The Cat Is Out

A Song Calling For You

Hyung, noona. 

Those two words that he heard out of the blue froze him.  He was stiff like a statue. A kissing statue as his lips was still on the neck of his girlfriend beneath him.  He can’t move.  His eyes bulged open and his mind went blank.  He stayed in that position for what he thought was eternity.  Until he heard the whisper from his girlfriend, “Hyun Joong…get off.”

Even hearing that, his body couldn’t respond to it as quickly as he wanted to and he was shoved away to the side by the girl below him.  That act startled him and got his brain to work again as his first reaction was towards the pain on the back of his head as he knocked onto the coffee table’s leg.


“Kwenchana?  Hyun Joong ah…kwenchana?”

Rubbing his head, he gave a light nod and his face all wrinkled up as he tried to bear the pain.  He felt another hand on the back of his head where the throbbing pain was and he looked up to see the panic stricken look on Han Yoon Jae’s face.


“Ye…kwenchana…I can’t believe you are that strong to pushed me aside that hard.  Have been lifting weight?  I wonder what the result would be if we wrestled.”

“Eeewww…I’m getting images in my head.”

That sentence made the both of them turned their heads to the person leaning by the kitchen counter, looking directly at them.

“Park Jung Min…”

He heard the name came out from his girlfriend’s mouth.

Of course it would be him.  No need to say his name, I know who he is. When thing like this happen in mangas, normally it would turned out to be a family member.  If it were some other guy…then, that is another issue.

He slowly stood and pulled up Han Yoon Jae so that she would stand next to him as he slid his hand around her waist, facing Jung Min.

“Hi…did you make an appointment?” he asked, gripping tight at Yoon Jae’s waist as he felt her hand trying to release it.

Jung Min stared at him in disbelieve and chuckled, “I need an appointment to see my sister?”

“Sure.  It’s impolite to crash into someone’s house.  They may be busy with something.”

“Huh…like what you are doing to my sister?”

“Something like that…”

“So, should I ask what exactly you are doing to her or you would like to explain it to me?”

“Well, actually I was kissing her neck and was about to….oucch!”

He stopped abruptly as the strong nudge at his ribs made his brain to process that he was in pain and reacted to it.  His gaze trailed to the side, at Yoon Jae who was clearly glaring angrily at him. 

“Do you have to tell everything to him?”

“What? He asked.”

“And you just have to answer?”

“It’s wrong?  Sorry.  Mianhe Jung Min ah…I’ll tell you when it is just the two of us.”

“No thanks hyung…that is my sister you’re making out with.  It’s gross enough to see you two in action.  I don’t need to fill my imagination with the other thing you did,” claimed Jung Min with an uncomfortable look on his face.

“Well, you did ask…” Hyun Joong’s voice trailed on.

“Stop!  So, Minnie ah…what are you doing here?” Yoon Jae asked, finally able to release herself from his hands and walked over to Jung Min, pretending nothing had happen.

Park Jung Min gave his sister a hug and a peck on the cheek before answering, “I thought of giving you a surprise and taking you out shopping?”


“Yes.  What is so wrong about me taking my sister out and treat her?”

Hyun Joong having being left alone at the living room and heard the conversations between the two siblings, made his way to the kitchen as well.

“I’m taking her out for lunch,” he stated.

Jung Min stared at him,”You guys hadn’t had your lunch?  It’s already nearly 3.”

“Well, someone wake up really late today.”

“And you know this, why?”

“Because I was here.  Waiting for her to get up and to make sure she’s okay.”

“Make sure she’s okay?  What did you guys do yesterday?  No!  Don’t answer it.  Too much information!!” shouted Jung Min, closing his ears with his hands.

Yoon Jae hastily went over to Hyun Joong’s side and whispered a warning to him, “Don’t tell him anything about what happened yesterday night and do not show him the video, arasso?  If you do, I’m not going to see you for two weeks!”

Hearing the heed of warning, he gave a slight nod.  ‘Two weeks?  That is so harsh…and I can’t even contain myself not seeing her for a week…

Yoon Jae flicked his brother’s forehead, “Nothing happen.  Stop thinking stuff.  Now, tell me the real reason.  You will only treat me when you want something out of me.  Spill!”

“Hehehe…noona, you know me so well but right now, I don’t think I need to bribe you anymore,” grinned Jung Min wickedly.

“And why is that?”

“Because I have your secret too…and I can use it now to blackmail you.”

“Like I care…” Hyun Joong gruntled.

“If you don’t care, what’s with the hush, hush…and not even telling me, your own brother,” said Jung Min looking from Hyun Joong to Yoon Jae.

“I will…in a few more weeks.  You know he’s my student right?  I wanted to wait until the result were out and he officially no longer my student.”

“What a lame excuse…” snorted Jung Min.

“I know.  That was what I told her,” agreed Hyun Joong, hi-fived with Jung Min.

“So, really…how long did you two becoming this?” asked Jung Min seriously at his sister.

“I guess, 4 months ago.”

“You fell for him after meeting him in class or after meeting him during our band practice?”

“Why should I tell you?”

“I’m curious.  That first practice, you don’t seem that close.”

“A few weeks after that,” butted Hyun Joong.

Yoon Jae sighed, “Enough about our relationship.  Now tell me what exactly you want?”

“Aah…well, you know mom…she wanted me to meet her friend’s daughter.  I hate it that she kept asking me to these blind dates. So I want you to cancel it on my behalf.  Tell her you wanted me to do something for you.”

“Like that would stop her.  She’ll keep making the appointment, you know.  But, I know what you mean.  Remember Gong Ji Cheol oppa?  That’s her as well.”

Hyun Joong listened tentatively as the two brother and sister grumbled about the dates they had to go planned by their mother.  And when Gong Ji Cheol’s name popped into the conversation, he felt a little sting of jealousy.

“Noona…I don’t want you to go to those blind dates anymore.  Let’s meet your mother,” he suddenly mouthed out his idea.

“WHAT?” both siblings uttered the same exclamation of surprise.

“Hyung, are you serious?”

“Hyun Joong…do you understand what you’re saying?”

He looked at them questioningly.  ‘How can I not understand what I just said?  It came out from my mouth and my brain did the words arrangement.  These two are weird.

“De…wae?” he answered uninterestedly.

“Hyun Joong ah, you have 1 more year to graduate and it’s not like I want to get married now,” argued Yoon Jae.

“I’m not saying that I want to meet them to ask for your hand in marriage.  I just want them to know that you’re already in a relationship with me so they don’t have to find anyone else.  We’ll get married when our relationship has matured.”

“Relationship has matured?” Yoon Jae asked, confused by the choice of word he used.

“De…when it’s ready to go for the next level.”

Hyun Joong saw the exchange of look between the two in front of him and he was more confused than he was before when they suddenly broke out laughing.  ‘What is wrong with this family?  I’m not making any jokes and they are laughing like this.’

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KimSasaeng #1
seems interesting
Chapter 6: oh i like this. it is good ! i like the characters. they feel so real to me !
KHJ7777 #3
Love it...!! ^^
wahahah.. NICE ENDING!!
mecheko #6
Thank you for reading and commenting. and thank you for liking it...i made this to be intimate because i feel that yoonjae is more mature so, she would absolutely want hyun joong to be intimate with her right? not like Love Like This, where their love is more like school children...hahaha....
ahh.. love ur story,,and i just finished it.. *happy ending* ^o^
Betrayal #8
This fic is interesting too. I really like your fanfics !
YunhoRulz #9
LOL, aww... this fic has come to an end ><"<br />
i really liked this fic ^^ and i was about to comment a while ago, but with all the assignments in school *shakes head*<br />
oh and nope, i haven't watched WGM yet ><" <br />
haven't been able to watch anything these days *sighs*<br />
anyways, this was a very enjoyable and quite a intimate fanfic between hyun joong and yoonjae :)
mecheko #10
@YunhoRulz - yup..the ending is more chapter left. expect the unexpected. the four kids thing? he mentioned that in some variety shows like strong heart and intimate note about it. so, have you watched WGM?<br />
<br />
Readers - i am sorry that i took such a long time to update...semester has started and i'm really busy. even weekends are full with activity. the writing part was not the difficult part...but finding time to write is. but bare with me...just one more episode to go and the fiction is complete.