A New View

A Song Calling For You

Yoon Jae was inside her room that she shared with 2 other postgraduate students, sitting in front of her computer, downloading the exercises from the two groups of students she tutored for her supervisor’s class. She was free of any classes today, the ones she had to tutor and her own. Thus she took the time to assess the work of her students. While in the middle of assessing the first group, she heard a knock on the door. Since she was alone in the room, instead of going up to the door to open it, she just spoke aloud from her seat, “Come in.”

Keeping an eye on the door, she was a bit shocked to see the person coming in was actually her own supervisor, Associate Professor Dr Lee Kyu Man. Standing up and bowed to her supervisor, “Annyeong Dr.” She walked to the front and took her roommates chair for her supervisor, sitting back at her own seat once her supervisor has seated in front of her.

“Yes Dr Lee…is there anything I can help you with?”

“Oh, it’s nothing Ms Han. I just came to ask you about your classes. How’s class? Everything okay?”

Why? Did the students complaint to him about me?’ she questioned herself, feeling a bit cautious about the sudden visit from her supervisor asking of her class.

“Well, it’s only been the first class. Well, so far, everything is okay. Why?”

Her supervisor smiled at her, “No problem at all? With the students too?”

She eyed at her supervisor, ‘This is utterly suspicious…Why does he kept on asking about the classes? Should I tell him the truth?

“Well, I do stumble upon a rude student in class. For Audio Mixing. Did he complaint about me? I didn’t do anything to him, really.”

Dr Lee just smile at her sudden remark, “Kim Hyun Joong-sshi?”

Hearing the name coming out from the supervisor’s lips stunned her. ‘He really did complaint about me. About what? I just nudged him with the pencil and file. I didn’t even yell at him for his rude behavior.

She nodded her head slowly, still cautiously eyeing her supervisor, bracing herself for the scolding that she assumed would came her way.

“He can really be a pain, isn’t he? You are not the first person to complaint to me about his behavior. What did he do? Sleep in class? Ignoring you? Or staring at you? Other lecturers have told me about him. But normally it was only on their first impression. By the end of the semester, all those complaints would become praises. Being the head of the department, I think I should inform you about him, so you would understand him more.”

“I’m not the first? Other lecturers as well?”

He smiled again and nodded, “Yes. You see, he is actually a scholarship student awarded by the University and let me tell you this…he is a very bright student and a creative musician. You will see my meaning as the class progress. He’s actually not rude. It’s just how he is. About sleeping in class, I know it’s hard to tolerate with that attitude, but he’s actually absorbing all the information during that state. Another reason was because he worked part-time for his living expenses. The scholarship he received only caters for the education fee.”

The explanation that came from her supervisor about the boy was actually shocking to her. She never heard about someone studying while sleeping. If even the head of department could tolerate with him, then probably she could do so as well but she really hates people ignoring her like that. ‘It’s really, really rude,’ she grumbled to herself inside but smiling and nodding of understanding on the outside.

“I’ll try not to take his action into heart next time around since you have cleared up his attitude for him to me, Dr.”

“Oh, I’m not doing it for him. I just don’t want to hear the same complaint every time the new semester start. The other lecturers already knew about him but you are still new here so I better tip you off. Well, carry on with your work and about your Master’s proposal, I expect to see them on my table by early next week,” said her supervisor whilst getting up, ready to leave.

She got up as well and bowed again, ushering her supervisor out of the room. After he left, she made her way back towards her table. Pondering about what was told to her moments ago, she quickly scanned the lists of exercise answers she had received in her email. Coming on the specific name she looked for, she started to download the exercise. Seconds later, once the downloaded process has completed, she opened the file and started to check the answers. She was surprised to see that, that particular person got almost of the questions right. Even the wrong answer was practically logical and acceptable if it was set in a different scenario.

He did this in just a few minutes time? While I was making my rounds? I am pretty sure he slept most of the time in the class. I guess he really is smart. But his attitude…arrgghhh!’ Han Yoon Jae cried unsatisfiedly within herself though she was pretty impressed with the work submitted by the boy.

“We’ll see how he does in next week’s class.”

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KimSasaeng #1
seems interesting
Chapter 6: oh i like this. it is good ! i like the characters. they feel so real to me !
KHJ7777 #3
Love it...!! ^^
wahahah.. NICE ENDING!!
mecheko #6
Thank you for reading and commenting. and thank you for liking it...i made this to be intimate because i feel that yoonjae is more mature so, she would absolutely want hyun joong to be intimate with her right? not like Love Like This, where their love is more like school children...hahaha....
ahh.. love ur story,,and i just finished it.. *happy ending* ^o^
Betrayal #8
This fic is interesting too. I really like your fanfics !
YunhoRulz #9
LOL, aww... this fic has come to an end ><"<br />
i really liked this fic ^^ and i was about to comment a while ago, but with all the assignments in school *shakes head*<br />
oh and nope, i haven't watched WGM yet ><" <br />
haven't been able to watch anything these days *sighs*<br />
anyways, this was a very enjoyable and quite a intimate fanfic between hyun joong and yoonjae :)
mecheko #10
@YunhoRulz - yup..the ending is near...one more chapter left. expect the unexpected. the four kids thing? he mentioned that in some variety shows like strong heart and intimate note about it. so, have you watched WGM?<br />
<br />
Readers - i am sorry that i took such a long time to update...semester has started and i'm really busy. even weekends are full with activity. the writing part was not the difficult part...but finding time to write is. but bare with me...just one more episode to go and the fiction is complete.