
My Treasure


Saturday morning and Eunhyuk was up early again, which made Donghae wake up as well. Eunhyuk yawned, stretching his arms as he got up from bed. Donghae stretched too before appearing from the closet.

Eunhyuk looked at him brightly and he showed his gummy smile before kneeling down to collect Donghae in his arms.

“Good morning” he muttered sweetly bringing Donghae up to his face to give him a little kiss on the top of his head. “Are you hungry?” Eunhyuk asked softly. Donghae barked and pant with his tongue out, trying to say yes. “Al right, let’s go down so I can feed you” Eunhyuk said smiling.

He brought Donghae downstairs and placed him in the kitchen table. He then turned around to prepare his and Donghae’s breakfast. Donghae could only heard the sizzling sound of oil burning in a frying pan, while he saw Eunhyuk pouring different ingredients into a bowl and then mixing them with a fork.

Eunhyuk poured some mix in the frying pan and left it there while he got out some strawberries and milk. He washed the strawberries, cut them and then threw them in the blender along with the milk. He blended them for a while before turning the machine off. Then he turned the mix in the frying pan so the other side could cook.

Eunhyuk took a banana and more strawberries, he cut both fruits in slices and left them apart. He took the mix out of the frying pan and put it on a plate then purring more on the pan. It was until he saw how the mix looked already cooked that Donghae understood Eunhyuk was cooking hotcakes.

Few minutes later Eunhyuk had two plates ready. His’ had three hotcakes piled up with banana and strawberries decorating it and whipped cream on top and honey over them. Donghaes’ was similar just that he had only one hotcake cut in tiny pieces so he could eat them and had strawberries and bananas cut down in pieces too and whipped cream in another section of his plate. Both plates looked extremely attractive and delicious, like the ones that could be seen in pictures or in restaurant’s menus.

To top it all, Eunhyuk had made strawberry milk and had purred some in a spare plate for Donghae. While Eunhyuk’s glass had a banana slice and a strawberry just in the edge of the glass, making the already delicious milk look even more desirable. Yeah, everything Eunhyuk cooked looked perfect.

And it tasted perfect. Upon eating the hotcake, Donghae decided he wanted no one but Eunhyuk to cook for him. He thought Ryeowook –his chef back in his house- cooked well, but it was nothing compared to Eunhyuk. He had eaten countless of hotcakes in his life yet Eunhyuk’s were the most tasty, mouth-melting ones for him. If he ever came back to be human he would definitely hire Eunhyuk to be his new chef.

The idea surprised him greatly. He could hire Eunhyuk. That way he wouldn’t have to say goodbye to him. That way he’ll continue to eat the delicious food he made for him. And Eunhyuk could come live in his mansion not having to suffer from bullies at school or his mom no more.

He could help Eunhyuk.

But he could only do it if he was human.

Donghae let his ears fell. Such a short time as a puppy and he already was forgetting how to be human… yet he felt like he has grown so much in these short days, strangely being a puppy was making him more human than all the time he spent in his old body. He now know to appreciate everything he had, to not be spoil, to work hard, and the sacrifices someone can make for something or someone they loved.

Eunhyuk said he wanted to dance and therefore he wanted to have dance lessons. But instead of trying to change her mother’s mind, he decided to work hard and earn his money so he could pay for his lessons. He also took him in even though his mother truly disapproves. Donghae didn’t know what Eunhyuk’s mom could do to him if she ever found him, but he didn’t want to find out.

“So…” Eunhyuk started taking a sip from his milk “we have Saturday to ourselves; I don’t have work until tomorrow, so… what do you want to do?”  He asked turning to Donghae, smiling.

Donghae blinked up at him confused. He couldn’t answer being a dog; it would only sounds like barks.

“Mmm… would you like to go out, to the park maybe?” Eunhyuk suggested stretching a hand to scratch lightly on Donghae’s head and ears. Donghae let himself get lost on the feeling, being that it felt too good for him. “Or maybe I could take you downtown?” Eunhyuk said still scratching him. “Let’s just finish and then we’ll go out ok?” Eunhyuk said, removing his hand from Donghae’s head.

Donghae felt a little sad; since he was enjoying Eunhyuk’s scratching, but continued eating nonetheless.

They both finished and Eunhyuk cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes before going up the stairs to retrieve Donghae’s collar and leash. He placed his collar on his neck and then secured the leash before putting him on the floor. Eunhyuk grabbed his keys and they both headed out the door.

Donghae walked, ran and jumped in front of Eunhyuk while the latter only grabbed the leash firmly and laughed at the puppy. Eunhyuk felt at ease not having to worry about school, work or his mom; only walking nonchalantly with Donghae besides him.

They arrived to a big park downtown and Eunhyuk decided to take a break. Spotting a fountain a few feet away he walked the short distance and sat in the fountain’s edge. Donghae got up in two feet and supported himself in Eunhyuk’s leg, trying to catch the older’s attention.

Eunhyuk smiled down at him and leaned down to collect Donghae in his arms.

“So peaceful” Eunhyuk commented closing his eyes, taking in the sound of the falling water and the air that hit his face softly. Donghae looked up at Eunhyuk’s peaceful face. His eyes closed, his hair flying a little with the wind and his lips closed but curled up in a smile. Donghae wondered how Eunhyuk would look at full color, right now he just could see in white and black. He wanted to see Eunhyuk’s true colors. Verify if his hair is white as long with his skin, how does those smooth lips look like being pink and not grey, what his eyes color was, everything.

If Eunhyuk was gorgeous to him now he wondered what will he think when he see him in full color.

But right now, Eunhyuk looked gorgeous and so full of peace that Donghae felt warm inside; he smiled a little at the sensation, it did felt so good seeing Eunhyuk relax for a time.

Eunhyuk opened his eyes and let out a small sigh. He loved to get a time like this. Unconsciously he started Donghae’s hair softly and the puppy moved against Eunhyuk’s hand to help his owner a bit.

They both wished this moment would last forever.

Few minutes later and a music started sounding from the distance (apparently there was a contest going on) Eunhyuk looked up surprised for it was his favorite song from his favorite band TVXQ’s “Rising Sun”.

“Let’s see what’s going on Donghae” Eunhyuk said placing Donghae on the ground and getting up. They walked to the stand were there was already a crowd forming. Apparently he guy was asking for people that wanted to dance, the winner will be decided by the crowd and said winner would get a box of banana milk (since the stand belonged to the best mark in South Korea).

Eunhyuk sighed and was about to leave the space when Donghae nudged him to go on. Eunhyuk then looked down at him confused and then he lowered himself to Donghae’s height.

“You want me to compete?” Eunhyuk asked him and Donghae nodded enthusiastically.

“But… I’ve never danced in front of so many people… and my dance abilities are not that good” Eunhyuk said looking down. Donghae get up on two feet and stretched so he could Eunhyuk’s nose.

Eunhyuk looked up at him and Donghae tilted his head a little to the right, raise up his ears and smile in hope to encourage him. Eunhyuk smiled too.

“Well… I have nothing to lose I guess” he said “just for you ok?” he continued. Donghae barked happily and then Eunhyuk placed a kiss on his forehead before standing up. He dragged Dognhae a little afar from the crowd.

“Stay here until I return ok?” he said before leaving him and making his way through the crowd.

Donghae frowned. Of course he wasn’t just going to stay there, it was a chance to see Eunhyuk dance. So, disobeying his ‘owner’s ’  orders he took the end of his leash in his mouth and walked over to the crowd, making his way so he could be up front.

Donghae reached the front seat and saw that beside Eunhyuk, two girls and another boy had also entered the contest.

“Ok now!” the host called everyone. Donghae looked up at him he was like Eunhyuk in height, he supposed the host had short brown hair, his eyes were small and glittering and he had a big smile on his face with only one dimple on his left cheek. “Thanks all four of you for participating! The rules are, each one of you get to dance a part of a song and we’ll be eliminating one by one by the applause from the public!” the host said. “understood?” the host asked and the four contestants nodded.

One of the girls was first and though she danced well she lacked spirit. Then the other boy danced in a really ridiculous way. The other girl danced really provocative so it didn’t really mattered if she danced well or not.

Then Donghae focused on Eunhyuk. It was his turn and he seemed pretty much nervous. A quick glance Eunhyuk did to the public showed him that Donghae was there. The dog let go of the leash from his mouth just to bark at him in what he hoped sounded encouraging. Eunhyuk smiled and then he walked to the center of the circle.

And another song from TVX started playing this time it was “Mirotic” and a second after recognizing it Eunhyuk started dancing.

Donghae couldn’t even breathe as he watched Eunhyuk moved in the small area. The graceful yet powerful movements, the passion he put into every fiber of his body and the expressions that just made the dance more perfect.

He couldn’t even understand why Eunhyuk doubted of his ability to dance.

The host didn’t pause the song in time because he was; too, mesmerized in Eunhyuk’s dance, so while the others got to dance around a minute Eunhyuk got to dance around a minute and a half.

The host quickly stopped the music and Eunhyuk did a small bow which was regarded with the applause of all the crowd, even of the contestants and the host. Eunhyuk felt his cheeks get hotter as it was evident he was blushing. He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment too.

“Well… guess we have a winner” the host announced and everyone nodded and kept applauding. “Thank you all for participating! To our three contestants that couldn’t win you get  a discount ticket and to our winner come here for your prize!” the host said looking directly at Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk looked up to him not really believing what he heard. The host made a motion for him to come closer and Eunhyuk could just point to himself doubting. The host laughed and nodded and Eunhyuk could just walk over to the table.

“What’s your name?” the host asked him smiling softly.

“Um… Eunhyuk” he answered still dumbfounded.

“Well Eunhyuk congratulations you’re a winner today! You danced really well! Do you take classes?” the host asked him interested.

“Umm… no, uh I see dances on tv and um the internet and I just practice them uh… yeah” he said sheepishly. The host laughed at him.

“Still astonished you won?” he asked.

“It’s more the fact that I danced in front of a crowd… I’ve never danced in front of someone” Eunhyuk admitted, his voice sounding secure since he wanted to get that out of his throat.

“Really? You looked like a professional right now” the host answered.

“Thanks! Uh….”

“Leeteuk” the host greeted extending his hand for Eunhyuk to shake, which he did. “Now just let me take a picture of you and your prize alright?” Leeteuk asked him and Eunhyuk nodded.

Leeteuk handed Eunhyuk his prize but before he could take a picture Eunhyuk stopped him. He gave him back the prize and then went to where Donghae was.

“Better take a picture of us both, if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have had the courage to dance in the first place” Eunhyuk smiled holding Donghae tenderly in his arms. Donghae looked up at him thunderstruck.

Not ever in his life had he received a compliment that could compare to that one. Eunhyuk had just called him his strength. Eunhyuk wanted to have his prize picture taken with him.

Donghae felt like if his heart was about to explode with joy.

“Alright then” Leeteuk smiled and while he got the camera ready, Eunhyuk took off Donghae’s leash to put it on the table and hold Donghae with one hand while with the other he hold his prize. Eunhyuk then smiled and Donghae turn to the camera too, opening his mouth letting his tongue out and giving a bright smile too.

“Ok 1,2,3” and the picture was taken. Eunhyuk put his prize on the table –after all 12 bottles of banana milk were heavy- and then he reconnect the leash to the collar. He put Donghae down and the lean to see the picture Leeteuk was showing him.

The picture showed a really happy Eunhyuk holding an equal happy Donghae and of course the prize. But if you asked Eunhyuk he would tell you the real prize was finding Donghae.

“Leeteuk-ssi can I have that photo?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Yeah of course, just let me take copy of it, alright?” Leeteuk said. “Here let me give you my phone number and call me whenever you want so I can give you the copy alright?” he explained while he wrote down his number in a piece of paper handing it to Eunhyuk afterwards. Eunhyuk took it and bowed.

After saying their goodbyes Eunhyuk took his prize and Donghae’s leash and walked out of the park. The idea was going back to Eunhyuk’s place to leave the milk and then going out again.

However when they were passing by a small plaza the sound of music got Donghae’s attention who immediately made Eunhyuk put the milk down.

“What? What’s wrong Donghae?” he asked worried and Donghae stood n two feet and try to mimic a dance to give Eunhyuk a hint. “What? ... You want me to dance again?” he asked and Donghae barked in agreement. “Here?” Eunhyuk asked his eyes widening, ad Donghae barked again in agreement.

Eunhyuk looked up and surveyed the plaza. There wasn’t so many people so maybe it was alright.

“Ok Hae but one dance and we’re leaving understood?” Eunhyuk asked with a raised finger and Donghae barked again in agreement.

Eunhyuk got up and waited for the song to finish. To his bad luck “Abracadabra” by Brown Eyed Girls started playing and he was forced to dance in a girlish way. Donghae looked up at him amused.

People stopped by and look at him amused too. In one part of the dance a bag –that was used to clean up if Donghae’s nature called- fell off Eunhyuk’s pocket and Donghae was quick to catch it with his mouth. But instead of returning it to his owner that was still dancing he went to the small crowd that was gathered.

He showed it to people doing a sad face which gained some “awws” and soon people were filling the bag with money.

The song ended and the crowd began clapping. Eunhyuk who was too immersed in his dance hasn’t notice everyone there so he quickly bowed down to the crowd with a  blush on his cheeks. Another song started and the crowd was waiting. Eunhyuk looked up at them confused and then looked up for Donghae.

Donghae showed him the bag and upon seeing it Eunhyuk understood. He started dancing again and more people came and more people paid. After an hour of dancing Eunhyuk had won a little more than $55 000 won (50 dollars approximately).

He took Donghae’s leash, the bag out of Donghae’s mouth and his prize.

“Look at this Donghae!” he said brightly as he continued to walk down the street. “We won a lot! We can do this more often and then I’ll be able to pay off my dance classes and whatever you may need” Eunhyuk said with a smile and Donghae answered back with an enthusiast bark. He was overjoyed being that he could make Eunhyuk happy.

Nevertheless when they made a stop to cross a street a small girl dress up in a torn dirty dress with no shoes on and hair a mess approached Eunhyuk. She pulled his shirt a little and Eunhyuk turned to her. His heart clenching immediately after spotting the little girl.

“Sil could you…” and that’s all she said the rest she just pointed at the banana milk looking at Eunhyuk with pleading eyes “fol my blothel” she said and then pointed to an even smaller kid with same conditions. Eunhyuk’s heart clenched more.

“Are you kids alone? You don’t have parents?” Eunhyuk asked and the girl just shook her head.

Eunhyuk looked from the small girl to the small boy with pity and his heart just kept clenching.

He felt like he should do something for them.

He couldn’t leave them alone.

He just couldn’t.

I'm so sorry I was really busy working out things and and just sorry :c but since I love what's next it's gonna be up soon!

you guys better love those kids ò-ó

and Eunhyuk

and Donghae

and you should comment you know...

anyway Thank you for reading :DD

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ionlytoldthemoon #1
Just finished reading all the chapters you've posted so far and I just want to let you know that absolutely love this! It's such a cute story.
Hyukjae is such a sweetheart I feel like he should walk with a pretty halo on his head.
And puppy Donghae is the best. I'm glad donghae has a better outlook on life. Hyukjae really helped him realize the meaning of kindness and love. I'm sure donghae won't go back to his selfish ways and of course I look forward to reading about their 'new' life as a family. I want to see how donghae will sweep hyukjae off his feet too! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story. :)
Chapter 7: woow... you have many good stories... love it... updaye soon please...
Chapter 5: Eunhyuk is like a freaken angel! He is just so nice
Chapter 3: I feel so bad for hyuk, he's just a teenager but yet he has to deal with all this crap...
Chapter 1: Great first chapter! :)
Chapter 7: aarrgghhh lovely storyyyy...gosshh i love it since i read chap 1, and yeeeiiiyyy hae turn to human now, n thanks god hyukjae didnt fainted kkkkkk, palli update authorshiiiii...
koutaroux #7
Chapter 7: Hae is kinda straightforward... Hyuk, can you love Hae?><
Chapter 7: Awww yes now Hae needs to prove it to Hyuk <33 And then they can be together ><
MyeolchiHyuk #9
Chapter 7: Hae.. euu shld prove to hyuk alot..
Hyuk.. hope euu will fall for hae soon...
moonlight_bat #10
Chapter 7: oyeah... work yr ___ hard hae... *not in literally meaning, babe*