Chapter 10 - Oshima Yuko

Underneath the Spring Colored Sky

A surprise? For me? I see Minami, Tomochin, and Chiyuu smiling wide.

“We've noticed that you haven’t been very happy lately.” Minami says.

Chiyuu folds her hands into a fist and lifts up under her chin, as cute as always. “So we decided to make you a dinner!”

“Forget what's bothering you for now. Just have fun tonight!” Tomochin smiles.

I let my tears flow. “Thank you.” I say trying to hold back my tears.

“Aww,” Minami, Tomochin and Chiyuu hug me and I can’t hold back my tears anymore.

“Don’t worry.” I let go of the hug and see Atsuko. Atsuko whispers into my ears. “We’re still here. We’ll help you get through this.” Judging by her whsipers, I guess she hasn’t told them. I don’t know whether to feel relieved or disappointed.

We go sit at Chiyuu’s table and have dinner. It’s the seafood fettuccine covered in a white cream sauce: the first meal that I had with Atsuko. I  talk to Tomochin and she tells me that she’d prefer it if I call her Tomo. I always thought that Tomochin suited her. Her chin is very nice.

Chiyuu and Minami told me how they planned this surprise during lunch. Minami told me how she thought of a surprise party but Atsuko thought it was too much. Atsuko said that she felt that a dinner would be better. Good choice. I don’t think I would have been ready for a party.

Tomo told me how Minami was supposed to decorate the room but ended up helping in the kitchen. Turns out that Minami was more helpful then what Tomo and Chiyuu thought.

“Thanks for the dinner.” I tell everyone. I gather the dishes and start my trek to the kitchen.

“Just leave them.” Chiyuu says. “Tomo and I will wash it.”

Even if I have changed over the few weeks, my hatred for washing the dishes still hasn’t changed. I toss the dishes into the sink. “Okay!”


“Thanks for the ride.” I say to Atsuko.

“Remember if you need anything, call me.” Atsuko says. I smile and nod. She pulls away from the driveway. Before she goes ahead she waves at me and I wave back.

I go to the door, and up to my room. It wasn’t until I lay in my bed that I remember the word: divorce.

I try to ignore the tears in my eyes and fall asleep.

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DONE! Sorry, it took so long.


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algaiaknight #1
Chapter 41: OMG...this is so you need to do more stories...i admit that where there's part there is monster it's quite scary ahaha...I just love Yuko & Atsuko friendship if I can imagine this is real...if only this can be make in drama with our Yuko & Atsuko star in it eh ahaha...keep up the good work =)
Chapter 41: Such a good story...... starts crying..... since it's hard to find good akb fics here, its amazing how awesome this is...... sob sob... Yuko..... Even on sites with lots of AKB fics, its unlikely to find a Atsuyuu(not sure if this has a pairing, but it's basically Atsuko and Yuko) fic that's really touching like this
soshifx #3
Chapter 22: Toby.......
Thank you for subscribing everyone! It really means a lot. :)
Your Chapters are really scary. especialLy the monster thing.

I wonder now if that was true ?
@Author - san . : I've read it . I really hope you wouldn't make Yuko die ... :'(
The story will primarily focus on Atsuko and Yuko's friendship. I don't want to talk about Minami yet because it might spoil the story. ;)
Author - san . Is this Story going to be a gender bender ? like Atsuko & Yuko or Takacchan .. ? just asking . :)
Kyaaa ~ I love this story so far. It's really interesting. owh. I love History . :) I hate Math but not that much . :D

Cute AtsuYuu ! You're a great writer.

I guess you're an American . Your English was flawless, even your

grammar was correct . As expected from a great writer .

Keep it up .~ Please update more ~ :D
Please Update this . I'm a big fan of Atsuko and Yuko - chan !