Chapter 34 - Oshima Yuko

Underneath the Spring Colored Sky

I run after Josh and Atsuko as they go into the café. I laugh at the fact that this is something that I probably would have done.

“Wow…” Atsuko says. “This place feels…”

“Great?” Josh smiles.

“It seems like a better place than the library.”

Josh laughs. “Follow me.”

Josh goes to a table and Atsuko and I follow.

“Don’t ever go to the library.” Josh says.

Atsuko’s eyes widen. “Why?”

“Because it’s boring!” Josh says.

I snort and I’m glad that this place is loud enough to keep Atsuko out of paranoid mode. He’s like the blonde-haired, green-eyed version of me. He’s not that much taller than Atsuko but I still approve.

Atsuko giggles. “You remind me so much of my friend.”

“Really?” Josh’s eyes light up. “You should introduce me to her sometime.”

Atsuko looks down at the table. “I can’t actually.”


“She’s dead.”

Josh is silent. “I’m sorry. That was insensitive of me.”

“It’s fine.” Atsuko looks up but with some tears in her eyes. “You didn’t know.”

Josh smiles. “So, what is your major?”

“English with an emphasis on World Literature.” Atsuko says.

“Fascinating.” Josh says.


“History with an emphasis on World History”

Atsuko’s eyes widen. “That was my friend’s favorite subject!”

“Seems like she and I would have gotten along.” Josh winks.

We really would have. I would have majored in History as well.

The two of them stay there and talk. I look over at the baristas and they seem annoyed that they haven’t at least bought a cup of coffee. They talked about high school and their classmates for about an hour. It’s really nice to see Atsuko like this again.


“I’m sorry.” Atsuko takes out her phone. I lean in to see what the message says. Good thing she can’t see me being nosy right now.

Who is that cute guy?! Tomo sent.

Oh, you know. Just someone. Atsuko sends back.

Haha! Seems like you two are hitting it off.

Then don’t bother me!

“I’m so sorry. My friends are here, spying on us.” Atsuko looks around. “I think they’re jealous.”

“Then I’ll give them something to be jealous about.” Josh smiles.

Josh leans forward and kisses Atsuko on the lips.

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DONE! Sorry, it took so long.


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algaiaknight #1
Chapter 41: OMG...this is so you need to do more stories...i admit that where there's part there is monster it's quite scary ahaha...I just love Yuko & Atsuko friendship if I can imagine this is real...if only this can be make in drama with our Yuko & Atsuko star in it eh ahaha...keep up the good work =)
Chapter 41: Such a good story...... starts crying..... since it's hard to find good akb fics here, its amazing how awesome this is...... sob sob... Yuko..... Even on sites with lots of AKB fics, its unlikely to find a Atsuyuu(not sure if this has a pairing, but it's basically Atsuko and Yuko) fic that's really touching like this
soshifx #3
Chapter 22: Toby.......
Thank you for subscribing everyone! It really means a lot. :)
Your Chapters are really scary. especialLy the monster thing.

I wonder now if that was true ?
@Author - san . : I've read it . I really hope you wouldn't make Yuko die ... :'(
The story will primarily focus on Atsuko and Yuko's friendship. I don't want to talk about Minami yet because it might spoil the story. ;)
Author - san . Is this Story going to be a gender bender ? like Atsuko & Yuko or Takacchan .. ? just asking . :)
Kyaaa ~ I love this story so far. It's really interesting. owh. I love History . :) I hate Math but not that much . :D

Cute AtsuYuu ! You're a great writer.

I guess you're an American . Your English was flawless, even your

grammar was correct . As expected from a great writer .

Keep it up .~ Please update more ~ :D
Please Update this . I'm a big fan of Atsuko and Yuko - chan !