chapters you've posted so far and I just want to let you know that absolutely love this! It's such a cute story.
Hyukjae is such a sweetheart I feel like he should walk with a pretty halo on his head.
And puppy Donghae is the best. I'm glad donghae has a better outlook on life. Hyukjae really helped him realize the meaning of kindness and love. I'm sure donghae won't go back to his selfish ways and of course I look forward to reading about their 'new' life as a family. I want to see how donghae will sweep hyukjae off his feet too! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story. :)
Chapter 7: woow... you have many good stories... love it... updaye soon please...
Chapter 5: Eunhyuk is like a freaken angel! He is just so nice
Chapter 3: I feel so bad for hyuk, he's just a teenager but yet he has to deal with all this crap...
Chapter 1: Great first chapter! :)
Chapter 7: aarrgghhh lovely storyyyy...gosshh i love it since i read chap 1, and yeeeiiiyyy hae turn to human now, n thanks god hyukjae didnt fainted kkkkkk, palli update authorshiiiii...
koutaroux #7
Chapter 7: Hae is kinda straightforward... Hyuk, can you love Hae?><
Chapter 7: Awww yes now Hae needs to prove it to Hyuk <33 And then they can be together ><
MyeolchiHyuk #9
Chapter 7: Hae.. euu shld prove to hyuk alot..
Hyuk.. hope euu will fall for hae soon...
moonlight_bat #10
Chapter 7: oyeah... work yr ___ hard hae... *not in literally meaning, babe*