Chapter 12 - Oshima Yuko

Underneath the Spring Colored Sky

Dad is home. The shouting is starting. Their shouts seem to gain hatred every night they fight.

It just occurred to me, why haven’t I asked them to stop and think about it? Why not ask them to sit down and talk?

So instead of going to my room, I go to the living room where the fight is taking place. My mom and dad both have the same look. Their eyes are full of anger. Their mouths snarl with hatred. If I have anything to console myself, at least they haven’t resorted to violence…yet.

“Um…” I say. Say it, Yuko! There’s still a chance. Maybe you can save it.

“What?!” My mom’s voice is full of anger and I stagger back trying to hold in my shock.

“Why don’t you just sit down and talk about it?” I say.

“Kids should out!” My dad shoves me out the doorway. I fall to the floor. What just happened?

“We’re beyond talking.” I’m not sure if I heard that right. If I have asked earlier, would it have made it better? Would I be on the floor, too shocked to register any pain that I might have?

I get up and start crying. My parents don’t notice. They’re too busy, too selfish to notice that I’m hurt. I go upstairs and put on a black jacket and black pants. I put on my shoes and take my phone and leave the door.

I try to call Atsuko. “Hey,” She says.

“Atsuko! I-“

“Sorry, I can’t get to the phone right now. Just leave a message and I’ll get back to you.” The voicemail? What is she doing?

I try again and again and each time I get her voicemail. I give up on calling and so I text her instead.

Can I stay with you tonight?

I doubt that she’ll reply right away. So I decide to go to downtown.


I wander downtown aimlessly. It seems like an hour has passed but when I check it’s only been 10 minutes. I’m still waiting for Atsuko’s text, call, anything.

The streets are poorly lighted. I don't know if it's to help preserve the history of the area or something else. I see a café across the street. Maybe having a nice hot chocolate will cheer me up tonight. As I begin to cross the street, I hear a honk.

When I turn, I see two blinding lights heading towards me and–


Chapters 11, 12, and 13 were supposed to come out this morning but I had writers block. Sorry, about that.

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DONE! Sorry, it took so long.


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algaiaknight #1
Chapter 41: OMG...this is so you need to do more stories...i admit that where there's part there is monster it's quite scary ahaha...I just love Yuko & Atsuko friendship if I can imagine this is real...if only this can be make in drama with our Yuko & Atsuko star in it eh ahaha...keep up the good work =)
Chapter 41: Such a good story...... starts crying..... since it's hard to find good akb fics here, its amazing how awesome this is...... sob sob... Yuko..... Even on sites with lots of AKB fics, its unlikely to find a Atsuyuu(not sure if this has a pairing, but it's basically Atsuko and Yuko) fic that's really touching like this
soshifx #3
Chapter 22: Toby.......
Thank you for subscribing everyone! It really means a lot. :)
Your Chapters are really scary. especialLy the monster thing.

I wonder now if that was true ?
@Author - san . : I've read it . I really hope you wouldn't make Yuko die ... :'(
The story will primarily focus on Atsuko and Yuko's friendship. I don't want to talk about Minami yet because it might spoil the story. ;)
Author - san . Is this Story going to be a gender bender ? like Atsuko & Yuko or Takacchan .. ? just asking . :)
Kyaaa ~ I love this story so far. It's really interesting. owh. I love History . :) I hate Math but not that much . :D

Cute AtsuYuu ! You're a great writer.

I guess you're an American . Your English was flawless, even your

grammar was correct . As expected from a great writer .

Keep it up .~ Please update more ~ :D
Please Update this . I'm a big fan of Atsuko and Yuko - chan !