No complications allowed

Mistaken Love

Your point of view

Our conversation:

"Hey Yeon Hee, how's it going today? Was rest day fun for you? What did you do?"


"Oh, hello! I'm good today. It's been relaxing... great day to go to the park, so I'm at the park enjoying myself."

Was I too bright and happy? o.0"

"Really? That's nice. Did you go to the park alone?"

Oh... Why oh why did I tell him my whereabouts? It's not like I really know him. Lee Yeon Hee ah Lee Yeon Hee, don't mess up your own mind.



"Who's that you're texting?" Eun Young asked you.

"Uh.. no one important."


Why? If I told you I was, you'd come? [you groaned inwardly] Lee Yeon Hee! He's a celebrity. Why would he spend his free time with you, stupid.

"Yes, the weather's just fantastic! No, I am with a friend. We like lazing around together!"

. That was too much information. 'like lazing around together' what the heck was that Lee Yeon Hee?!

"Ah I see. Who's that friend? Are you on a date? Haha"

What!? ... ... ... ... ... now what am I gonna reply to this!?



"Yah, I don't think that was nobody. You're not paying attention to a word I'm telling you about that new doctor!" Eun Young made a face at you as she complained about your lack of attentiveness.

"Oh.. Eun Young-ah, it's not anything. I heard you! You said the new doctor was handsome and looked like he was rich."

What should I say?

"[tsk] Hee-ah, that's rubbish! Since when did I say he looked rich?" Eun Young's brows were raised as she looked at you unhappily. "Hey. I'm not such a superficial girl, y'know? You are really not paying attention to me--"

Wait. Why is he so nosey? It's not like it's his business if I'm on a date or not. Pfft. Nosey man, do we know each other well at all?

"YAH! See! You are losing focus again!"


"Okay, spill! Who is this person you're texting? Anyone I know? [gasp] Is it that guy that always talks to you when you return from sending documents?"


"Don't act blur, Hee-ah. He's obviously so into you! [grins]"

But he does "know me"... It's just that he doesn't know that I am not the "me" that he thinks he knows.


"No way! I don't even have a boyfriend... why did you even--"

Argh. No, that sounds like I'm over reacting.

You deleted the text and started on a new one.

"My friend? Date? Oh no, you're mistaken! My friend's a girl! It's a her! So, nope! Not on a date! Haha!"

Okay, I sound retarded in this one. Everything ends with an exclamation mark! Omg, no. This isn't it.

You deleted this text and started over again.



"Earth to Lee Yeon Hee!"

"Huh? What were you sa--"

! I pressed send! Oh. .

"No no! I'm not on a date! What made you think so? I'm just with a girl friend. I've not seen her for a while, so we went out today..."

That sounded a little defensive. It makes me look like I'm declaring my singlehood to him, tsk. Aish!

"Eun Young! I was texting! You made me send a wrong one out!" You grumbled to your friend, who is, by now, propped up on her elbows beside you and staring at your face intensively.

"What? Why are you scrutinising me?"



[Beep] 1 Message received.

"You look funny, Hee-ah. Something's fishy here. What's up now? Who. Is. That."

You gulped your saliva as you realised that Eun Young is on to the situation...

Situation? no, wait, why is this a 'situation'?

"Maybe you should check your phone?" Eun Young nodded to your phone.

"Um. Okay..."



Message from Yang Seungho-ssi:
"Chill! I was kidding! It's nice to go out to meet friends. Maybe we can hang out and catch up some time when there's a rest day again too.. right?"

Chill!? Aish I knew it. Damn stupid finger how could you just press send when your good friend y'know the brain up there in the head isn't done thinking through the reply yet huh huh huh!?

"So!" You jumped from Eun Young's voice at your ear. "THIS is the person huh!?"

You stared at Eun Young in shock. When on earth did she come so near to me!? She can totally be spy... so stealthy, omg.

"So? Aren't you gonna explain?" Eun Young raised a brow at you.

"Um... there's nothing..."

"Aren't you gonna reply to that?" She asked.

"Well, yeah I--"

Your eyes widen in surprise as Eun Young transformed into an agile thing and snatched your phone, typed something, and throw back your phone to you all in a matter of a few seconds.


"Hahahahahahah! What do you mean what I'm doing? I'm just helping you make a reply! Hahahahaha go on and see what YOU have said!"

You glared at her as you flipped your phone upright and looked at the screen.

"Yeah, I suppose. That'll be nice since we've not met for a long time. Next time then! Haha"

What's with this happy tone!?

"Yah how could you! Next time? Next time? What next time are you talking about!? Next time, what rubbish! Lee Eun Young, you're--"

"Hey hey hey, woah. Calm down, girl. He's asking you for a chance to hang out! Don't you get it? Are you dumb?"

"He is not! Where the heck did you read that huh?"

"He. Totally. Is. Okay. He's testing to see if you're attached!"

"No, he isn't! Stop this rubbish! You idiot! You... You... You've ruined my reputation!"

"Huh? Reputation? Hee-ah, just read his messages and you'll see what I mean, I mean he's like--"

[Beep] 1 Message received.

Both of you stopped bickering and stared at the phone in your hand.

"Go on. Read his reply!"

You opened the text. "Yeah, next time. That's a promise, eh? Hehe. Alrighty, enjoy your rest day!"

"Just say 'Ok' to him."

"Okay, you too!" You typed and sent out.

He's so going to think I'm a weirdo who's interested in him.

Your eyes widened slightly at the thought.

Woah slow down a bit, Lee Yeon Hee. What do you mean by interested in him? HIM! You are not going to be interested in anybody. Earn the money, pay the hospital bills, save enough for your last year at college, and don't make things complicated.



Author's Corner


Here's a cute Yang-Leader for you ^^v

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The conversation refused to be interesting. It just sounded awkward. So I fastforwarded and scraped ALL that I wrote :( -cries-


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Dalily #1
hi,,i really hope you can update soon..i miss you so much.. =)
abdb923 #2
Chapter 19: oh wow a kiss. :O this is getting good. update soon
Tabi0411 #3
Chapter 19: Seungho thought she wam im yeon hee right??aww
Chapter 19: Wait I'm confused so Seungho did know her when she was a kid but, i thought they had never met...-_- help me
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Dalily #6
Chapter 18: hey,,new reader here..great story n hope you will update soon..!!
abdb923 #7
finally caught up after some distractions. Talking about fate :O Great story, update soon! ^_^
abdb923 #8
WAHHH?! I just read the forwards and me/you/Yeon Hee has the same birthday as me, I'm just born in '89 instead of '88! Awesome, now to read everything :D
Oh the confusion! I hope she gets out of it okay. ><
NessaLarin #10
Hahahaha....Loved the pic story!