New life?

My Treasure


Next day Eunhyuk woke up around 8 am and Donghae got up with him. amber and Henry were still sleeping peacefully and Eunhyuk didn’t had the heart to wake them up. After all who knows since when hadn’t these kids have a decent sleep in a comfortable bed.

He showered and dress up and then went downstairs to prepare breakfast. Once it was ready he let it cool for a bit before rushing upstairs and waking Henry and Amber telling them both to go down and have some breakfast.

He set a plate for Donghae, and the four of them ate breakfast in a comfortable silence. Afterwards Eunhyuk told the kids to get ready and get all their stuff set up so they could leave for the motel. He got the food he had bought and packed it in bags so he could carry it easily. He got Donghae’s leash ready and then he helped the kids with their stuff.

Once they were all ready, they left the house and went to the motel.

Sunny received them with a big smile and offered to help with their stuff and take them to their room.

“Ok, here it is #127” she said before placing a key on the brown door marked with that number. She then opened the door for the kids and Eunhyuk to pass –Donghae had to stay in the lobby for the rules of the motel- she placed the bags on the floor and closed the door after them.

The room was pretty simple, the walls were all white-cream same as the ceiling, there was a ceiling fan with dark wood, a single queen bed with a flowered bedspread that was placed next to the window in the same wall as the entrance, a light brown night stand next to the bed and a lamp on top of it, a small circular table at the other extreme of the room, a door that Eunhyuk believed was the closet, a dresser with an old t.v. on it and a phone, a small fridge, and a sink with a mirror and another door that lead to the bathroom.

“Umm Sunny” Eunhyuk said staring at the fridge.

“Yeah?” Sunny asked currently helping Henry sit on the bed.

“Is there a kitchen in the motel?” he asked her still staring at the fridge.

“Yes” she said playing with Henry.

“Can I… I mean if it’s not too much to ask, can I use it to cook? I mean… I’ll use my own ingredients and stuff I just need a place to cook” Eunhyuk asked now staring at Sunny
Sunny turned to him and blinked confused.

“You can cook?” she asked him.

“omo that’s so cool!! Yeah there’s no problem! The kitchen is never touched actually, it’s just there because I practically live here and I need to cook for me, but I’m terrible” Sunny ended with a pout.

“Umm… thanks?” Eunhyuk said not really knowing how to answer. Sunny laughed it off.

They spent a couple of hours together, Eunhyuk cooked lunch for all of them –Donghae included since Eunhyuk took a plate for him to eat- and Sunny, Amber, Henry and him all sat down together in the room to eat it.

“Oh my God Eunhyuk you cook amazingly! Seriously, cook for me once in a while and I’ll let you have Donghae in here” Sunny said as she continued to eat Eunhyuk’s cooking.

“Really? Isn’t it against the rules?” Eunhyuk asked her curiously.

“Yeah, but I’m the owner’s daughter, that’s why I’m always here. I can pretend I didn’t see the dog and let him pass” she said with a cute wink. Eunhyuk laughed.

“That’s good… I was planning on bring him inside secretly” Eunhyuk confessed.

“Ah that’s alright, good thing that he is a small dog” Sunny said with a playful smile.

After eating Eunhyuk picked up the plates and put them in the sink.

“Sunny… so you say you live here?” Eunhyuk asked her, sitting down on the floor with her while Amber and Henry took a nap.

“Yeah, you see my parents own this and a few other motels across the country so they are always travelling to check on them. I used to travel with them but now that I’m on high school I decided to stay here and really focus on school. So I live in the motel, and with help of a couple of friends we keep it together” Sunny explained happily.

“Wow that’s… that’s pretty cool” Eunhyuk said stunned. “I… I would l-like to a-ask you for a favor Sunny… I … I know that you’re busy and all but-”

“Shoot it” Sunny said simply, cutting Eunhyuk’s ramble.

“I… well I have school on the morning and then I go to work so I won’t be able to be always with the kids so… can you like… check on them and stuff? I’m sure that they could help in some way… please?” Eunhyuk asked his voice growing quivering and fading away. He looked down at his fidgeting hands.

Sunny thought about it for a minute and then she placed a hand over Eunhyuk’s, he looked up at her expectantly.

“Hey, it’s ok, no problem. I’m sure they’ll brighten up the atmosphere, so don’t worry” she said and smiled widely and encouragingly.

Eunhyuk smiled widely too, showing off his gums and thanked her.

He then accompanied Sunny to the kitchen  again and as Sunny washed the plates he prepared the dinner for the kids and the breakfast for tomorrow.

Once they were done, Eunhyuk took Donghae, went and said goodbye to the kids, instructing them to follow Sunny orders and telling them when to eat. He told both kids he’ll be back tomorrow and then he and Donghae set off back to Eunhyuk’s place.

Back there Eunhyuk worked hard cleaning everything up. He swept and mopped the floor, he polished the furniture, he cleaned his room –putting back into place the sleeping bag where he had slept-, he watered the plants, and then he finally cooked dinner for him, his mom, and Donghae.

It was almost 10p.m. when Eunhyuk was done and he fell exhausted on the couch. Donghae only saw him from below with sad eyes. He felt horrible by the fact Eunhyuk had to work himself out to that extent.

Eunhyuk had just closed his eyes and relaxed himself when he heard a car outside the house.

“That’s my mom” he muttered to Donghae. Then his eyes open abruptly. “, Donghae that’s my mom!” Eunhyuk said standing up and picking Donghae up. Donghae panicked along with Eunhyuk as the latter carried the dog to his room.

Eunhyuk practically flew upstairs and as he opened the door to his room his mom opened the front door.

“Hyukjae?” she called out once she entered.

“I’m going mom” Eunhyuk said entering his room and putting Donghae inside then exiting and closing the door after him.

Being the closet door closed, Donghae decided to hide under the bed, just in case.

He hid there for a long time until Eunhyuk’s mom could be heard walking upstairs and walking somewhere else. Donghae waited a little more until he heard Eunhyuk coming up, opening and closing the door.

“Donghae?” he called out and Donghae came out from under the bed. “Oh, here you are; here I brought you food and water” Eunhyuk said placing both items on the closet.

Donghae happily walked over and start eating the offered food.

Eunhyuk changed clothes and immediately went to bed to finally rest until tomorrow.


Three weeks passed by.

By now Eunhyuk was used to the new routine he had created, but it didn’t make it less tiring.

He went to school in the morning, got out and went to the motel to cook lunch for him, the kids, and the few members of the staff. He then left Donghae there and went to work –thankfully his work was near the motel-, then he went back to the motel cooked dinner and breakfast, bid goodbye to the kids and put them to sleep, and then he and Donghae went home.

Eunhyuk was stressed, but seeing the smiles on Henry’s and Amber’s faces made him continue without problems. The kids looked healthier now, they had gained weight, and they were extremely happy with their situation.

It made Eunhyuk proud, and extremely happy to finally have people by his side that appreciated and loved him.

Today was Friday and Eunhyuk was getting his stuff from his locker –everybody was either leaving or had left already- when three of the school’s best known bullies appeared by his side.

“Lee Hyukjae” the leader called his name and Eunhyuk frozen, he turned to him with fright.

“Y-yes Jay?” Eunhyuk stuttered then he gulped audibly.

“I heard… you told Mrs. Kim I cheated on the text the other day… you know what happens to those who can’t keep their mouths shut?” Jay asked him getting closer to Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk gulped again. He did remember walking up to Mrs. Kim and telling her that, it’s not that he liked to gossip or anything, it’s just he had caught him copying and he just couldn’t stay silent.

“DO YOU?” Jay asked again hitting the locker next to Eunhyuk’s with force. Eunhyuk jumped backwards in surprise, hitting his head with the lockers. He winced in pain but try to not make it obvious he had hit himself.

He shook his head and a chill ran down his spine as he saw Jay smirk.

“You’re about to find out” he said and then he forcibly grabbed Eunhyuk’s shoulder and pulled him against two other guys. Eunhyuk’s backpack fell from his arm at the motion. A guy straightened him up while the other kicked him hard in the stomach. Eunhyuk fell on his knees in pain, clutching his stomach trying to protect it from any more hits. Then Jay pulled his hair, forcing his head backwards and Eunhyuk’s teeth clenched together and the other guy hit his face.

Eunhyuk fell down on the floor in pain and he could only curl into a small ball as the three guys kept on kicking him. He was almost unconscious from the pain when he was pulled up by the two guys and dragged to the football’s team locker rooms.

Jay opened one of the full-length locker’s and the guys tossed Eunhyuk inside. Before Eunhyuk could run Jay closed the door, and the poor teen was locked inside.

“See you on Monday Hyukjae” Jay said before laughing and leaving.

“WAIT! PLEASE, SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF HERE, PLEASE!”  Hyukjae called out for a few minutes before he gave up. The team didn’t practice on Friday’s and he was sure everyone has left by now. He’ll have to wait until Monday.


Outside Donghae was waiting for him to come out. He had seen the amount of teens decreasing and he wondered why Hyukjae wasn’t out there. When it seemed that no one would come out of the doors, he decided he’ll look for Hyukjae.

He was worried and he just couldn’t wait for him to come.

He ran toward the school main door and started looking for a way to open it, when suddenly a teacher opened the door and Donghae managed himself inside.

He then ran through the hallways looking for Hyukjae.

As he searched he came across these three guys who were laughing and they perked Donghae’s attention.

“Ha, this will be a lesson not to mess with me” Jay said mocking Hyukjae.

“Wasn’t locking him on the locker a little too much?” one of the guys asked.

“Serves him right” Jay brushed it off.

Donghae heard no more.

Locking him on the locker.

Eunhyuk gets bullied in school Donghae thought.

They locked him in a locker?!?!

Donghae panicked he turned to the lockers on the wall. They were three small lockers in a row upside down and about ten rows like that.

Too small, a person wouldn’t fit there Donghae thought.

He looked around and then decided to run off, barking as loud as he could to see if Eunhyuk would answer.

He pass hallway through hallway searching for Eunhyuk. Until finally a noise caught his attention.


Eunhyuk was standing against the locker’s wall, there wasn’t enough space for him to sit and his legs were pretty tired.

He felt like dying, the pain he felt all over his body intensifying by his standing position.

He closed his eyes and tried to imagine a better place.

A place where he was with Donghae, Amber and Henry.

And then he heard a faint bark.

I must be pretty good imagining things because I think I heard Donghae he thought and smiled.

And then he heard a bark again.

He opened his eyes shocked.

Could it really be?

He hit the locker with both hands, trying to catch Donghae’s attention.

He hit it again and again as he heard the barks coming closer.

Come on Donghae, here I am.


Donghae kept hearing the noises so he got near a door. He couldn’t open it so he just stood as close as possible and he barked again loudly.

“Donghae? Donghae can you hear me?” Donghae heard Eunhyuk say and then he barked loudly again to tell him he could “I’m trapped in a locker, please try to find someone who can get me out” Donghae barked one last time and then he run again searching for anyone that could help Hyukjae.

He run and barked as loudly as he could again to get someone’s attention. He collapsed in the floor tired, when he saw a teacher coming out of a classroom. Donghae forced himself up and run to the teacher barking at her.

“My, what do we have here?” she said kindly kneeling down.

Donghae hurriedly pointed with her head the direction where Eunhyuk was, trying to make her follow him. He walked a bit and turned to her so she could follow him.

“Want me to follow you?” she asked and Donghae nodded. “Ok then” she said with a small smile.

Donghae led her to Eunhyuk.

“what? What is inside the locker’s room?” she asked him confused.

Donghae barked loudly so Eunhyuk could make a noise and she would notice him.

“Donghae?” Eunhyuk asked and the teacher was surprised to recognize Eunhyuk’s voice inside the football team locker’s room.

“Eunhyuk-ssi? What are you doing there?” she asked confused.

“Teacher!! I’m trapped inside a locker!” Eunhyuk yelled.

“WHAT?!” she asked and entered the locker rooms, only to find them empty. Eunhyuk pounced on the door again, letting the teacher know where he was.

Donghae went inside and ran towards the locker, barking at it.

“Oh god, you are trapped, wait let me get something to bring you out ok?” she said and hurriedly ran off.

Donghae kept on barking to make Eunhyuk company.

“Donghae thank god I have you with me, I thought I’ll have to wait until Monday” Eunhyuk said, his voiced laced with relief.

Donghae was relieved too for finding Eunhyuk, but he was still worried by the fact that he was inside a locker.

A few minutes later the teacher was back with a pair of tweezers and she worked on the locket until it came off and Eunhyuk was free.

“Eunhyuk, what happened to you? Who did this?” the teacher asked concerned as she saw Eunhyuk’s state.

“Jay and his gang… but I’m fine now” he said with a small painful smile.

“Are you sure? Do you want a ride home?” the teacher asked concerned.

“Y-yeah don’t worry teacher I’ll be fine” Eunhyuk said trying to sound encouragingly.

“You’ll see, those kids will get expelled” the teacher said determined.

“Y-yeah… well thank you a lot Mrs.” Eunhyuk said vowing politely.

“No need to thanks, take care of yourself” the teacher said before vowing and leaving.

Donghae had been running around Eunhyuk since he got out but since Eunhyuk was talking with the teacher he couldn’t grabbed him.

“Donghae!” Eunhyuk knelt down and Donghae immediately ran to him.

“Oh Donghae I’m so, so happy to have you here, thank you so much, you saved me” Eunhyuk said bringing Donghae close to him. Donghae Eunhyuk’s bruised face in an attempt of healing him, and to show him he really was glad he was back with him.

There was a slight moment where Eunhyuk made a kissy face and Donghae happened to brush his tongue with Eunhyuk’s lips.

And the next moment Donghae was shining.

Like he was wrapped in a bright light and Eunhyuk had to bring him away from his face and turn away to not be blinded.

He let go of Donghae and the later floated in the air being covered by lights until the lights went from his body and extended to all the room and suddenly the room was again lit only by the lights on the ceiling.

Then Eunhyuk turned to Donghae completely shocked.

Donghae was no longer a puppy.

Donghae was human.


I'm so sorry

really sorry

completely sorry

I'm still alive though

I've just been really busy and dealing with a lot so I couldn't focus
I'm trying to get all my stories together and I'm really writing on everything so tomorrow you'll have more updates yaay
please comment
even if you just bent your anger about how I don't update
I warned you though

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ionlytoldthemoon #1
Just finished reading all the chapters you've posted so far and I just want to let you know that absolutely love this! It's such a cute story.
Hyukjae is such a sweetheart I feel like he should walk with a pretty halo on his head.
And puppy Donghae is the best. I'm glad donghae has a better outlook on life. Hyukjae really helped him realize the meaning of kindness and love. I'm sure donghae won't go back to his selfish ways and of course I look forward to reading about their 'new' life as a family. I want to see how donghae will sweep hyukjae off his feet too! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story. :)
Chapter 7: woow... you have many good stories... love it... updaye soon please...
Chapter 5: Eunhyuk is like a freaken angel! He is just so nice
Chapter 3: I feel so bad for hyuk, he's just a teenager but yet he has to deal with all this crap...
Chapter 1: Great first chapter! :)
Chapter 7: aarrgghhh lovely storyyyy...gosshh i love it since i read chap 1, and yeeeiiiyyy hae turn to human now, n thanks god hyukjae didnt fainted kkkkkk, palli update authorshiiiii...
koutaroux #7
Chapter 7: Hae is kinda straightforward... Hyuk, can you love Hae?><
Chapter 7: Awww yes now Hae needs to prove it to Hyuk <33 And then they can be together ><
MyeolchiHyuk #9
Chapter 7: Hae.. euu shld prove to hyuk alot..
Hyuk.. hope euu will fall for hae soon...
moonlight_bat #10
Chapter 7: oyeah... work yr ___ hard hae... *not in literally meaning, babe*