
A Song Calling For You

She looked closely at her image in the full body mirror. Her hair tied to the back in a short ponytail, a slight tint of pink on her cheeks, strawberry flavored sheer colored lip gloss on her lips and as for her clothing, she wore a sky blue basic house t-shirt with black cardigan and a black straight cut jeans, her favorite from Levis.

I think I looked presentable. Wait a minute. Why do I feel excited dressing up? I’m just going to support my brother perform,’ she wondered, still looking at her other self on the other side of the mirror.

Thinking about her brother, a face popped inside her mind. She shook her head, trying to get rid of the image but to no avail; it is still there, replaying the event of the past 2 days. Closing her eyes, she let the replay played on.

He’s blunt, his words are straight forward, his expression is cold but his action…he is caring in his own way,’ she noted while rubbing her hands together, thinking about the way he held her hand.

Even when he is actually worried about me driving back alone to Bukahyun, he made it sounded like he just wanted a ride back to save money on taxi fare. He doesn’t express himself well…maybe that is just how he is. But still, I shouldn’t go on like this. He’s my brother’s friend. He’s younger than me…and what’s worst is that he is my student!!! This is ethically wrong! I should put a stop to this! Han Yoon Jae!! Get a hold of yourself!

Opening her eyes, she cupped her face with both hands and lightly hit her cheeks a few times to wake herself up from the thought she had about Kim Hyun Joong while looking at the mirror mirroring everything she just did.

“Yoon Jae, your mom on the phone.”

Her housemate calling out to her after abruptly opening her bedroom door unannounced, startling her from her deep thought. Putting her hand down to her side, she nodded and thanked her. Looking at her reflection one last time, she took her sling bag from on top of her queen-sized bed and rushed out of her room to pick up the call from her mother.

“Hello, mama?”

“Yoon Jae ya…is it really okay if I can’t be there?”

“What did Minnie say?”

“He asked me to go to the outing instead rather than his audition. But I feel bad, Yoon Jae ya…”

She sighed. Her mother acts like a child sometimes. Today is her father’s company family day. There is no way her father not attending it and if father is going, mother has no excuse of not going either. Her parents are like newly weds. They never sleep apart from one another. Ever. Jung Min knew about this too.

“Mama, just go to the outing. It’s just an audition. Minnie said so himself, right? Furthermore, I’ll be there. Don’t worry. I’ll call you once they announce the result of the audition. If he makes it, just make it up for today by attending to his first performance.”

“Yoon Jae ya…promise me you’ll call okay. Whatever the result is, call me. I feel so bad for my baby that I can’t be there for him, but you know I can’t leave your father’s side.”

She smiled hearing it, “Mama, just have fun okay. And tell papa I love him.”

“Okay dear. I’ll call Minnie again after this to wish him all the best for his audition. Oh, before I forgot, Jae ya…keep an eye of your surroundings while you are there. You never know who you’ll meet. Bye dear.”

“Amma! You’re not setting me up with some guy are you???” she queried frantically but she didn’t get any respond from her mother other than her laugh and hearing her mother told her father about her sudden outburst and the usage of the word Amma before she hanged her up.

“She always does whatever she likes,” Han Yoon Jae mumbled and sighed while putting the phone back to its hook.

“Everything okay?”

Yoon Jae turned her head towards the person standing on her left, “Yeah, it was nothing. I just have a feeling she is matching me up with someone today. So, Reina, if you see any suspicious man later on, inform me about it. Well, are you ready? Its 4 now. Their audition starts at half past four. We had better hurry. I just hope the road is clear.”

To their luck, they faced only one traffic and the rest of the road was clear. By 4.20, they had parked their car and were making their way towards the café. Hyung Jun was waiting for them at the entrance of the café, smiling widely when he saw them approaching him.

“Noona, hurry. We’re going to start soon. They are going to lock the door. The café will only be open today at 6.00pm. Hurry, hurry…” She heard Hyung Jun said, waving his hand nonstop, hurrying them to get into the café.

“Sorry,” she said while catching up her breath because of the run.

Hyung Jun just gave her his signature grin and left to join the rest of his band mates after he led them to their seat. Han Yoon Jae looked around the interior of the café. The café was dim lighted and the tables are all against the wall while in the middle of the room stationed a small stage and an area for fans to enjoy the show.

She watched as the boys set up their instruments and discussing about their performance on the stage. Sitting in a row of 3 chairs below the stage at the middle of the fans area are probably the judges. Yoon Jae tried to look less at Hyun Joong and focus more on her brother but the more she tried, the less she managed to do so. Her eyes would always drift back to him.

“Which one is your student? I only recognize your brother from your photo album. The other boys are all so good looking. They could be in a boy band and become idols than a rock band. The one that greeted us at front…what is his name?” Reina asked her, looking intently at the boys especially Kim Hyung Jun.

“They are younger than us! How can you have interest in them?”

“Age has nothing to do with feelings. So, what is his name? Make sure you introduce me to him after the audition. He’s so adorable and cute.”

She looked at Reina and pondered at what she had just said, ‘Age has nothing to do with feelings? Then, it is okay for me to feel something for him? But what about his status?

“Yoon Jae? You didn’t answer any of my questions.”

“Huh? Oh…well, the one waited for us is our childhood friend and Jung Min’s best friend, Kim Hyung Jun. They bicker all the time and never have anything in common but they always have each other’s back. Emm…the drummer and singer, if I am not mistaken is Kim Kyu Jong and Heo Yong Saeng. I think the both of them are shy and quite around strangers or someone they just met. And the last one is him,” Yoon Jae explained without even looking at the boys.

“Ah, they’ve started. Great opening beat. Wait, when you say it’s him…the one playing the guitar? That kept glancing over here?”

“What? He’s looking to this side? Don’t look at him.”

“Yoon Jae ah, we are here to support the group. How can I not look at them? Is there something going on here? Between you and him?”

“Anni. There’s nothing going on. He’s my student. That’s all there is. I’m watching to their performance now,” Yoon Jae persisted with her body turned towards the stage to watch the boys and to prove her point.

“Emm…sure…” Reina answered, eyeing suspiciously at her which she noticed from the corner of her eyes.

Listening and watching to the boys’ performance made her heart skipped faster as her gaze fallen on Kim Hyun Joong and the times when their eyes met.

This is impossible. How can my feelings developed so fast for him? I have to control myself. I have to ignore it. This is all an illusion.’

“They’re good, right? I am pretty sure they’ll get a spot for the gig.”

Yoon Jae snapped out of her conversation with herself and noticed the performance had ended and the panel are discussing with one another while the boys packed up their belongings. Jung Min waved at her as she waved him back and gave him a flying kiss.

She turned her focus to Reina, “I hope so too. They are really talented. The song they performed just then was their own composition.”

Reina smiled at her, “I know. They mentioned that before they start their performance. Where were you? Lost in your own thought? About him?”

“Reina! Stop it! There is nothing between us. You better not say anything like that ever again, especially in front of the boys. I was just… wasn’t listening. That’s all,” she said, warning her friend to stop her speculation even though she knew the truth was already caught by Reina.

As they were arguing, the judges stood up and walked towards the boys. They stopped their argument when the both of them heard laughter and hails of joy from the boys’ direction. Yoon Jae quickly swirled her head towards the stage and saw her baby brother put up a thumb up to her and grinned widely.

“Noona, we made it,” Hyung Jun shouted across the room.

She searched for Hyun Joong and saw him at the side smiling at her and gave her a little nod which made her heart flutter and her cheek flushed. She could feel the hotness rise and before the boys came over to them, she grabbed Reina and dragged her out of the café.

“Why are waiting outside?” Reina asked her when they were finally out of the café.

“Mmmm…I…My mother said that I am supposed to meet someone here. He can’t see me if I’m inside there, right?” she gave her excuse, thanking her mother for the reason in silent.

“But do you know who he is?”

Han Yoon Jae shook her head. She really has no idea who was actually supposed to meet her. “She just told me to keep an eye on my surroundings. You don’t think she’ll match me up with a weirdo or a psycho, would she?”

“I don’t think so, but Yoon Jae ah…I think the guy behind you, nine o’clock, is rather suspicious. Ever since we came out here, he kept taking pictures of us or you.”

Her eye widen when she heard that. Slowly, trying to be oblivious, she made a gesture with her hand towards the direction Reina had mentioned for confirmation. Seeing Reina nodded, she quickly turned her head to face the person.

Seeing her looking straight at him, the person behind the camera took his last shot before slowly lowering down the camera. She watched him closely, feeling the familiarity of the person swept over her as though she had known him from before. Going through her memories, she searched for the familiarity when it finally hit her.

“Gong Ji Cheol oppa? Is that you?”

The person smiled and open up both his hands towards her. Seeing him confirming her guess, she ran straight towards him, right into his arms.

“Gong Ji Cheol oppa! It’s really you! I miss you so much!!”

She didn’t even notice the scene has been witnessed by 5 other people other than Reina.

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KimSasaeng #1
seems interesting
Chapter 6: oh i like this. it is good ! i like the characters. they feel so real to me !
KHJ7777 #3
Love it...!! ^^
wahahah.. NICE ENDING!!
mecheko #6
Thank you for reading and commenting. and thank you for liking it...i made this to be intimate because i feel that yoonjae is more mature so, she would absolutely want hyun joong to be intimate with her right? not like Love Like This, where their love is more like school children...hahaha....
ahh.. love ur story,,and i just finished it.. *happy ending* ^o^
Betrayal #8
This fic is interesting too. I really like your fanfics !
YunhoRulz #9
LOL, aww... this fic has come to an end ><"<br />
i really liked this fic ^^ and i was about to comment a while ago, but with all the assignments in school *shakes head*<br />
oh and nope, i haven't watched WGM yet ><" <br />
haven't been able to watch anything these days *sighs*<br />
anyways, this was a very enjoyable and quite a intimate fanfic between hyun joong and yoonjae :)
mecheko #10
@YunhoRulz - yup..the ending is more chapter left. expect the unexpected. the four kids thing? he mentioned that in some variety shows like strong heart and intimate note about it. so, have you watched WGM?<br />
<br />
Readers - i am sorry that i took such a long time to update...semester has started and i'm really busy. even weekends are full with activity. the writing part was not the difficult part...but finding time to write is. but bare with me...just one more episode to go and the fiction is complete.