The Enchantment

My Treasure


It all started one clear day of October; Donghae was taking a walk through the immense rose garden his mom loved. Donghae was son of a very rich family, his dad had been the boss of a very important company on Seoul and when he passed away his mom had taken over.

Donghae had never leaved his house, all his education being by personal teachers, he had never seen the other side of the walls surrounding his house, and he had no intention to do so, since he had everything; and more, that he needed at home.

He was selfish, narcissist, self-centered, and besides his parents and older brother he didn't care about anyone or anything. He loved the fact that tomorrow was his birthday, since he always got whatever he asked for his birthday, and this year he had asked for his own summer villa, when his parents told him that to be able to build that villa they'll have to remove a little house located next to their immense house, Donghae didn't care, he told them that he wanted his villa right there, and Donghae always got what he wanted.

As he was walking through the garden, admiring each rose and comparing them to his beauty, he heard a distant voice calling him. He turned around to see an old lady waving at him to come over, since she couldn't walk so properly. Donghae snorted, but approach her.

"Master Donghae" the old lady said respectfully, though she was older than him and had no need to. Donghae just nodded so she continued "I heard you are going to destroy the little house next to yours?" the old lady asked.

"Yeah… why?" Donghae replied bored.

"Please do not do it master, that is my home" the old lady requested pleadingly, trying to grab one of Donghae's arms, immediately Donghae step back so she couldn't touch him.

"My parents can pay a better house… just take the money d buy a new one" Donghae said looking down and up the old lady judgingly.

"But, that is the house my dead husband built for me with his own bare hands… there is where my child is buried, and my husband too. Please master Donghae, you can make your villa somewhere else" replied the old lady, again trying t reach Donghae's arms.

"Don't touch me!" Donghae said as he again stepped back. "I don't want to do it somewhere else, so just take the money and move out… I'm leaving now" Donghae said turning his back toward the lady and started walking away. However he was stopped again by the lady.

"Lee Donghae" a voice rather scary sounded from behind him, he turned around and starred in shock as the lady was now changing to a beautiful yet dangerous woman. "You are selfish and disrespectful, you need to learn humanity and humbleness, therefore you shall pass the rest of your days as an animal until you recover your human heart" as the woman was saying this she lift her arms towards Donghae, and different color rays star wrapping him, and he starred at himself in horror as his body start changing. A bright light shone from him and Donghae closed his eyes. When he opened them he was no longer a human, he looked down to see that now he had paws instead of hands, he had now a tail, he had transformed into a dog.

"Surprised? Now you are just a puppy, but you shall be thankful I could have changed you into whatever animal I would have liked" the woman said, Donghae tried speaking to her, to demand her to change him back, but all that came out was a bark "No, no, no you are now a puppy, you cannot speak anymore, so do not even try" the woman said standing above Donghae and touching his nose with one of her long fingernails "You should not have ever made a witch mad" she told him, lifting his head with a finger, Donghae stepped back, now in fear. "Anyway, you still have hope; all you have to do is find someone that would kiss you, in the mouth, being just a little puppy. Oh but it cannot be just anyone, that person needs to love you like if you were the most important thing in their life… but you cannot achieve that here right? Then…"

She moved a finger and made Donghae float in the air, then she moved her finger again and Donghae flew over the walls and was outside his house. "Good luck" he heard the witch said, before she disappeared, leaving a clueless and frightened Donghae alone.

Having no other choice Donghae began to run towards the city- since he lived in the outskirts. The forest seemed never ending to a puppy, and Donghae knew he was far way tinnier than many other puppies… he seemed like he was just born, he didn't felt the fifteen years he was supposed to have.

He run and run but he could only feel tired, not feeling like he had advanced much, by the end of the day Donghae was exhausted and he had barely made it to the city. He entered the city looking for someone, anyone that would love a puppy more than anything; he thought he was cute enough for someone to like him, but as he had run through the forest, he had gotten dirty; so no one liked him. He approached every person he encountered, men, women, kids, even homeless people, but he always got the same reactions: some would kick him out of the way, some will insult him and be disgusted by him, and the homeless tried to catch him so they could sell him.

Donghae had escaped those times and was now looking for a place to sleep, since all his body hurt. He walked and walked until he finally found an empty alley and he hid under a cardboard box. He was frightened, shivering, starving and he started losing all hopes by all the hate he had received just moments ago. He drifted to sleep, for the first time feeling insecure, his only protection being a dirty cardboard box.

He opened his tired eyes the next day and tried to wake up, but was so tired to do so. He knew he had slept more than normal, but still he had never made all that exercise before. He decided that at least for this day he would let himself rest, and hope that maybe tomorrow he had more strength to move, he closed his eyes again, feeling the dirty ground below him, he flinched before again he drifted to sleep.

The next day he woke up by the sound of his stomach demanding for food. He realized for two days he hadn't eat. He stands up tiredly and began to walk in no direction in mind. He felt a drop hit his nose and he looked up at the sky, it was completely clouded, and he felt the wind against his hair, this meant bad news…

Soon enough that drop was followed by many others, and Donghae was even more frightened as he looked at people running trying to cover themselves of the rain, Donghae being as tiny as he was, was scarred of someone stepping on him, so as he saw people running in his direction he quickly start dodging them and running as fast as he could towards a safe place.

He stops in front of a building that couldn't be anything but a school and he sighed with relief, since kids are more likeable to love pets. He walked to the school and stopped in the entrance, the tent set there protected him of the rain. Donghae looked down at his paw and saw that it was dirty… with dust, mud, dirty water, and God knew what more. He smelled himself and felt disgusted… whether rain could wash away dirtiness, in his case it only made it worst.

Donghae laid on his stomach, after three days of being a puppy he had completely regretted how he acted before, he had learn his lesson, but there was no way to end his spell… he couldn't go to the witch and apologize since he knew it would be worthless, she wanted to punish him… and she was doing it right, he might die of starvation and nobody will know it…

His only salvation was that by any chance somebody would love him… but even then that person needed to love him like if him was the most important thing in their life… and who would love a puppy that way? Who would ever kiss a puppy in the mouth (snout?) in the first place? Who would ever want a puppy that was dirty like him, when they could get a better one in a store?

Silently Donghae cried, his whole body hurt and he stomach was literally dying for food, and he was dirty, and he stunk, and he just hated himself. The bell rang out and Donghae sat down as he watched the students coming out from school, but to his bad luck, it wasn't an elementary like he thought, it was a high school; and if kids wouldn't love a puppy like him, there was no way a teenager would like him.

His fears were confirmed when the students got near him and everyone shot disgusted looks at him followed by "go away" "move" "what and ugly puppy". Donghae felt his heart ache so he just did as he was told and move out of the tent, raining falling over him again. He started crying again, now loudly, just earning more looks of disgust, but he couldn't care; nobody would love him anyway.

Suddenly he stopped feeling the rain pouring on him and he looked up to see a blonde guy standing above him.

"Poor thing, you must be freezing!" the blonde said before kneeling in front of Donghae. Donghae blinked his eyes in disbelief as the blonde took of his jacket and then placed it over him, covering him and he lifted Donghae of the ground, wrapping him with the jacket carefully. Donghae looked up at the blonde face shocked, but he didn't notice Donghae's reaction, he just stand up again, now with Donghae in his arms. "There, now this should protect you enough for a while. You must be tired… and hungry, aren't you? Let's get home."

The blonde start running back home, holding Donghae to his chest, careful so that Donghae wouldn't get hurt. Once he got there, he quickly took off his shoes, and placed them next to the door.

"Mom?" he shouted, when he got no answer, he sighed in relief and went upstairs, with Donghae still in his arms. He opened the bathroom door and placed Donghae over the toilet cover. He unwrapped his jacket and let Donghae free, "Hello there" the blonde said before kneeling in front of Donghae. Donghae just look at him in bewilderment "Hello, I'm Eunhyuk, nice to meet you" the blonde said smiling and extending his right hand, Donghae looked at it for a few seconds before he put his left paw on it, Eunhyuk laughed. "I guess you don't like being dirty, right?" he said, and Donghae immediately shook his head "Oh so you can understand me? That's awesome!" Eunhyuk said before he got up and walked towards the shower, and Donghae realized he was right.

Even though he couldn't speak human, he could still understand his old language. He looked at Eunhyuk, as he was testing the water.

"I'll be right back" Eunhyuk told him before getting out of the bathroom. Donghae just stared at the closed door. Was this really happening? Was someone really showing mercy to him? He reached a paw towards the door trying to hold it, even if he knew he was far away.

Eunhyuk returned minutes later with a towel and spare clothes. When he opened the door he saw Donghae trying to reach out to him.

"Aww, you missed me?" he said before going to where Donghae was, leaving the clothes on a shelf, placing the towel next to another towel and then he undressed. Donghae looked away the moment Eunhyuk started taking his pants of, he knew he didn't had to, after all he was a dog, but if Eunhyuk knew of the whole situation… well he wouldn't be doing that…

Eunhyuk then took Donghae, and to Donghae's relief all he had to do was looking down at Eunhyuk's face. "Let's give a hot bath, shall we?" Eunhyuk said smiling. He entered the shower with Donghae and leaves him in the floor. Eunhyuk let the water hit Donghae, while he took a bottle of shampoo. "Sorry… I don't have any dog shampoo, so you'll have to use mine" Eunhyuk said, really feeling sorry. Donghae tried to say that it was ok, but just a bark came out.

Eunhyuk kneeled down and Donghae support his front paws on Eunhyuk's thighs. Eunhyuk poured some shampoo in his left hand and left the bottle aside, he rubbed his hands together spreading the shampoo and then he held his hands towards Donghae and he massaged all his body making sure all of it was covered with shampoo. He then let the water wash away the shampoo from Donghae, as he cleaned himself. Donghae rolled in the floor in delight, he felt clean no more mud, no more dust, no more dirty water, he was clean and he loved it.

Eunhyuk finished showering himself and he took Donghae again in his arms. He placed a towel in the toilet cover and placed Donghae over it. He dries himself and put on his pajamas. He then dried Donghae carefully and with a comb unraveled Donghae's hair.

He opened the door to the bathroom. "Mom?" he called out again, when he didn't get an answer he took Donghae in his arms and went downstairs. "You must be hungry aren't you?" Eunhyuk asked Donghae, and he got a bark as an answer. He took Donghae to the kitchen and then he placed him over a chair.

Donghae watched in awe as Eunhyuk took an apple and cut it in fine squares, he did the same to a pear, he then placed them in a paper plate, and then Eunhyuk took out some sausage and turkey ham. Then in another paper plate, Eunhyuk poured some water in one division and milk in another. He then put the plates in the floor next to Donghae's chair and then put Donghae next to the plates. Donghae eat hungrily and happily, after days without eating being able to eat some human food was glorious.

Eunhyuk smiled at Donghae and then he turned to do a sandwich for himself. He ate until the sound of Donghae eating stopped, he looked down at Donghae; who looked sad since he was still hungry, and smile "You're really hungry, huh?" he said, and Donghae looked up to him with hopeful eyes, Eunhyuk laughed and got up. He took another paper plate, this one in a bowl shape and put some strawberry jelly, then cream, and then a chocolate chip cookie, then wiped cream and then he cut a strawberry and put it around the cream.

"Here, this is dessert, since you've been such a good boy" he said and put the plate before Donghae who just blinked in surprised. He start eating it and he loved the taste since the first bite, he moved his tail in delight and Eunhyuk smiled to himself, he then poured more milk for Donghae and took the, now empty, plate of food to throw it on the garbage. Donghae looked up at Eunhyuk, and then to the table and he felt guilty, Eunhyuk hadn't finished his dinner before he had served Donghae. By the time Eunhyuk had finished with the dessert and got rid of the plate he wasn't hungry anymore. He just finished his glass of water and put the halfway ate sandwich in a bag and in the fridge.

He waited for Donghae to finish his dessert and milk, when that happened he knelt down in front of him "Satisfied?" Eunhyuk asked Donghae, and Donghae nodded truthfully. Eunhyuk took both plates and throw them in the garbage too. Donghae watched as Eunhyuk wash his dish and glass and he looked around. The kitchen was clean, there weren't as many things as in his kitchen, but they were enough.

Eunhyuk took Donghae again in his arms and he got up to his room. He placed Donghae on the floor, before heading out again. Donghae looked around Eunhyuk's room now, one bed, one desk, one computer, one night stand, some shelves, a closet and a chair for the desk… and that was pretty much it, it was a small room, way too small for Donghae; even if he was a dog.

Eunhyuk came back later with some newspaper, another plate of fruit and meat and another plate with water and milk. He opened his closet door and placed the newspaper on the ground a short distance from the closet wall, he placed the plates after the newspaper, he then got up and took one of his 2 pillows and place it on the floor, against the wall. He then knelt in front of Donghae.

"Sorry… this is all I can do for you… you can sleep on the pillow, there's a newspaper if you need it, you know for… umm… you know… and there's a plate with food if you get hungry and a plate with water and milk if you get thirsty… umm I'll get you a sweater to cover, like a blanket, if you get cold… I would leave the door opened a little, enough for you to get out if you need to… umm I don't have any problems with you staying here, but my mom… well she'll never let me have a pet… not even a fish so a dog is way off limits, but I don't want you to freeze or starve to death, you're just a puppy, so please keep it down ok? Don't bark too loud, ok? I'm sorry to do this to you but… if my mom finds you, she's kicking you out, and she's going to kill me, so please keep it down ok?" Eunhyuk said caressing Donghae's head, scratching it a little, and man that felt so good. Donghae looked up at Eunhyuk and nodded. Eunhyuk then smile a gummy smile and held Donghae to his chest, like if he was hugging him.

"Ok so it's been a long day, let just rest ok?" Eunhyuk said separating Donghae from him, and Donghae nodded, feeling tired too, even if he had eaten a sugar bomb an hour ago.

Eunhyuk placed Donghae carefully on the pillow and went to turn off the lights.

"Goodnight" Eunhyuk told Donghae.

And Donghae drifted off to peaceful and secure sleep again.

I was inspired by Beauty and the Beast AND by my cute dog which you¡ll meet next chapter c:

Comments make my dog happy c: 

Fine not him but they make me happy ^^


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ionlytoldthemoon #1
Just finished reading all the chapters you've posted so far and I just want to let you know that absolutely love this! It's such a cute story.
Hyukjae is such a sweetheart I feel like he should walk with a pretty halo on his head.
And puppy Donghae is the best. I'm glad donghae has a better outlook on life. Hyukjae really helped him realize the meaning of kindness and love. I'm sure donghae won't go back to his selfish ways and of course I look forward to reading about their 'new' life as a family. I want to see how donghae will sweep hyukjae off his feet too! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story. :)
Chapter 7: woow... you have many good stories... love it... updaye soon please...
Chapter 5: Eunhyuk is like a freaken angel! He is just so nice
Chapter 3: I feel so bad for hyuk, he's just a teenager but yet he has to deal with all this crap...
Chapter 1: Great first chapter! :)
Chapter 7: aarrgghhh lovely storyyyy...gosshh i love it since i read chap 1, and yeeeiiiyyy hae turn to human now, n thanks god hyukjae didnt fainted kkkkkk, palli update authorshiiiii...
koutaroux #7
Chapter 7: Hae is kinda straightforward... Hyuk, can you love Hae?><
Chapter 7: Awww yes now Hae needs to prove it to Hyuk <33 And then they can be together ><
MyeolchiHyuk #9
Chapter 7: Hae.. euu shld prove to hyuk alot..
Hyuk.. hope euu will fall for hae soon...
moonlight_bat #10
Chapter 7: oyeah... work yr ___ hard hae... *not in literally meaning, babe*