A Matoki Love

The ride to school was silent, only the sound of the engine running could be heard. Zelo and Jongup were looking out the window watching the buildings and plants go by, Daehyun was sleeping his head leaning back as he was in the middle of the seat, Himchan who sat at the front with ________'s mum was looking at a mirror, fixing his hair every few seconds. Yongguk was writing something in some sort of notebook, maybe plans to get off Earth? And Youngjae looked forward, daydreaming with a poker face. You and Jin Ne could feel the awkward tension and decided not to say anything looking back and forth at each other every once in awhile. For some reason because of the silence the ride to school felt longer than normal. Your mum kept looking back through the review mirror, sensing that something was wrong. After awhile she finally spoke out 

"Come on guys, this silence is killing me" Your mum laughed "Plus its the boys first day of school so you guys should be excited" she smiled softly though the review mirror. 

"Sorry misses Lee, We didn't mean to make things so awkward" Youngjae apologized. 

"Yeah, sorry to everyone else" Yongguk said and all the members nodded along. 

"It's alright, But another moment without saying anything I would've gone crazy" your mum said as she laughed. 

"Noona" Came a soft voice from behind you as you felt a poke to your shoulder. You turned your head to see Zelo leaning forward, face on the back of the chair. "I'm scared to go to school" He said softly. 

You smiled and reached out to pet his hair "It will be alright Zelo, Jin Ne and I will do our best to make sure you guys are okay, once you guys settle in it will be fine" You explained. Zelo gave a big smiled a nodded his head in happiness. As you turned you could see Youngjae trying to talk to Daehyun, he was still ignoring him because Youngjae hurt his feelings. You didn't know why he cared so much about 'daejae' but maybe it was important to him.Whenever Youngjae spoke Daehyun would slowly turn to his side, after a few tries Youngjae let out a soft sigh and stopped as he sat back into his chair. 

"Hey Jin Ne~" A playful voice came from the front as Himchan turned around to face Jin Ne.

"What?" She sharply replied. 

"I hope you can I are in many classes together" He said as he gave a wink.

"Don't count on it!" She said as she kicked the back of the chair. The force made Himchan jump in surprise and he gave a small pout as he turned back to face the front mumbling some words such as 'I just wanted to be with you' or 'Damn girl kicks so hard'. You smiled at the two arguing and somewhat hoped that those to would get along.The Car finally stopped in the car park and everyone thanked your mum and made their way out of the car.You thanked your mum and got out and closed the door behind you. The car drove away and everyone waved goodbye until it disappeared down the road. 

"Okay guys lets go" You said cheerfully. Everyone slowly made their way towards the school, you could see eyes of the other students looking at you and whispered a few things. You felt someone grab your arm and you turned to see that Zelo held onto you as he looked scared the further you guys went into the school, you smiled softly and allowed Zelo to do so.

"Hey! Jin Ne~ _______~" A voice called from the distance, You could see someone running towards you, it was still a bit far to work out who it was but Jin Ne knew who it was right away. 

"Minwoo!" She waved as she called out to her brother. Minwoo was finally in front of you guys and he bent over to catch his breath. Once he was done he quickly gave you and Jin Ne a quick hug. "Sorry I wasn't home for a few days" Jin Ne said as she broke the hug. 

"It was alright!" Minwoo smiled. He than noticed all the boys standing behind us and gave us a look telling us to introduce them. 

"Ah, Minwoo These are the foster kids my mum and I agreed to look after" You said as you introducded each one by one. "Guys, this is Minwoo Jin Ne's brother" You told as you pointed at Minwoo. 

"It's nice to meet you all!" He said as he bowed with a big smile, the boys awkwardly smiled and bowed back to Minwoo. 

"Minwoo doesn't look like you Jin Ne" Youngjae stated as he looked between both siblings. The other boys also just noticed as looked at them also. 

"Thats because his my step brother" Jin Ne said with a laugh "But no matter what he is my brother and I love him very much" She said as she ruffled Minwoos hair. Minwoo was whining about his hair getting messing you noticed that the boys were whispering between them so you asked what was wrong. 

"What's a step brother?" Jongup whispered. The others nodded along to his question. 

"Oh, its when one of your partents remarry and that person already has a child so it becomes step brother or sister depending on gender, that also goes for step mum or dad. Jin Ne's mum remarried and she already had Minwoo so they are not blood related. Tho step siblings tend not to get along Jin Ne and Minwoo are pretty close" You explained to them, The boys had an 'O' face when you explaned. It was a good thing that Jin Ne and Minwoo were busy mucking around to notice the conversation. 

"Oh. I get it now. Thank you" Jongup said. 

You guys contiuned to walk towards the building along with Minwoo. You guys entered through the big doors and into the main hall of the school. You could see some of the girls fawning over the boys as they stared with sparkles in their eyes. Half way through the hallway you could see the rest of Minwoo's group and you called out to them. 

"Hey guys!" You said, they all turned and greated you and Jin Ne. 

"Hey Minwoo, so that's where you ran off too" Youngmin said with a sad look on his face. Minwoo said sorry and walked to his side of the group. They patted his back and welcomed him as if he was gone for such along time. The boys stood awkwardly behind you and Jin Ne, listening to the conversation taking place, some were listening carefully to see what we said and how we acted. Himchan was in his own world and was looking around at the walls and some of the students that walked by, not caring about the convo that was happening. That is until he heard something that caught his attention, 

"Ah, Jeongmin oppa~" A playful voice said. Himchan's head turned right away as he heard that name being called. Jeongmin was smiling and was russling Jin Ne's hair as she laughed softly. Himchan noticed that Jin Ne's face was red and she was avoiding eye contact to Jeongmin. Himchan studyed him closer. He was a ted shorter than Himchan and had nice brown curls. Himchan was practically staring Jeongmin down as he contiuned to laugh along with Jin Ne. He didn't like it. It doesn't know why an doesn't care, he just didn't like it. So thats a Jeongmin. He thought to himself. Sensing that someone was staring at him Jeongmin looked up and noticed a tall guy with black hair staring at him, Jeongmin felt a shiver run though him as he looked a Himchan.He kinda looks like a psycho. After noticing that Jeongmin was looking at Himchan you introduced them. 

"Ohh Guys, This is the new students. My mum and I are fostering them for awhile" You explained. They all introduced each other and bowed. 

"It's nice to meet you all" Jeongmin said, The boys replied back but Himchan didn't say anything, he just kept staring at Jeongmin, Jeongmin started to feel uncomfortable and let out an awkward cough and backed away. 

"Well, we better get going" He said. They all bid their good byes and made their way to class. You and Jin Ne waved at them until they were out of sight. You remembered that you had to pick up the boys timetables. 

"Oh guys, I have to get your timetables so I'll be back, stay here I'll be quick" You said as you hurried off down the hall. Jin Ne was still red to the face and wasn't really paying attention. 

"Noona!" Zelo said. When she didn't replied he poked her "Noona?" 

"Oh! Zelo, yeah whats up?" Jin Ne snapped out of her trance. Himchan just qlanced at Jin Ne. 

"What's wrong, You went quiet ever since that pretty guy with curly hair came up and talked to you" Zelo said with a worried look. Before Jin Ne could say anything Himchan cut her off. 

"You like him" He said in his deep voice. it sounded more like a question then it did a statement. 

"N-NO!" Jin Ne shock her head. The boys didn't believe her a chuckled at her. Himchan tho didn't. 

"She has liked him ever since the first day of high school" You laughed as you came back to stand next to Jin Ne. Jin Ne punched you on the arm for what you said and you just laughed. 

"Here are your timetables. I didn't look at it so it can be a surprise!" You handed the timetable which each had one of the boys names onto it. They smiled and looked at it but the smile slowly faded as they stared at it with blank faces. You smiled and went up to himchan and lowered his timetable for all the boys to see. 

"Here is the period. there are 8 and each subject goes for 2" You pointed "This is the room number, first 3 letters of the teacher don't worry they will introduce you and that's the subject" You finished explaining. "The most important is the room number and subject so here it says that first Himchan is in MU1 and has music" Before you could say anything else you heard a gasp. Everyone looked out at Jin Ne and she stood there with wide eyes. 

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" She yelled. 

Hey all. 

Really sorry for not updating. 

Year 12 is...sigh...hard. haha...

but its chistmas holidays so I might update more!

i hope you all have a fun and safe christmas!! 

Hehe Himchannie is jealous at Jeongmin. 

Please mind the mistakes. its 1am so forgive me 

so enjoy! 

Love you all!!~ <3 

Don't forget to COMMENT and SUBCRIBE! 


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saranghaeBapOppa #1
Chapter 23: >3< omgggg i love iiit! HimChan has to end up as a couple with Jin Ne!!!! YoungJae Oppa! ♥♥♥
Chapter 23: welcome back author-nim ^^
Awww, jongup is so sweet...
lol himchan need to chill. he's getting jealous for no reason..haha...
update soon!! juseyo.
Update soon please! Jebaaaallll
Chapter 22: Aahh I wanna see them too live!!
Oh, how rude of those fans! At least stay quiet and respect them! Cuz it's.. B.A.P's, time~ *adventures time tune loll

Btw, Yongguk.. NO! O□O
You're evil~ YOU'RE A BADMAN~
Chapter 17: Like you are not one yourself! Ha! Eat that!
*Omg I'm sorry Himchan-sunbae! D':

Btw~ Youngjae is flirting in a.. smart way.
While you are not..
Btw I miss Governor Hyosung!! >v<
Chapter 15: Her- I mean.. 'my' mom is SO NICE!
Just imagine if her mom is ours.. *shudders ㅠvㅠ

Our moms would be like:
'WHAT??!! BOYS???!!!'

And so on.. ㅠwㅠ
Chapter 11: Omg. O□O
But the first thing when I saw that picture I immediately thought '. NOOOO!!!! MY EYES!!'
I thought it was photoshopped.. :'))

Btw~ So~ Himchan's falling for JinNe huuh?? :D
I really like.. okay. I just remembered that the main character doesn't have a name.
Uuh.. So.. I really like.. Me?? Oo.. My personality in this story! So nice, delicate, and mother-like!! XD
Chapter 5: I would die to find Matoki dolls lying around like that.. :'D