My name is Donghae

My Treasure


Donghae couldn’t believe it.

He was human again.

He could see everything in colors, he breathed differently, he could see things his size and not like giant things…

He was human.

He was back.

Donghae still didn’t believe it so he touched his upper body, his arms, his chest, his hands, and his face to try and convince him it was real.

He let out a single laugh making his lips curl up in an astonished smile, his eyes were starting to fill with unbelieving tears, he clapped and jumped excitedly three times and then he hugged himself.

He was so happy, so surprised, so relieved that he didn’t notice Eunhyuk’s shocked stare.

Donghae is human… Donghae is human. Eunhuyk chanted again and again in his head. He was exhausted, he felt pain, but right now he wasn’t feeling anything but utterly shock.

What the hell just happened?!

Eunhyuk tried to find the logic to the situation, but really: there was none. Few minutes ago he had been trapped inside a locker after being beaten up, then the dog he rescued weeks ago kind of rescued him and then said dog was covered in lights and suddenly he was human.

Yep, totally no logic to all that.

How can a dog turn human?!

Is this some secret camera or something? Hyukjae thought trying to still find a logical explanation to all this instead of referring to this all as ‘magic’. Is this like a rip-off of the Princess and the frog?

Eunhyuk felt his legs go numb, from being forced to stand after such a beat-up and from Eunhyuk being frightened. So he slid down the lockers until he reached the floor. He was staring to nowhere, with his mouth wide open like a fish on land.

Only when Eunhyuk was sitting down on the floor did Donghae  came back to his senses and noticed him. he immediately knelt down in front of Eunhyuk, just leaving a couple centimeters separating them. Donghae stared right into Eunhyuk’s eyes and he gave the older teen a bright smile. Eunhyuk becoming aware of how close they were, tried to move as far back as possible which was exactly nothing since he was against the lockers.

Donghae noticing this moved a bit away from Eunhyuk, his smile faded as he did so. Eunhyuk broke the eye contact between them, dragging his vision to the floor, he had an arm leaned on his knee and his hand was unconsciously playing with his hair.

“Hi” Donghae said quietly to not startle Eunhyuk further. Eunhyuk looked up from the floor and into Donghae’s eyes, a disbelieving look on his eyes. “I-it must be umm… weird to you that umm… I changed… yeah just umm…. Let me explain it ok? I swear I will only say the truth, alright?” Donghae asked nervously; which was weird in his case, he was never nervous.

Eunhyuk only nodded, telling him to continue.

“Ok so… my name is Lee Donghae, I am the son of Lee Minho head of the Lee&family corporations.-”

“Wait” Eunhyuk interrupted him before he could continue “you are that missing guy, I’ve seen your face everywhere these days…” Eunhyuk added, eyeing Donghae cautiously.

“Ah yeah… they must think I went missing… but I umm… how to explain it?” Donghae asked himself, Eunhyuk raised an eyebrow at him “I was kind of… well no, I was a stupid, inconsiderate, annoying brat” Donghae said with bitterness looking down at the floor. “I… I was unhappy. Yes, I had everything I could ever ask for and still I was unhappy. I had an amazing family and everything I wanted became mine, yet my attitude was horrible. I treated people so badly… and one day a witch decided to enchant me to teach me a lesson. She changed me into this… useless, helpless dog and left me alone to starve. I had to run away from home, I crossed a whole forests and then I was lost in the city, people would mock me and what not… I was starving, I was sick, I was tired, I was scared… and then… then I found you, and you had mercy to this awful monster I was and you… and your big heart saved me. I will forever be grateful to you for that but not only that… you… the few days I spent with you… helped me realize just how horrible I was”

“You taught me a lot… you showed me kindness, and all these days I wanted so badly to do something for you, to help you, to at least give you back the money you spent on me… but I couldn’t do anything… and now you broke the spell, you’ve helped me a lot, thank you Eunhyuk” Donghae finished with a warm smile.

Eunhyuk just stared at him with an unreadable expression.

And he just stared for a few minutes.

Donghae looked both sides and finally he looked at Eunhyuk.

“Could you please say something?” Donghae asked a little uncomfortable.

“Have you changed?” Eunhyuk asked without a second thought. Donghae looked kind of taken back.

“Y-yeah I… I guess so” he said unsure.

“Good for you” was all Eunhyuk said before trying to get up. With a little of struggle and a lot of pain Eunhyuk made it to his own feet “well, your parents miss you so you should probably go to them”

“Wait!” Donghae said standing up immediately and standing right next to Eunhyuk, serving him as a support. “please, let me help you”

“I’m alright, you should go home, I can walk on my own” Eunhyuk said curtly.

“No, not with this, ok yes with this too, but… I want to help you with your life.” Donghae said suddenly and Eunhyuk looked up at him.

“What?” Eunhyuk asked confused and a bit offended.

“Yeah you… well you get bullied on school and your mom hits you… and mistreats you… and then you have to take care of Henry and Amber, I could help you” Donghae said determined. He would do for Eunhyuk at least half of the things he had done for him.

“How? You’ll give me enough money to build my own house?” Eunhyuk asked incredulous.

“Well… I could do that but… I was thinking more like… I could be with you” Donghae said in a really shushed voice. He was unsure if Eunhyuk still wanted him by his side now that he knew the truth “We could umm… we could live together with Henry and Amber s-so you wouldn’t have to, to face your mom anymore… and I, I could help you take care of the kids” Donghae said biting down his bottom lip.

“Why?” Eunhyuk asked “Don’t you want to go back to your happy life?” Eunhyuk said bitterly.

“It wasn’t a happy life…” Donghae said honestly “this one is my happy life… next to you… and the kids. You… you see I… I kind of… I really grew fond of you” Donghae said with a soft pink blush on his cheeks. “If…. If I go back, I’ll be forced to marry someone I don’t love and have this boring life I really don’t want… at least if I stay here with you I will be with… with the person I… with the person I grew fond of” Donghae stuttered. His heart was beating hard against his chest.

“You… you… are in love with me?” Eunhyuk asked completely shocked.

“w-w-w-we-ll I, I’ve n-never been in… in love so I… I’m not s-sure bu-t k-kind of?” Donghae said, his cheeks burning with heat.

They stayed a few more minutes in silence, both of them started walking towards the school entrance. Donghae had an arm around Eunhyuk’s waist, the other holding Eunhyuk’s left wrist above his shoulder to support Eunhyuk while walking.

“It won’t be easy you know… having to work to keep a family. Especially if you’ve never worked in your life” Eunhyuk said suddenly. Donghae felt his heart stop once he heard the word family. “I advise you to go back to your sweet life before you regret it”

“I won’t!” Donghae answered quickly “I won’t regret helping you and working or whatever you ask me to do, I owe you my life and I promise I will spend the rest of it paying you” Donghae said seriously.

Eunhyuk stopped walking and turned to stare Donghae in the eyes.

“You owe me nothing; I did what every decent human being would have done”

Ouch thought Donghae indirect much.

“I… I want to” Donghae said determined. “Let me help you Eunhyuk, let me get you out of the hell you’re living, let me make a family with you, let me be part of your life… I know it will be too hard if you’re alone, but you are not, you have me, I’m not going anywhere, I promise. I promise I’ll work hard, please let me show you I’ve changed” Donghae finished gaze never leaving Eunhyuk’s.

They kept on staring until finally Eunhyuk sighed.

“You know right now I don’t feel anything for you right?” Eunhyuk said quietly just to clear things between them.

“I… I know but then again let me make you love me too”

yay small update because small updates are great

and I'm dying of sleep

OH YEAH GUYS THIS IS IMPORTANT SO READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so... I'm sorry, there was a part of the story I totally forgot to include and I'm really sorry beacuse that was a kind of important part and I really wanted to include it but I can't now SOOOO next chapter will be a little bonus with that part ok?
so if for next chapter Donghae is still a dog well... now you know why.

you see you didn't have to wait so long to see what happens with human Donghae c:

and yes Donghae has changed, old habits die hard unless you have a freakin angel like Eunhyuk is to change your mind
I love my OTP
comments feed me c:


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ionlytoldthemoon #1
Just finished reading all the chapters you've posted so far and I just want to let you know that absolutely love this! It's such a cute story.
Hyukjae is such a sweetheart I feel like he should walk with a pretty halo on his head.
And puppy Donghae is the best. I'm glad donghae has a better outlook on life. Hyukjae really helped him realize the meaning of kindness and love. I'm sure donghae won't go back to his selfish ways and of course I look forward to reading about their 'new' life as a family. I want to see how donghae will sweep hyukjae off his feet too! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story. :)
Chapter 7: woow... you have many good stories... love it... updaye soon please...
Chapter 5: Eunhyuk is like a freaken angel! He is just so nice
Chapter 3: I feel so bad for hyuk, he's just a teenager but yet he has to deal with all this crap...
Chapter 1: Great first chapter! :)
Chapter 7: aarrgghhh lovely storyyyy...gosshh i love it since i read chap 1, and yeeeiiiyyy hae turn to human now, n thanks god hyukjae didnt fainted kkkkkk, palli update authorshiiiii...
koutaroux #7
Chapter 7: Hae is kinda straightforward... Hyuk, can you love Hae?><
Chapter 7: Awww yes now Hae needs to prove it to Hyuk <33 And then they can be together ><
MyeolchiHyuk #9
Chapter 7: Hae.. euu shld prove to hyuk alot..
Hyuk.. hope euu will fall for hae soon...
moonlight_bat #10
Chapter 7: oyeah... work yr ___ hard hae... *not in literally meaning, babe*